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《诗经》中英对照  推荐










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发表于 2008-3-2 09:15:46 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
<p>Shi Jing (Book of Odes)<br />&nbsp;Introduction<br />Chinese literature begins with ShiJing (Book of Odes), an anthology of songs, poems, and hymns. It consists of 311 poems (6 without text) dating from the Zhou Dynasty (1027-771 BC) to the Spring &amp; Autumn Period (770-476 BC). Geographically, these poems were collected from the area which is now central China and the lower HuangHe (Yellow River) Valley of north China where Chinese civilization began and flourished. The area covers what are today抯 ShanXi, Shan3Xi, ShanDong , HeNan, and HuBei provinces. <br />The collection is divided into four main sections:<br />1.&nbsp;GuoFeng (Lessons from the States): poems or folk songs from ordinary people. <br />2.&nbsp;XiaoYa (Minor Odes of the Kingdom): poems or songs concerning life of the nobility. <br />3.&nbsp;DaYa (Greater Odes of the Kingdom): poems or songs of praise of the rulers and their life. <br />4.&nbsp;Song (Odes of the Temple and the Altar): hymns written for religious ceremonies of the court. <br />In spite of the many interpretations and commentaries written generations later, ShiJing抯 influence on Chinese literature is overwhelming and undeniable by any one at any time. ShiJing not only lays the foundation for the formation of style and rules for Chinese classical poems, it is also frequently quoted in other canonical Chinese texts and has always been referred to as moral truth and lessons. It is no coincidence that the number of poems selected by Sun Zhu in 1763 for his popular 300 Tang Poems was an exact match with that of the ShiJing. This is just an example of how influential ShiJing is on Chinese literature even in the most trivial way. <br />oems collected in the anthology touch and reflect on all aspects of Chinese life at the time. Some describe emotion, feelings and situations of people from different classes of society, some report events and matters of state, some depict the harmonious rule of nature. There is record of about one hundred kinds of plants and trees and ninety kinds of animals and insects in ShiJing. Different kinds of musical instruments, metals, arms and munitions of war, buildings, clothing, food, etc. are frequently mentioned. Given the genuine and diverse nature of the poems collected in this anthology, in addition to its literary significance, ShiJing is a very valuable document for those who wish to seek insight into Chinese civilization and beyond. <br />ShiJing has been translated into English by a number of prominent scholars since 18th century. The translation we use here is by James Legge (1814-1897) and have substituted his transliteration of Chinese names with PinYin. <br />** This introduction is written by C. Ming Lung of Chiense Text Initiative. It is intended to providing some basic information on ShiJing to users, especially those who are new to this anthology. <br />A short bibliographies is provided here:<br />1.&nbsp;Wilt Idema and Lloyd Haft. A Guide to Chinese Literature, Ann Arbor: UMichigan Center for Chinese Studies, 1997 <br />2.&nbsp;Victor H. Mair, editor. The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature, New York: Columbia University, 1994 <br />3.&nbsp;W. McNaughton. The Book of Songs, New York: Twain, 1971 </p><p>*****************************</p><p>Translations:<br />1.&nbsp;Arthur Waley. The Book of Songs: Translated by Arthur Waley, Edited with Additional Translations by Joseph R. Allen, New York: Grove Press, 1996 <br />2.&nbsp;ShiJing: Translated by YunZhong Xu, Edited by ShengZhang Jiang, Hunan, China: Hu Nan Chu Ban She, 1993 <br />3.&nbsp;William Jennings. The Shi King: The Old "oetry Classic" of the Chinese, New York: Paragon Book, 1969 <br />4.&nbsp;Ezra Pound. The Classic Anthology Defined by Confucius, Cambridge: Harvard U Press, 1954 <br />5.&nbsp;Bernhard Karlgren. The Book of Odes, Stockholm: The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, 1950</p><p>Notes on Texts</p><p>Chinese text on this site is based on Shi Ji Zhuan by Zhu Xi. When a character is not found in the word processor we substituted with its synonym (TongYiZi or YiTiZi) after consulted CiHai and CiYuan. In very few cases when no character is available at all, the components of the character are displayed in a note at the end of the poem. <br />We did not place additional space between characters in the original text. Therefore, in order to make the line-wrap works for Chinese when viewing with Chinese software you still need to set fonts to Big5 on your Netscape or Microsoft Explorer browser. <br />________________________________________<br />Shi Jing [Book of Odes] <br />Anonymous</p><p><br />Creation of machine-readable version: Xuepen Sun and Xiaoqian Zheng, University of Virginia Chinese Text Initiative <br />Creation of digital images: <br />Conversion to TEI.2-conformant markup: Xuepen Sun and Xiaoqian Zheng, Universit y of Virginia Chinese Text Initiative <br />University of Virginia Library <br />Charlottesville, Virginia<br />Chinese, AnoShih<br />ublicly-accessible<br />URL: <a href="http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/chinese">http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/chinese</a> </p><p>1998<br />Chinese Text Initiative<br />Chinese characters which were not available in the Chinese word processor (NJSta r) were substituted with synonymous characters. <br />________________________________________<br />About the print version <br />Shi Ji Zhuan <br />Zhu Xi</p><p>Zhong Hua Xue Yi She <br />Shanghai<br />1936<br />Print copy consulted: in UVa Makiam collection<br />The English translation text was taken from The Chinese Classics, vol. 4 by Jame s Legge (1898) and checked against a reprinted edition by Wen Zhi Zhe chu pan sh e (Taiwan, 1971). Transliteration of Chinese names in the English translation we re converted to PinYin from Legge's own. <br />Prepared for the University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center. <br />The images exist as archived TIFF images, one or more JPEG versions for general use, and thumbnail GIFs.<br />Some keywords in the header are a local Electronic Text Center scheme to aid in establishing analytical groupings.</p><p>English Chinese <br />________________________________________<br />Revisions to the electronic version <br />August 1998<br />corrector Christine Ruotolo, Electronic Text Center Created TEI header; parsed text and fixed tagging errors. </p><p><a href="mailto:etextcenter@virginia.edu">etextcenter@virginia.edu</a> . Commercial use prohibited; all usage governed by our Conditions of Use: <a href="http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/conditions.html">http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/conditions.html</a> <br />________________________________________<br />詩集傳序<br />或有問予曰、詩何為而作也。予應之曰、人生而靜、 天之性也、感於物而動、 性之欲也 ?C夫既有欲矣、 則不能無思。 既有思矣、則不能無言。既有言矣、 則言之所不能盡、 爾?o於咨嗟詠歎之餘者、必有自然之音響節族﹙音奏﹚而不能已焉。 此詩之所以作也。曰、然則其所以教者何也。曰、詩者、人心之感物而形於言之餘也。心之所感而邪正、故言之所形有是非。惟聖人在上、則其所感者無不正、而其言皆足以為教。其或感之之雜、而所發不能無可擇者、則上之人必思所以自反、而因有以勸懲之、是亦所以為教也。昔周盛之時、 上?菢未q朝廷而下達於鄉黨閭巷、其言粹然而不出於正者、 聖人固已協之聲律、而用之鄉人、用之邦國、以化天下。至於列國之詩、則天子巡狩、亦必陳而觀之、 以行黜陟之典。降自?L穆而後、寖以陵夷。至於東遷、而遂廢不講矣。孔子生於其時、既不得位、無以行勸黜陟?妞F、於是特舉其籍而討論之、去其重複、正其紛亂、而其善之不足以為法、惡之不足以為?椌怴B則亦刊而去之、以從簡約、示久遠、使夫學者即是而有以考其得失、善者師之而惡者?鼤j。是以其正雖不足以行於一時、而其教實被於萬世、是則詩之所以為教者然也。曰、然?h國風雅頌之體、其不同若是、何也。曰、吾聞之、凡詩之所謂風者、多出於里巷歌謠之作?B所謂男女相與詠歌、各言其情者也。惟周南昭南親被文王之化以成德、而人皆有以得其性?﹞坏縑B故其發於言者、樂而不過於淫、哀而不及於傷、是以而篇獨為風詩之正經。自邶而?U、則其國之治亂不同、人之賢否亦異、其所感而發者、有邪正是非之不齊、而所謂先王之?楫怴B於此焉變矣。若夫雅頌之篇、則皆成周之世、朝廷郊廟樂歌之辭、其語和而莊、其義?e而密、其作者往往聖人之徒、固所以為萬師法程而不可易者也。至於雅之變者、亦皆一時?憭H君子、閔時病俗之所為、而聖人取之、其忠厚側怛之心、 陳善之意、尤非後世能言之士所能及之。此詩之為經、所以人事浹於天下、天道備於上、而無一理之不具也。曰、然則其學之也當奈何。曰、本之二南以求其端、參之列國以盡其變、正之於雅以大其規、和之於頌以要其止、此學詩之大旨也。於是乎章句以綱之、訓詁以紀之、諷詠以昌之、涵濡以體之、察之性情隱微之間、審之言行樞機之始、則修身及家、平均天下之道、 亦不待他求而得之?韟麂o。問者唯唯而退、余時方輯詩傳、因悉次是語以冠其篇云。<br />淳熙四年丁酉冬十月戊子、新安朱熹序<br />________________________________________<br />國風<br />(LESSONS FROM THE STATES)<br />國者、諸候所封之域、而風者、民俗歌謠之詩也。謂之風者、以其被上之化以有言、而其言又足以感人、如物因風之動以有聲、而其聲又足以動物也。是以諸候采之以貢於天子、天子受之而列於樂官、於以考其俗尚之美惡、而知其政治之得失焉。舊說二南為正風、所以用之閨門鄉黨邦國而化天下也。 十三國為變風、則亦領在樂官、以時存肄、備觀省而垂監戎耳?B合之凡十五國云。<br />周南&nbsp; (THE ODES OF ZHOU AND THE SOUTH)<br />1.&nbsp; 關睢&nbsp; GUAN SUI<br />關關雎鳩、在河之洲。<br />窈宨淑女、君子好逑。<br />參差荇菜、左右流之。<br />窈宨淑女、寤寐求之。<br />求之不得、寤寐思服。<br />悠哉悠哉、輾轉反側。<br />參差荇菜、左右采之。<br />窈宨淑女、琴瑟友之。<br />參差荇菜、左右芼之。<br />窈宨淑女、 鍾鼓樂之。<br />Guan-guan go the ospreys , <br />On the islet in the river . <br />The modest , retiring , virtuous , young lady : -- <br />For our prince a good mate she . <br />Here long , there short , is the duckweed , <br />To the left , to the right , borne about by the current . <br />The modest , retiring , virtuous , young lady : -- <br />Waking and sleeping , he sought her . <br />He sought her and found her not , <br />And waking and sleeping he thought about her . <br />Long he thought ; oh ! long and anxiously ; <br />On his side , on his back , he turned , and back again . <br />Here long , there short , is the duckweed ; <br />On the left , on the right , we gather it . <br />The modest , retiring , virtuous , young lady : -- <br />With lutes , small and large , let us give her friendly welcome . <br />Here long , there short , is the duckweed ; <br />On the left , on the right , we cook and present it . <br />The modest , retiring , virtuous , young lady : -- <br />With bells and drums let us show our delight in her . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>2.&nbsp; 葛覃&nbsp; GE TAN<br />葛之覃兮、施于中谷。<br />維葉萋萋、黃鳥于飛。<br />集于灌木、其鳴喈喈。<br />葛之覃兮、施于中谷。<br />維葉莫莫、是刈是濩。<br />為絺為綌、服之無斁。<br />言告師氏、言告言歸。<br />薄污我私、薄澣我衣。<br />害澣害否、歸寧父母 。<br />How the dolichos spread itself out , <br />Extending to the middle of the valley ! <br />Its leaves were luxuriant ; <br />The yellow birds flew about , <br />And collected on the thickly growing trees , <br />Their pleasant notes resounding far . <br />How the dolichos spread itself out , <br />Extending to the middle of the valley ! <br />Its leaves were luxuriant and dense . <br />I cut it and I boiled it , <br />And made both fine cloth and coarse , <br />Which I will wear without getting tired of it . <br />I have told the matron , <br />Who will announce that I am going to see my parents . <br />I will wash my private clothes clean , <br />And I will rinse my robes . <br />Which need to be rinsed , which do not ? <br />I am going back to visit my parents.</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; 卷耳&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; JUAN ER <br />采采卷耳、不盈頃筐。<br />嗟我懷人、寘彼周行。<br />陟彼崔嵬、我馬虺隤。<br />我姑酌彼金罍、維以不永懷。<br />陟彼高岡、我馬玄黃。<br />我姑酌彼兕觥、維以不永傷。<br />陟彼砠矣、我馬瘏矣、我僕痡矣、云何吁矣。<br />I was gathering and gathering the mouse-ear , <br />But could not fill my shallow basket . <br />With a sigh for the man of my heart , <br />I placed it there on the highway . <br />I was ascending that rock-covered height , <br />But my horses were too tired to breast it . <br />I will now pour a cup from that gilded vase , <br />Hoping I may not have to think of him long . <br />I was ascending that lofty ridge , <br />But my horses turned of a dark yellow . <br />I will now take a cup from that rhinoceros' horn , <br />Hoping I may not have long to sorrow . <br />I was ascending that flat-topped height , <br />But my horses became quite disabled , <br />And my servants were [also] disabled . <br />Oh ! how great is my sorrow ! </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>4.&nbsp; 樛木&nbsp; JIU MU<br />南有樛木、葛藟纍之。<br />樂只君子、福履綏之。<br />南有樛木、葛藟荒之。<br />樂只君子、福履將之。<br />南有樛木、葛藟縈之。<br />樂只君子、福履成之。<br />In the south are trees with curved drooping branches , <br />With the doliches creepers clinging to them . <br />To be rejoiced in is our princely lady : -- <br />May she repose in her happiness and dignity ! <br />In the south are the trees with curved drooping branches , <br />Covered by the dolichos creepers . <br />To be rejoiced in is our princely lady : -- <br />May she be great in her happiness and dignity ! <br />In the south are the trees with curved drooping branches , <br />Round which the dolichos creepers twine . <br />To be rejoiced in is our princely lady : -- <br />May she be complete in her happiness and dignity ! </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>5.&nbsp;&nbsp; 螽斯&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ZHONG SI <br />螽斯羽、詵詵兮。<br />宜爾子孫、振振兮。<br />螽斯羽、薨薨兮。<br />宜爾子孫、繩繩兮。<br />螽斯羽、揖揖兮。<br />宜爾子孫、蟄蟄兮。<br />Ye locusts , winged tribes , <br />How harmoniously you collect together ! <br />Right is it that your descendants <br />Should be multitudinous ! <br />Ye locusts , winged tribes , <br />How sound your wings in flight ! <br />Right is it that your descendents <br />Should be as in unbroken strings ! <br />Ye locusts , winged tribes , <br />How you cluster together ! <br />Right is it that your descendents <br />Should be in swarms ! </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>6.&nbsp;&nbsp; 桃夭&nbsp;&nbsp; TAO YAO<br />桃之夭夭、灼灼其華。<br />之子于歸、宜其家室。<br />桃之夭夭、有蕡其實。<br />之子于歸、宜其室家。<br />桃之夭夭、其葉蓁蓁。<br />之子于歸、宜其家人。<br />The peach tree is young and elegant ; <br />Brilliant are its flowers . <br />This young lady is going to her future home , <br />And will order well her chamber and house . <br />The peach tree is young and elegant ; <br />Abundant will be its fruits . <br />This young lady is going to her future home , <br />And will order well her chamber and house . <br />The peach tree is young and elegant ; <br />Luxuriant are its leaves . <br />This young lady is going to her future home , <br />And will order well her family . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>7.&nbsp; 兔罝&nbsp; TU JU<br />肅肅兔罝、椓之丁丁。<br />赳赳武夫、公侯干城。<br />肅肅兔罝、施于中逵。<br />赳赳武夫、公侯好仇。<br />肅肅兔罝、施于中林。<br />赳赳武夫、公侯腹心。<br />Carefully adjusted are the rabbit nets ; <br />Clang clang go the blows on the pegs . <br />That stalwart , martial man <br />Might be shield and wall to his prince . <br />Carefully adjusted are the rabbit nets , <br />And placed where many ways meet . <br />That stalwart , martial man <br />Would be a good companion for his prince . <br />Carefully adjusted are the rabbit nets , <br />And placed in the midst of the forest . <br />That stalwart , martial man <br />Might be head and heart to his prince . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>8.&nbsp; 芣苡&nbsp; FOU YI<br />采采芣苡、薄言采之。<br />采采芣苡、薄言有之。<br />采采芣苡、薄言掇之。<br />采采芣苡、薄言捋之。<br />采采芣苡、薄言袺之。<br />采采芣苡、薄言襭之。<br />We gather and gather the plantains ; <br />Now we may gather them . <br />We gather and gather the plantains ; <br />Now we have got them . <br />We gather and gather the plantains ; <br />Now we pluck the ears . <br />We gather and gather the plantains ; <br />Now we rub out the seeds . <br />We gather and gather the plantains ; <br />Now we place the seeds in our skirts . <br />We gather and gather the plantains ; <br />Now we tuck out skirts under our girdles . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>9.&nbsp; 漢廣&nbsp; HAN GUANG<br />南有喬木、不可休息。<br />漢有游女、不可求思。<br />漢之廣矣、不可泳思。<br />江之永矣、不可方思。<br />翹翹錯薪、言刈其楚。<br />之子于歸、言秣其馬。<br />漢之廣矣、不可泳思。<br />江之永矣、不可方思。<br />翹翹錯薪、言刈其蔞 。<br />之子于歸、言秣其駒 。<br />漢之廣矣、不可泳思 。<br />江之永矣、不可方思 。<br />In the south rise the trees without branches , <br />Affording no shelter . <br />By the Han are girls rambling about , <br />But it is vain to solicit them . <br />The breath of the Han <br />Cannot be dived across ; <br />The length of the Jiang <br />Cannot be navigated with a raft . <br />Many are the bundles of firewood ; <br />I would cut down the thorns [to form more] . <br />Those girls that are going to their future home , -- <br />I would feed their horses . <br />The breadth of the Han <br />Cannot be dived across ; <br />The length of the Jiang , <br />Cannot be navigated with a raft . <br />Many are the bundles of firewood ; <br />I would cut down the southern wood [to form more] . <br />Those girls that are going to their future home , -- <br />I would feed their colts . <br />The breadth of the Han <br />Cannot be dived across ; <br />The length of the Jiang <br />Cannot be navigated with a raft . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>10.&nbsp; 汝墳&nbsp; RU FEN<br />遵彼汝墳、伐其條枚。<br />未見君子、惄如調飢。<br />遵彼汝墳、伐其條肆。<br />既見君子、不我遐棄。<br />魴魚赬尾、王室如燬 。<br />雖則如燬、父母孔邇 。<br />Along those raised banks of the Ru , <br />I cut down the branches and slender stems . <br />While I could not see my lord , <br />I felt as it were pangs of great hunger . <br />Along those raised banks of the Ru , <br />I cut down the branches and fresh twigs . <br />I have seen my lord ; <br />He has not cast me away . <br />The bream is showing its tail all red ; <br />The royal House is like a blazing fire . <br />Though it be like a blazing fire , <br />Your parents are very near . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>11.&nbsp; 麟之趾&nbsp; LIN ZHI ZHI<br />麟之趾、振振公子。<br />于嗟麟兮。<br />麟之定、振振公姓。<br />于嗟麟兮。<br />麟之角、振振公族。<br />于嗟麟兮。<br />The feet of the Lin : -- <br />The noble sons of our prince , <br />Ah ! they are the Lin ! <br />The forehead of the Lin : -- <br />The noble grandsons of our prince , <br />Ah ! they are the Lin ! <br />The horn of the Lin : -- <br />The noble kindred of our prince , <br />Ah ! they are the Lin ! <br />召南&nbsp; (THE ODES OF SHAO AND THE SOUTH)<br />12.&nbsp; 鵲巢&nbsp; QUE CHAO<br />維鵲有巢、維鳩居之。<br />之子于歸、百兩御之。<br />維鵲有巢、維鳩方之。<br />之子于歸、百兩將之。<br />維鵲有巢、維鳩盈之。<br />之子于歸、百兩成之。<br />The nest is the magpie's ; <br />The dove dwells in it . <br />This young lady is going to her future home ; <br />A hundred carriages are meeting her . <br />The nest is the magpie's ; <br />The dove possesses it . <br />This young lady is going to her future home ; <br />A hundred carriages are escorting her . <br />The nest is the magpie's ; <br />The dove fills it . <br />This young lady is going to her future home ; <br />These hundreds of carriages complete her array . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>13.&nbsp; 采蘩&nbsp; CAI FAN<br />于以采蘩、于沼于沚。<br />于以用之、公侯之事。<br />于以采蘩、于澗之中。<br />于以用之、公侯之宮。<br />被之僮僮、夙夜在公。<br />被之祁祁、薄言還歸。<br />She gathers the white southernwood , <br />By the ponds , on the islets . <br />She employs it , <br />In the business of our prince . <br />She gathers the white southernwood , <br />Along the streams in the valleys . <br />She employs it , <br />In the temple of our prince . <br />With head-dress reverently rising aloft , <br />Early , while yet it is night, she is in the prince's temple ; <br />In her dead-dress, slowly retiring , <br />She returns to her own apartments . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>14.&nbsp; 草蟲&nbsp; CAO CHONG<br />喓喓草蟲、趯趯阜螽<br />未見君子、憂心忡忡。<br />亦既見止、亦既覯止、我心則降。<br />陟彼南山、言采其蕨。<br />未見君子、憂心惙惙。<br />亦既見止、亦既覯止、我心則說。<br />陟彼南山、言采其薇。<br />未見君子、我心傷悲。<br />亦既見止、亦既覯止、我心則夷。<br />Yao-yao went the grass-insects , <br />And the hoppers sprang about . <br />While I do not see my lord , <br />My sorrowful heart is agitated . <br />Let me have seen him , <br />Let me have met him , <br />And my heart will then be stilled . <br />I ascended that hill in the south , <br />And gathered the turtle-foot ferns . <br />While I do not see my lord , <br />My sorrowful heart is very sad . <br />Let me have seen him , <br />Let me have met him , <br />And my heart will then be pleased . <br />I ascended that hill in the south , <br />And gathered the thorn-ferns . <br />While I do not see my lord , <br />My sorrowful heart is wounded with grief . <br />Let me have seen him , <br />Let me have met him , <br />And my heart will then be at peace . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>15.&nbsp; 采蘋&nbsp; CAI PING<br />于以采蘋、南澗之濱。<br />于以采藻、于彼行潦。<br />于以盛之、維筐及筥。<br />于以湘之、維錡及釜。<br />于以奠之、宗室牖下。<br />誰起尸之、有齊季女。<br />She gathers the large duckweed , <br />By the banks of the stream in the southern valley . <br />She gathers the pondweed , <br />In those pools left by the floods . <br />She deposits what she gathers , <br />In her square baskets and round ones <br />She boils it , <br />In her tripods and pans . <br />She sets forth her preparations , <br />Under the window in the ancestral chamber . <br />Who superintends the business ? <br />It is [this] reverent young lady . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>16.&nbsp; 甘棠&nbsp; GAN TANG<br />蔽芾甘棠、勿翦勿伐、召伯所茇。<br />蔽芾甘棠、勿翦勿敗、召伯所憩。<br />蔽芾甘棠、勿翦勿拜、召伯所說。<br />[This] umbrageous sweet pear-tree ; -- <br />Clip it not, hew it not down . <br />Under it the chief of Zhou lodged . <br />[This] umbrageous sweet pear-tree ; -- <br />Clip it not , break not a twig of it . <br />Under it the chief of Zhou rested . <br />[This] umbrageous sweet pear-tree ; -- <br />Clip it not , bend not a twig of it . <br />Under it the chief of Zhou halted . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>17.&nbsp; 行露&nbsp; XING LU<br />厭浥行露、豈不夙夜、謂行多露。<br />誰謂雀無角、何以穿我屋。<br />誰謂女無家、何以速我獄。<br />雖速我獄、室家不足。<br />誰謂鼠無牙、何以穿我墉。<br />誰謂女無家、何以速我訟。<br />雖速我獄、亦不女從。<br />Wet lay the dew on the path : -- <br />Might I not [have walked there] in the early dawn ? <br />But I said there was [too] much dew on the path . <br />Who can say the sparrow has no horn ? <br />How else can it bore through my house ? <br />Who can say that you did not get me betrothed ? <br />How else could you have urged on this trial ? <br />But though you have forced me to trial , <br />Your ceremonies for betrothal were not sufficient .<br />Who can say that the rat has no molar teeth ? <br />How else could it bore through my wall ? <br />Who can say that you did not get me betrothed ? <br />How else could you have urged on this trial ? <br />But though you have forced me to trial , <br />I will still not follow you . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>18.&nbsp; 羔羊&nbsp; GAO YANG<br />羔羊之皮、素絲五紽。<br />退食自公、委蛇委蛇。<br />羔羊之革、素絲五緎。<br />委蛇委蛇、自公退食。<br />羔羊之縫、素絲五總。<br />委蛇委蛇、退食自公。<br />[Those] lamb-skins and sheep-skins , <br />With their five braidings of white silk ! <br />They have retired from the court to take their their meal ; <br />Easy are they and self-possesed . <br />[Those] lamb-skins and sheep-skins , <br />With their five seams wrought with white silk ! <br />Easy are they and self-possessed ; <br />They have retired from the court to take their their meal . <br />The seams of [those] lamb-skins and sheep-skins , <br />The five joinings wrought with white silk ! <br />Easy are they and self-possessed ; <br />They have retired to take their their meal from the court . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>19.&nbsp; 殷其雷&nbsp; YIN QI LEI<br />殷其雷、在南山之陽。<br />何斯違斯、莫敢或遑。<br />振振君子、歸哉歸哉。<br />殷其雷、在南山之側。<br />何斯違斯、莫敢遑息。<br />振振君子、歸哉歸哉。<br />殷其雷、在南山之下。<br />何斯違斯、莫敢遑處。<br />振振君子、歸哉歸哉。<br />Grandly rolls the thunder , <br />On the south of the southern hill ! <br />How was it he went away from this , <br />Not daring to take a little rest ? <br />My noble lord ! <br />May he return ! May he return ! <br />Grandly rolls the thunder , <br />About the sides of the southern hill ! <br />How was it he went away from this , <br />Not daring to take a little rest ? <br />My noble lord ! <br />May he return ! May he return ! <br />Grandly rolls the thunder , <br />At the foot of the southern hill ! <br />How was it he went away from this , <br />Not remaining a little at rest ? <br />My noble lord ! <br />May he return ! May he return ! </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>20.&nbsp;&nbsp; 摽有梅&nbsp; BIAO YOU MEI<br />摽有梅、其實七兮。<br />求我庶士、迨其吉兮。<br />摽有梅、其實三兮。<br />求我庶士、迨其今兮。<br />摽有梅、頃筐塈之。<br />求我庶士、迨其謂之。<br />Dropping are the fruits from the plum-tree ; <br />There are [but] seven [tenths] of them left ! <br />For the gentlemen who seek me , <br />This is the fortunate time ! <br />Dropping are the fruits from the plum-tree ; <br />There are [but] three [tenths] of them left ! <br />For the gentlemen who seek me , <br />Now is the time . <br />Dropt are the fruits from the plum-tree ; <br />In my shallow basket I have collected them . <br />Would the gentlemen who seek me <br />[Only] speak about it ! </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>21.&nbsp; 小星&nbsp; XIAO XING<br />嘒彼小星、三五在東。<br />肅肅宵征、夙夜在公、寔命不同。<br />嘒彼小星、 維參與昴。<br />肅肅宵征、抱衾與裯、寔命不猶。<br />Small are those starlets , <br />Three or five of them in the east , <br />Swiftly by night we go ; <br />In the early dawn we are with the prince . <br />Our lot is not like hers . <br />Small are those starlets , <br />And there are Orion and the Pleiades . <br />Swiftly by night we go , <br />Carrying our coverlets and sheets . <br />Our lot is not like hers . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>22.&nbsp; 江有汜&nbsp; JIANG YOU SI<br />江有汜、之子歸、不我以。<br />不我以、其後也悔。<br />江有渚、之子歸、不我與。<br />不我與、其後也處。<br />江有沱、之子歸、不我過。<br />不我過、其嘯也歌。<br />The Jiang has its branches , led from it and returning to it . <br />Our lady , when she was married , <br />Would not employ us . <br />She would not employ us ; <br />But afterwards she repented . <br />The Jiang has its islets . <br />Our lady , when she was married , <br />Would not let us be with her . <br />She would not let us be with her ; <br />But afterwards she repressed [such feelings] . <br />The Jiang has the Tuo . <br />Our lady , when she was married , <br />Would not come near us <br />She would not come near us ; <br />But she blew that feeling away , and sang .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>23.&nbsp; 野有死麇&nbsp; YE YOU SI JUN<br />野有死麇、白茅包之。<br />有女懷春、吉士誘之。<br />林有樸樕、野有死鹿。<br />白茅純束、有女如玉。<br />舒而脫脫兮、無感我帨兮、無使尨也吠。<br />In the wild there is a dead antelope , <br />And it is wrapped up with the white grass . <br />There is a young lady with thoughts natural to the spring , <br />And a fine gentleman would lead her astray . <br />In the forest there are the scrubby oaks ; <br />In the wild there is a dead deer , <br />And it is bound round with the white grass . <br />There is a young lady like a gem . <br />[She says] , Slowly ; gently , gently ; <br />Do not move my handkerchief ; <br />Do not make my dog bark . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>24.&nbsp; 何彼襛矣&nbsp; HE BI NONG YI<br />何彼襛矣、唐棣之華。<br />曷不肅雝、王姬之車。<br />何彼襛矣、華如桃李。<br />平王之孫、齊侯之子。<br />其釣維何、維絲伊緡。<br />齊侯之子、平王之孫。<br />How great is that luxuriance , <br />Those flowers of the sparrow-plum ! <br />Are they not expressive of reverence and harmony , -- <br />The carriages of the king's daughter ? <br />How great is that luxuriance , <br />The flowers like those of the peach-tree or the plum ! <br />[See] the grand-daughter of the tranquillizing king , <br />And the son of the reverent marquis ! <br />What are used in angling ? <br />Silk threads formed into lines . <br />The son of the reverent marquis , <br />And the grand-daughter of the tranquillizing king ! </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>25.&nbsp; 騶虞&nbsp; ZOU YU<br />彼茁者葭、壹發五豝。<br />于嗟乎騶虞。<br />彼茁者蓬、壹發五豵。<br />于嗟乎騶虞。<br />Strong and abundant grow the rushes ; <br />He discharges [but] one arrow at five wild boars . <br />Ah ! he is the Zou-yu ! <br />Strong and abundant grow the artemisia ; <br />He discharges [but] one arrow at five wild boars . <br />Ah ! he is the Zou-yu ! <br />邶風&nbsp; (THE ODES OF BEI)<br />26.&nbsp; 柏舟&nbsp; BO ZHOU<br />汎彼柏舟、亦汎其流。<br />耿耿不寐、如有隱憂。<br />微我無酒、以敖以遊。<br />我心匪鑒、不可以茹。<br />亦有兄弟、不可以據。<br />薄言往愬、逢彼之怒。<br />我心匪石、不可轉也。<br />我心匪席、不可卷也。<br />威儀棣棣、不可選也。<br />憂心悄悄、慍于群小。<br />覯閔既多、受侮不少。<br />靜言思之、寤辟有摽。<br />日居月諸、胡迭而微。<br />心之憂矣、如匪澣衣。<br />靜言思之、不能奮飛。<br />It floats about , that boat of cypress wood ; <br />Yea , it floats about on the current . <br />Disturbed am I and sleepless , <br />As if suffering from a painful wound . <br />It is not because I have no wine , <br />And that I might not wander and saunder about . <br />My mind is not a mirror ; -- <br />It cannot [equally] receive [all impressions] . <br />I , indeed , have brothers , <br />But I cannot depend on them , <br />I meet with their anger . <br />My mind is not a stone ; -- <br />It cannot be rolled about . <br />My mind is not a mat ; -- <br />It cannot be rolled up . <br />My deportment has been dignified and good , <br />With nothing wrong which can be pointed out . <br />My anxious heart is full of trouble ; <br />I am hated by the herd of mean creatures ; <br />I meet with many distresses ; <br />I receive insults not a few . <br />Silently I think of my case , <br />And , starting as from sleep , I beat my breast . <br />There are the sun and moon , -- <br />How is it that the former has become small , and not the latter ? <br />The sorrow cleaves to my heart , <br />Like an unwashed dress . <br />Silently I think of my case , <br />But I cannot spread my wings and fly away . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>27.&nbsp; 綠衣&nbsp; LU YI<br />綠兮衣兮、綠兮黃裏。<br />心之憂矣、曷維其已。<br />綠兮衣兮、綠兮黃裳。<br />心之憂矣、曷維其亡。<br />綠兮絲兮、女所治兮。<br />我思古人、俾無訧兮。<br />稀兮綌兮、淒其以風。<br />我思古人、實獲我心。<br />Green is the upper robe , <br />Green with a yellow lining ! <br />The sorrow of my heart , -- <br />How can it cease ? <br />Green is the upper robe , <br />Green the upper , and yellow the lower garment ! <br />The sorrow of my heart , -- <br />How can it be forgotten ? <br />[Dyed] green has been the silk ; -- <br />It was you who did it . <br />[But] I think of the ancients , <br />That I may be kept from doing wrong . <br />Linen , fine or coarse , <br />Is cold when worn in the wind . <br />I think of the ancients , <br />And find what is in my heart . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>28.&nbsp; 燕燕&nbsp; YAN YAN<br />燕燕于飛、差池其羽。<br />之子于歸、遠送于野。<br />瞻望弗及、泣涕如雨。<br />燕燕于飛、頡之頏之。<br />之子于歸、遠于將之。<br />瞻望弗及、佇立以泣。<br />燕燕于飛、下上其音。<br />之子于歸、遠送于南。<br />瞻望弗及、實勞我心。<br />仲氏任只、其心塞淵。<br />終溫且惠、淑慎其身。<br />先君之思、以勗寡人。<br />The swallows go flying about , <br />With their wings unevenly displayed . <br />The lady was returning [to her native state] , <br />And I escorted her far into the country . <br />I looked till I could no longer see her , <br />And my tears fell down like rain . <br />The swallows go flying about , <br />Now up , now down . <br />The lady was returning [to her native state] , <br />And far did I accompany her . <br />I looked till I could no longer see her , <br />And long I stood and wept . <br />The swallows go flying about ; <br />From below , from above , comes their twittering . <br />The lady was returning [to her native state] , <br />And far did I escort her to the south . <br />I looked till I could no longer see her , <br />And great was the grief of my heart . <br />Lovingly confiding was lady Zhong ; <br />Truly deep was her feeling . <br />Both gentle was she and docile , <br />Virtuously careful of her person . <br />In thinking of our deceased lord , <br />She stimulated worthless me . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>29.&nbsp; 日月&nbsp; RI YUE<br />日居月諸、照臨下土。<br />乃如之人兮、逝不古處。<br />胡能有定、寧不我顧。<br />日居月諸、下土是冒。<br />乃如之人兮、逝不相好。<br />胡能有定、寧不我報。<br />日居月諸、出自東方。<br />乃如之人兮、德音無良。<br />胡能有定、俾也可忘。<br />日居月諸、東方自出。<br />父兮母兮、畜我不卒。<br />胡能有定、報我不述。<br />O sun ; O moon , <br />Which enlightens this lower earth ! <br />Here is the man , <br />Who treats me not according to the ancient rule . <br />How can he get his mind settled ? <br />Would he then not regard me ? <br />O sun ; O moon , <br />Which overshadow this lower earth ! <br />Here is this man , <br />Who will not be friendly with me . <br />How can he get his mind settled ? <br />Would he then not respond to me ? <br />O sun ; O moon , <br />Which come forth from the east ! <br />Here is the man , <br />With virtuous words , but really not good . <br />How can he get his mind settled ? <br />Would he then allow me to be forgotten ? <br />O sun ; o moon , <br />From the east which come forth ! <br />O father , O mother , <br />There is no sequel to your nourishing of me . <br />How can he get his mind settled ? <br />Would he then respond to me , contrary to all reason ? </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>30.&nbsp; 終風&nbsp; ZHONG FENG<br />終風且暴、顧我則笑。<br />謔浪笑敖、中心是悼。<br />終風且霾、惠然肯來。<br />莫往莫來、悠悠我思。<br />終風且曀、不日有曀。<br />寤言不寐、願言則嚏。<br />曀曀其陰、虺虺其雷。<br />寤言不寐、願言則懷。<br />The wind blows and is fierce , <br />He looks at me and smiles , <br />With scornful words and dissolute , -- the smile of pride . <br />To the center of my heart I am grieved . <br />The wind blows , with clouds of dust . <br />Kindly he seems to be willing to come to me ; <br />[But] he neither goes nor comes . <br />Long , long , do I think of him . <br />The wind blew , and the sky was cloudy ; <br />Before a day elapses , it is cloudy again . <br />I awake , and cannot sleep ; <br />I think of him , and gasp . <br />All cloudy is the darkness , <br />And the thunder keeps muttering . <br />I awake and cannot sleep ; <br />I think of him , and my breast is full of pain . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>31.&nbsp; 擊鼓&nbsp; JI GU<br />擊鼓其鏜、踊躍用兵。<br />土國城漕、我獨南行。<br />從孫子仲、平陳與宋。<br />不我以歸、憂心有忡。<br />爰居爰處、爰喪其馬。<br />于以求之、于林之下。<br />死生契闊、與子成說。<br />執子之手、與子偕老。<br />于嗟闊兮、不我活兮。<br />于嗟洵兮、不我信兮。<br />Hear the roll of our drums ! <br />See how we leap about , using our weapons ! <br />Those do the fieldwork in the State , or fortify Cao , <br />While we alone march to the south . <br />We followed Sun Zizhong , <br />Peace having been made with Chen and Song;<br />[But] he did not lead us back , <br />And our sorrowful hearts are very sad . <br />Here we stay , here we stop ; <br />Here we lose our horses ; <br />And we seek for them , <br />Among the trees of the forest . <br />For life or for death , however separated , <br />To our wives we pledged our word . <br />We held their hands ; -- <br />We were to grow old together with them . <br />Alas for our separation ! <br />We have no prospect of life . <br />Alas for our stipulation ! <br />We cannot make it good . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>32.&nbsp; 凱風&nbsp; KAI FENG<br />凱風自南、吹彼棘心。<br />棘心夭夭、母氏劬勞。<br />凱風自南、吹彼棘薪。<br />母氏聖善、我無令人。<br />爰有寒泉、在浚之下。<br />有子七人、母氏勞苦。<br />睍睆黃鳥、載好其音。<br />有子其人、莫慰母心。<br />The genial wind from the south <br />Blows on the heart of that jujube tree , <br />Till that heart looks tender and beautiful . <br />What toil and pain did our mother endure ! <br />The genial wind from the south <br />Blows on the branches of that jujube tree , <br />Our mother is wise and good ; <br />But among us there is none good . <br />There is the cool spring <br />Below [the city of] Jun . <br />We are seven sons , <br />And our mother is full of pain and suffering . <br />The beautiful yellow birds <br />Give forth their pleasant notes . <br />We are seven sons , <br />And cannot compose our mother's heart . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>33.&nbsp; 雄雉&nbsp; XIONG ZHI<br />雄雉于飛、泄泄其羽。<br />我之懷矣、自詒伊阻。<br />雄雉于飛、下上其音。<br />展矣君子、實勞我心。<br />瞻彼日月、悠悠我思。<br />道之云遠、曷云能來。<br />百爾君子、不知德行。<br />不忮不求、何用不臧。<br />The male pheasant flies away , <br />Lazily moving his wings . <br />The man of my heart ! -- <br />He has brought on us this separation . <br />The pheasant has flown away , <br />But from below, from above, comes his voice . <br />Ah ! the princely man ! -- <br />He afflicts my heart . <br />Look at that sun and moon ! <br />Long , long do I think . <br />The way is distant ; <br />How can he come to me ? <br />All ye princely men , <br />Know ye not his virtuous conduct ? <br />He hates none ; he covets nothing ; -- <br />What does he which is not good ? </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>34.&nbsp; 匏有苦葉&nbsp; PAO YOU KU YE<br />匏有苦葉、濟有深涉。<br />深則厲、淺則揭。<br />有瀰濟盈、有鷕雉鳴。<br />濟盈不濡軌、雉鳴求起牡。<br />雝雝鳴鴈、旭日始旦。<br />士如歸妻、迨冰未泮。<br />招招舟子、人涉卬否。<br />人涉卬否、卬須我友。<br />The gourd has [still] its bitter leaves , <br />And the crossing at the ford is deep . <br />If deep , I will go through with my clothes on ; <br />If shallow , I will do so , holding them up . <br />The ford is full to overflowing ; <br />There is the note of the female pheasant . <br />The full ford will not wet the axle of my carriage ; <br />It is the pheasant calling for her mate . <br />The wild goose , with its harmonious notes , <br />At sunrise , with the earliest dawn , <br />By the gentleman , who wishes to bring home his bride , <br />[Is presented] before the ice is melted . <br />The boatman keeps beckoning ; <br />And others cross with him , but I do not . <br />Others cross with him, but I do not ; -- <br />I am waiting for my friend . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>35.&nbsp; 谷風&nbsp; GU FENG<br />習習谷風、以陰以雨。<br />黽勉同心、不宜有怒。<br />采封采菲、無以下體。<br />德音莫違、及爾同死。<br />行道遲遲、中心有違。<br />不遠伊邇、薄送我畿。<br />誰謂荼苦、其甘如薺。<br />宴爾新昏、如兄如弟。<br />涇以渭濁、湜湜其沚。<br />宴爾新昏、不我屑以。<br />毋逝我梁、毋發我笱。<br />我躬不閱、遑恤我後。<br />就其深矣、方之舟之。<br />就其淺矣、泳之游之。<br />何有何亡、黽勉求之。<br />凡民有喪、匍匐救之。<br />不我能慉、反以我為讎。<br />既阻我德、賈用不售。<br />昔育恐育鞫、及爾顛覆。<br />既生既育、比予于毒。<br />我有旨蓄、亦以御冬。<br />宴爾新昏、以我御窮。<br />有洸有潰、既詒我肄。<br />不念昔者、伊余來塈。<br />Gently blows the east wind , <br />With cloudy skies and with rain . <br />[Husband and wife] should strive to be of the same mind , <br />And not let angry feelings arise . <br />When we gather the mustard plant and earth melons , <br />We do not reject them because of their roots . <br />While I do nothing contrary to my good name , <br />I should live with you till our death . <br />I go along the road slowly , slowly , <br />In my inmost heart reluctant . <br />Not far , only a little way , <br />Did he accompany me to the threshold . <br />Who says that the sowthistle is bitter ? <br />It is as sweet as the shepherd's purse . <br />You feast with your new wife , <br />[Loving] as brothers . <br />The muddiness of the King appears from the Wei , <br />But its bottom may be seen about the islets . <br />You feast with your new wife , <br />And think me not worth being with <br />Do not approach my dam , <br />Do not move my basket . <br />My person is rejected ; -- <br />What avails it to care for what may come after ? <br />Where the water was deep , <br />I crossed it by a raft or a boat . <br />Where it was shallow , <br />I dived or swam across it . <br />Whether we had plenty or not , <br />I exerted myself to be getting . <br />When among others there was a death , <br />I crawled on my knees to help them . <br />You cannot cherish me , <br />And you even count me as an enemy . <br />You disdain my virtues , -- <br />A pedlar's wares which do not sell . <br />Formerly , I was afraid our means might be exhausted , <br />And I might come with you to destitution . <br />Now , when your means are abundant , <br />You compare me to poison . <br />My fine collection of vegetables , <br />Is but a provision against the winter . <br />Feasting with your new wife , <br />You think of me as a provision [only] against your poverty . <br />Cavalierly and angrily you treat me ; <br />You give me only pain . <br />You do not think of the former days , <br />And are only angry with me . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>36.&nbsp; 式微&nbsp; SHI WEI<br />式微式微、胡不歸。<br />微君之故、胡為乎中露。<br />式微式微、胡不歸。<br />微君之躬、胡為乎泥中。<br />Reduced ! Reduced ! <br />Why not return ? <br />If it were not for your sake , O prince , <br />How should we be thus exposed to the dew ? <br />Reduced ! Reduced ! <br />Why not return ? <br />If it were not for your person , O prince , <br />How should we be here in the mire ? </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>37.&nbsp; 旄丘&nbsp; MAO QIU<br />旄丘之葛兮、何誕之節兮。<br />叔兮伯兮、何多日也。<br />何其處也、必有與也。<br />何其久也、必有以也。<br />狐裘蒙戎、匪車不東。<br />叔兮伯兮、靡所與同。<br />瑣兮尾兮、流離之子。<br />叔兮伯兮、褎如充耳。<br />The dolichos on that high and sloping mound ; -- <br />How wide apart are [now] its joints ! <br />O ye uncles , <br />Why have ye delayed these many days ? <br />Why do they rest without stirring ? <br />It must be they expect allies . <br />Why do they prolong the time ? <br />There must be a reason for their conduct . <br />Our fox-furs are frayed and worn . <br />Came our carriages not eastwards ? <br />O ye uncles , <br />You do not sympathize with us . <br />Fragments , and a remnant , <br />Children of dispersion [are we] ! <br />O ye uncles , <br />Notwithstanding your full robes , your ears are stopped . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>38.&nbsp; 簡兮&nbsp; JIAN XI<br />簡兮簡兮、方將萬舞。<br />日之方中、在前上處。<br />碩人俁俁、公庭萬舞。<br />有力如虎、執轡如組。<br />左手執籥、右手秉翟。<br />赫如渥赭、公言錫爵。<br />山有榛、隰有苓。<br />云誰之思、西方美人。<br />彼美人兮、西方之人兮。<br />Easy and indifferent ! easy and indifferent ! <br />I am ready to perform in all dances , <br />Then when the sun is in the meridian , <br />There in that conspicious place . <br />With my large figure , <br />I dance in the ducal courtyard . <br />I am strong [also] as a tiger ; <br />The reins are in my grasp like ribbons . <br />In my left hand I grasp a flute ; <br />In my right I hold a pheasant's feather . <br />I am red as if I were rouged ; <br />The duke gives me a cup [of spirits] . <br />The hazel grows on the hills , <br />And the liquorice in the marshes . <br />Of whom are my thoughts ? <br />Of the fine men of the west . <br />O those fine men ! <br />Those men of the west ! </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>39.&nbsp; 泉水&nbsp; QUAN SHUI<br />毖彼泉水、亦流于淇。<br />有懷于衛、靡日不思。<br />孌彼諸姬、聊與之謀。<br />出宿于泲、飲餞于禰。<br />女子有行、遠父母兄弟。<br />問我諸姑、遂及伯姊。<br />出宿于干、飲餞于言。<br />載脂載牽、還車言邁。<br />遄臻于衛、不瑕有害。<br />我思肥泉、茲之永歎。<br />思須與漕、我心悠悠。<br />駕言出游、以寫我憂。<br />How the water bubbles up from that spring , <br />And flows away to the Qi ! <br />My heart is in Wei ; <br />There is not a day I do not think of it . <br />Admirable are those , my cousins ; <br />I will take counsel with them . <br />When I came forth , I lodged in Ji , <br />And we drank the cup of convoy at Ni . <br />When a young lady goes [to be married] , <br />She leaves her parents and brothers ; <br />[But] I would ask for my aunts , <br />And then for my elder sister . <br />I will go forth and lodge in Gan,<br />And we drink the cup of convoy at Yan . <br />I will grease the axle and fix the pin , <br />And the returning chariot will proceed . <br />Quickly shall we arrive in Wei ; -- <br />But would not this be wrong ? <br />I think of the Feiquan , <br />I am ever sighing about it . <br />I think of Xu and Cao , <br />Long , long , my heart dwells with them . <br />Let me drive forth and travel there , <br />To dissipate my sorrow . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>40.&nbsp; 北門&nbsp; BEI MEN<br />出自北門、憂心殷殷。<br />終窶且貧、莫知我艱。<br />已焉哉、天實為之、謂之何哉。<br />王事適我、政事一埤益我。<br />我入自外、室人交遍謫我。<br />已焉哉、天實為之、謂之何哉。<br />王事敦我、政事一埤遺我。<br />我入自外、室人交遍摧我。<br />已焉哉、天實為之、謂之何哉。<br />I go out at the north gate , <br />With my heart full of sorrow . <br />Straitened am I and poor , <br />And no one takes knowledge of my distress . <br />So it is ! <br />Heaven has done it ; -- <br />What then shall I say ? <br />The king's business comes on me , <br />And the affairs of our government in increasing measure . <br />When I come home from abroad , <br />The members of my family all emulously reproach me . <br />So it is ! <br />Heaven has done it ; -- <br />What then shall I say ? <br />The king's business is thrown on me , <br />And the affairs of our government are left to me more and more. <br />When I come home from abroad , <br />The members of my family all emulously thrust at me . <br />So it is ! <br />Heaven has done it ; -- <br />What then shall I say ? </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>41.&nbsp; 北風&nbsp; BEI FENG<br />北風其涼、雨雪其雱。<br />惠而好我、攜手同行。<br />其虛其邪、既亟只且。<br />北風其喈、雨雪其霏。<br />惠而好我、攜手同歸。<br />其虛其邪、既亟只且。<br />莫赤匪狐、莫黑匪烏。<br />惠而好我、攜手同車。<br />其虛其邪、既亟只且。<br />Cold blows the north wind ; <br />Thick falls the snow . <br />Ye who love and regard me , <br />Let us join hands and go together . <br />Is it a time for delay ? <br />The urgency is extreme ! <br />The north wind whistles ; <br />The snow falls and drifts about . <br />Ye who love and regard me , <br />Let us join hands , and go away for ever . <br />Is it a time for delay ? <br />The urgency is extreme ! <br />Nothing red is seen but foxes , <br />Nothing black but crows . <br />Ye who love and regard me , <br />Let us join hands , and go together in our carriages . <br />Is it a time for delay ? <br />The urgency is extreme ! </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>42.&nbsp; 靜女&nbsp; JING NU<br />靜女其姝、俟我於城隅。<br />愛而不見、搔首踟躕。<br />靜女其孌、貽我彤管。<br />彤管有煒、說懌女美。<br />自牧歸荑、洵美且異。<br />匪女以為美、美人之貽。<br />How lovely is the retiring girl ! <br />She was to await me at a corner of the wall . <br />Loving and not seeing her , <br />I scratch my head , and am in perplexity . <br />How handsome is the retiring girl ! <br />She presented to me a red tube . <br />Bright is the red tube ; -- <br />I delight in the beauty of the girl . <br />From the pasture lands she gave a shoet of the white grass , <br />Truly elegant and rare . <br />It is not you , O grass , that are elegant ; -- <br />You are the gift of an elegant girl . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>43.&nbsp; 新臺&nbsp; XIN TAI<br />新臺有沘、河水彌彌。<br />燕婉之求、籧篨不鮮。<br />新臺有洒、河水浼浼。<br />燕婉之求、籧篨不殄。<br />魚網之設、鴻則離之。<br />燕婉之求、得此戚施。<br />Fresh and bright is the New Tower , <br />On the waters of the He , wide and deep . <br />A pleasant , genial mate she sought , <br />[And has got this] vicious bloated mass ! <br />Lofty is the New Tower , <br />On the waters of the He , flowing still . <br />A pleasant , genial mate she sought , <br />[And has got this] vicious bloated mass ! <br />It was a fish net that was set , <br />And a goose has fallen into it . <br />A pleasant , genial mate she sought , <br />And she has got this hunchback . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>44.&nbsp; 二子乘舟&nbsp; ER ZI CHENG ZHOU<br />二子乘舟、汎汎其景。<br />願言思子、中心養養。<br />二子乘舟、汎汎其逝。<br />願言思子、不瑕有害。<br />The two youths got into their boats , <br />Whose shadows floated about [on the water] . <br />I think longingly of them , <br />And my heart is tossed about in uncertainty . <br />The two youths got into their boats , <br />Which floated away [on the stream] . <br />I think longingly of them , <br />Did they not come to harm ? <br />鄘風&nbsp; (THE ODES OF YONG)<br />45.&nbsp; 柏舟&nbsp; BO ZHOU<br />汎彼柏舟、在彼中河。<br />髧彼兩髦、實維我儀。<br />之死矢靡它。<br />母也天只、不諒人只。<br />汎彼柏舟、在彼河側。<br />髧彼兩髦、實維我特。<br />之死矢靡慝。<br />母也天只、不諒人只。<br />It floats about , that boat of cypress wood , <br />There in the middle of the He . <br />With his two tufts of hair falling over his forehead , <br />He was my mate ; <br />And I swear that till death I will have no other . <br />O mother , O Heaven , <br />Why will you not understand me ? <br />It floats about , that boat of cypress wood , <br />There by the side of the He . <br />With his two tufts of hair falling over his forehead , <br />He was my only one ; <br />And I swear that till death I will not do the evil thing . <br />O mother , O Heaven , <br />Why will you not understand me ? </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>46.&nbsp; 牆有茨&nbsp; QIANG YOU CI<br />牆有茨、不可埽也。<br />中冓之言、不可道也。<br />所可道也、言之醜也。<br />牆有茨、不可襄也。<br />中冓之言、不可詳也。<br />所可詳也、言之長也。<br />牆有茨、不可束也。<br />中冓之言、不可讀也。<br />所可讀也、言之辱也。<br />The tribulus grows on the wall , <br />And cannot be brushed away . <br />The story of the inner chamber ,<br />Cannot be told .<br />What would have to be told ,<br />Would be the vilest of recitals . <br />The tribulus grow on the wall , <br />And cannot be removed . <br />The story of the inner chamber ,<br />Cannot be particularly related . <br />What might be particularly related <br />Would be a long story . <br />The tribulus grow on the wall , <br />And cannot be bound together , [and taken away] . <br />The story of the inner chamber <br />Cannot be recited ,<br />What might be recited ,<br />Would be the most disgraceful of things . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>47.&nbsp; 君子偕老&nbsp; JUN ZI XIE LAO<br />君子偕老、副笄六珈。<br />委委佗佗、如山如河、象服是宜。<br />子之不淑、云如之何。<br />玼兮玼兮、其之翟也。<br />鬒髮如云、不屑 di 也。<br />玉之瑱也、象之揥也、揚且之皙也。<br />胡然而天也、胡然而帝也。<br />瑳兮瑳兮、其之展也。<br />蒙彼縐絺、是紲袢也。<br />子之清揚、揚且之顏也。<br />展如之人兮、邦之媛也。<br />髟+也 <br />The husband's to their old age , <br />In her headdress , and the cross-pins , with their six jewels ; <br />Easy and elegant in her movements ; <br />[Stately] as a mountain , [majestic]as a river , <br />Well beseeming her pictured robes : -- <br />[But] with your want of virtue , O lady , <br />What have you to do with these things ? <br />How rich and splendid <br />Is her pleasant-figured robe ! <br />Her black hair in masses like clouds , <br />No false locks does she descend to . <br />There are her ear-plugs of jade , <br />Her comb-pin of ivory , <br />And her high forehead , so white . <br />She appears like a visitant from heaven ! <br />She appears like a goddess ! <br />How rich and splendid <br />Is her robe of state ! <br />It is worn over the finest muslin of dolichos , <br />The more cumbrous and warm garment being removed . <br />Clear are her eyes ; fine is her forehead ; <br />Full are her temples . <br />Ah ! such a woman as this !<br />The beauty of the country !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>48.&nbsp; 桑中&nbsp; SANG ZHONG<br />爰采唐矣、沬之鄉矣。<br />云誰之思、美孟姜矣。<br />期我乎桑中、要我乎上宮、送我乎淇之上矣。<br />爰采麥矣、沬之北矣。<br />云誰之思、美孟弋矣。<br />期我乎桑中、要我乎上宮、送我乎淇之上矣 。<br />爰采葑矣、沬之東矣。<br />云誰之思、美孟庸矣。<br />期我乎桑中、要我乎上宮、送我乎淇之上矣。<br />I am going to gather the dodder , <br />In the fields of Mei . <br />But of whom are my thoughts ? <br />Of that beauty , the eldest of the Jiang . <br />She made an appontment with me in Sangzhong ; <br />She will meet me in Shanggong ; <br />She will accompany me to Qishang.<br />I am going to gather the wheat,<br />In the north of Mei.<br />But of whom are my thoughts?<br />Of that beauty, the eldest of the Yi.<br />She made an appontment with me in Sangzhong;<br />She will meet me in Shanggong;<br />She will accompany me to Qishang.<br />I am going to gather the mustard plant,,<br />In the east of Mei.<br />But of whom are my thoughts?<br />Of that beauty, the eldest of the Yong.<br />She made an appontment with me in Sangzhong;<br />She will meet me in Shanggong;<br />She will accompany me to Qishang.</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>49.&nbsp; 鶉之奔奔&nbsp; CHUN ZI BEN BEN<br />鶉之奔奔、鵲之彊彊。<br />人之無良、我以為兄。<br />鵲之彊彊、鶉之奔奔。<br />人之無良、我以為君。<br />Boldly faithful in their pairings are quails ; <br />Vigorously so are magpies . <br />This man is all vicious , <br />And I consider him my brother ! <br />Vigorously faithful in their pairings are magpies ; <br />Boldly so are quails . <br />This woman is all vicious , <br />And I regard her as marchioness . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>50.&nbsp; 定之方中&nbsp; DING ZHI FANG ZHONG<br />定之方中、作于楚宮。<br />揆之以日、作于楚室。<br />樹之榛栗、椅桐梓漆、爰伐琴瑟。<br />升彼虛矣、以望楚矣。<br />望楚與堂、景山與京。<br />降觀于桑、卜云其吉、終然允臧。<br />靈雨既零、命彼倌人。<br />星言夙駕、說于桑田。<br />匪直也人、秉心塞淵、騋牝三千。<br />When [Ding] culminated [at night fall],<br />He began to build the palace at Chu . <br />Determining its aspects by means of the sun , <br />He built the mansion at Chu . <br />He planted about it hazel and chesnut trees , <br />The yi , the tong , the zi , and the varnish-tree , <br />Which , when cut down , might afford materials for lutes . <br />He ascended those old walls , <br />And thense surveyed [the site of ] Chu . <br />He surveyed Chu and Tang , <br />With the high hills and lofty elevations about : <br />He descended and examined the mulberry trees ; <br />He then divined , and got a fortunate response ; <br />And thus the issue has been truly good . <br />When the good rain had fallen , <br />He would order his groom , <br />By starlight , in the morning , to yoke his carriage , <br />And would then stop among the mulberry trees and fields . <br />But not only thus did he show what he was ; -- <br />Maintaining in his heart a profound devotion to his duties , <br />His tall horses and mares amounted to three thousand . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>51.&nbsp; 蝃蝀&nbsp; DI DONG<br />蝃蝀在東、莫之敢指。<br />女子有行、遠兄弟父母。<br />朝隮于西、崇朝其雨。<br />女子有行、遠兄弟父母。<br />乃如之人也、懷昏姻也。<br />大無信也、不知命也。<br />There is a rainbow in the east , <br />And no one dares to point to it . <br />When a girl goes away [from her home] , <br />She separates from her parents and brothers . <br />In the morning [a rainbow] rises in the west , <br />And [only] during the morning is there rain . <br />When a girl goes away [from her home] , <br />She separates from her brothers and parents . <br />This person <br />Has her heart only on being married . <br />Greatly is she untrue to herself , <br />And does not recognize [the law of] her lot . </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>52.&nbsp; 相鼠&nbsp; XIANG SHU<br />相鼠有皮、人而無儀。<br />人而無儀、不死何為。<br />相鼠有齒、人而無止。<br />人而無止、不死何俟。<br />相鼠有體、人而無禮。<br />人而無禮、胡不遄死。<br />Look at a rat , -- it has its skin ;<br />But a man should be without dignity of demeanour .<br />If a man have no dignity of demeanour ,<br />What should he but die ?<br />Look at a rat , -- it has its teeth ;<br />But a man shall be without any right deportment .<br />If a man have not right deportment ,<br />What should he wait for but death ?<br />Look at a rat , -- it has its limbs ;<br />But a man shall be without any rules of propriety .<br />If a man observe no rules of propriety ,<br />Why does he not quickly die ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>53.&nbsp; 干旄&nbsp; GAN MAO<br />孑孑干旄、在浚之郊。<br />素絲紕之、良馬四之。<br />彼姝者之、何以畀之。<br />孑孑干旟、在浚之都。<br />素絲組之、良馬五之。<br />彼姝者之、何以予之。<br />孑孑干旌、在浚之城。<br />素絲祝之、良馬六之。<br />彼姝者之、何以告之。<br />Conspiciously rise the staffs with their ox-tails ,<br />In the distant suburbs of Jun ,<br />Ornamented with the white silk bands ;<br />There are four carriages with their good horses ,<br />That admirable gentleman , -- <br />What will he give them for [this] ?<br />Conspiciously rise the staffs with their falcon-banners ,<br />In the nearer suburbs of Jun ,<br />Ornamented with the white silk ribbons ;<br />There are four carriages with their good horses ,<br />That admirable gentleman , -- <br />What will he give them for [this] ?<br />Conspiciously rise the staffs with their feathered streamers ,<br />At the walls of Jun ,<br />Bound with the white silk cords ;<br />There are six carriages with their good horses ,<br />That admirable gentleman , -- <br />What will he give them for [this] ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>54.&nbsp; 載馳&nbsp; ZAI CHI<br />載馳載驅、歸唁衛侯。<br />驅馬悠悠、言至于漕。<br />大夫跋涉、我心則憂。<br />既不我嘉、不能旋反。<br />視而不臧、我思不遠。<br />既不我嘉、不能旋濟。<br />視而不臧、我思不閟。<br />陟彼阿丘、言采其虻。<br />女子善懷、亦各有行。<br />許人尤之、眾樨且狂。<br />我行其野、芃芃其麥。<br />控于大邦、誰因誰極。<br />大夫君子、無我有尤。<br />百爾所思、不如我所之。<br />I would have galloped my horses and whipt them ,<br />Returning to condole with the marquis of Wei .<br />I would have urged them all the long way ,<br />Till I arrived at Cao .<br />A great officer has gone , over the hills and through the rivers ;<br />But my heart is full of sorrow .<br />You disapproved of my [proposal] ,<br />And I cannot return to [Wei] ;<br />But I regard you as in the wrong ,<br />And cannot forget my purpose .<br />You disapproved of my purpose ,<br />But I cannot return across the streams ;<br />But I regard you as in the wrong ,<br />And cannot shut out my thoughts .<br />I will ascend that mound with the steep side ,<br />And gather the mother-of-pearl lilies .<br />I might, as a woman , have many thoughts ,<br />But every one of them was practicable .<br />The people of Xu blame me ,<br />But they are all childish and hasty [in their conclusions] .<br />I would have gone through the country ,<br />Amidst the wheat so luxuriant .<br />I would have carried the case before the great State .<br />On whom should I have relied ? Who would come [to the help of Wei] ?<br />Ye great officers and gentlemen ,<br />The hundred plans you think of<br />Are not equal to the course I was going to take .<br />衛風&nbsp; (THE ODES OF WEI) <br />55.&nbsp; 淇奧&nbsp; QI AO<br />瞻彼淇奧、綠竹猗猗。<br />有匪君子、如切如磋、如琢如磨。<br />瑟兮僩兮、赫兮咺兮。<br />有匪君子、終不可諼兮。<br />瞻彼淇奧、綠竹青青。<br />有匪君子、充耳琇瑩、會弁如星。<br />瑟兮僩兮、赫兮咺兮。<br />有匪君子、終不可諼兮。<br />瞻彼淇奧、綠竹如簀。<br />有匪君子、如切如錫、如圭如璧。<br />寬兮綽兮、猗重較兮。<br />善戲謔兮、不為虐兮。<br />Look at those recesses in the banks of the Qi ,<br />With their green bamboos , so fresh and luxuriant !<br />There is our elegant and accomplished prince , -- <br />As from the knife and the file ,<br />As from the chisel and the polisher !<br />How grave is he and dignified !<br />How commanding and distinguished !<br />Our elegant and accomplished prince , -- <br />Never can he be forgotten !<br />Look at those recesses in the banks of the Qi ,<br />With their green bamboos , so strong and luxuriant !<br />There is our elegant and accomplished prince , -- <br />With his ear-stoppers of beautiful pebbles ,<br />And his cap , glittering as with stars between the seams !<br />How grave is he and dignified !<br />How commanding and distinguished !<br />Our elegant and accomplished prince , -- <br />Never can he be forgotten !<br />Look at those recesses in the banks of the Qi ,<br />With their green bamboos , so dense together !<br />There is our elegant and accomplished prince , -- <br />[Pure] as gold and as tin ,<br />[Soft and rich] as a sceptre of jade !<br />How magnanimous is he and gentle !<br />There he is in his chariot with its two high sides !<br />Skilful is he at quips and jokes ,<br />But how does he keep from rudeness from them !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>56.&nbsp; 考槃&nbsp; KAO PAN<br />考槃在澗、碩人之寬。<br />獨寐寤言、永矢弗諼。<br />考槃在阿、碩人之薖。<br />獨寐寤歌、永矢弗過。<br />考槃在陸、碩人之軸。<br />獨寐寤宿、永矢弗告。<br />He has reared his hut by the stream in the valley , <br />-- That large man , so much at his ease .<br />Alone he sleeps , and wakes , and talks .<br />He swears he will never forgets [his true joy] .<br />He has reared his hut in the bend of the mound , <br />-- That large man , with such an air of indifference .<br />Alone he sleeps , and wakes , and sings .<br />He swears he will never pass from the spot .<br />He has reared his hut on the level height , <br />-- That large man , so self-collected .<br />Alone , he sleeps and wakes , and sleeps again .<br />He swears he will never tell [of his delight] .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>57.&nbsp; 碩人&nbsp; SHUO REN<br />碩人其頎、衣錦褧衣。<br />齊侯之子、衛侯之妻、東宮之妹、邢侯之姨、譚公維私。<br />手如柔荑。<br />膚如凝脂。<br />領如蝤蠐。<br />領如蝤蠐。<br />齒如瓠犀。<br />螓首蛾眉。<br />巧笑倩兮。<br />美目盼兮。<br />碩人敖敖、說于農郊。<br />四牡有驕、朱幩鑣鑣、翟茀以朝。<br />大夫夙退、無使君勞。<br />河水洋洋、北流活活。<br />施罛瀖瀖、鱣鮪發發、葭菼揭揭。<br />庶姜孽孽、庶士有朅。<br />Large was she and tall ,<br />In her embroidered robe , with a [plain] single garment over it : -- <br />The daughter of the marquis of Qi .<br />The wife of the marquis of Wei ,<br />The sister of the heir-son of Tong<br />The sister-in-law of the marquis of Xing ,<br />The viscount of Tan also her brother-in-law .<br />Her fingers were like the blades of the young white-grass ;<br />Her skin was like congealed ointment ;<br />Her neck was like the tree-grub ;<br />Her teeth were like melon seeds ;<br />Her forehead cicada-like ; her eyebrows like [the antenne of] the silkworm moth ;<br />What dimples , as she artfully smiled !<br />How lovely her eyes , with the black and white so well defined !<br />Large was she and tall ,<br />When she halted in the cultivated suburbs .<br />Strong looked her four horses ,<br />With the red ornaments so rich about their bits .<br />Thus in her carriage , with its screens of pheasant feathers ,<br />she proceeded to our court .<br />Early retire , ye great officers ,<br />And do not make the marquis fatiqued !<br />The waters of the He , wide and deep ,<br />Flow northwards in majestic course .<br />The nets are dropt into them with a plashing sound ,<br />Among shoals of sturgeon , large and small ,<br />While the rushes and sedges are rank about .<br />Splendidly adorned were her sister ladies ;<br />Martial looked the attendant officers .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>58.&nbsp; 氓&nbsp; MANG<br />氓之蚩蚩、抱布貿絲。<br />匪來貿絲、來即我謀。<br />送子涉淇、至于頓丘。<br />匪來愆期、子無良媒。<br />將子無怒、秋以為期。<br />乘彼垝垣、以望復關。<br />不見復關、泣涕漣漣。<br />既見復關、載笑載言。<br />爾卜爾筮、體無咎言。<br />以爾車來、以我賄遷。<br />桑之未落、其葉沃若。<br />于嗟鳩兮、無食桑葚。<br />于嗟女兮、無與士耽。<br />士之耽兮、猶可說也、<br />女之耽兮、 不可說也。<br />桑之落矣、其黃而隕。<br />自我徂爾、三歲食貧。<br />淇水湯湯、漸車帷裳。<br />女也不爽、士貳其行。<br />士也罔極、二三其德。<br />三歲為婦、靡室勞矣。<br />夙興夜寐、靡有朝矣。<br />言既遂矣、至于暴矣。<br />兄弟不知、咥其笑矣。<br />靜言思之、躬自悼矣。<br />及爾偕老、老使我怨。<br />淇則有岸、隰則有泮。<br />總角之宴、言笑晏晏。<br />信膂旦旦、不思其反。<br />反是不思、亦已焉哉。<br />A simple-looking lad you were ,<br />Carrying cloth to exchange it for silk .<br />[But] you came not so to purchase silk ; -- <br />You came to make proposals to me .<br />I convoyed you through the Qi ,<br />As far as Dunqiu . <br />' It is not I , ' [I said] , ' who would protract the time ;<br />But you have had no good go-between .<br />I pray you be not angry ,<br />And let autumn be the time . '<br />I ascended that ruinous wall ,<br />To look towards Fuguan ;<br />And when I saw [you] not [coming from] it ;<br />My tears flowed in streams .<br />When I did see [you coming from] Fuquan ,<br />I laughed and I spoke .<br />You had consulted , [you said] , the tortoise-shell and the reeds ,<br />And there was nothing unfavourable in their response .<br />' Then come , ' [I said] , ' with your carriage ,<br />And I will remove with my goods .<br />Before the mulberry tree has shed its leaves ,<br />How rich and glossy are they !<br />Ah ! thou dove ,<br />Eat not its fruit [to excess] .<br />Ah ! thou young lady ,<br />Seek no licentious pleasure with a gentleman .<br />When a gentleman indulges in such pleasure ,<br />Something may still be said for him ;<br />When a lady does so ,<br />Nothing can be said for her .<br />When the mulberry tree sheds its leaves ,<br />They fall yellow on the ground .<br />Since I went with you ,<br />Three years have I eaten of your poverty ;<br />And [now] the full waters of the Qi ,<br />Wet the curtains of my carriage .<br />There has been no difference in me ,<br />But you have been double in your ways .<br />It is you , Sir , who transgress the right ,<br />Thus changeable in your conduct .<br />For three years I was your wife ,<br />And thought nothing of my toil in your house .<br />I rose early and went to sleep late ,<br />Not intermitting my labours for a morning .<br />Thus [on my part] our contract was fulfilled ,<br />But you have behaved thus cruelly .<br />My brothers will not know [all this] ,<br />And will only laugh at me .<br />Silently I think of it ,<br />And bemoan myself .<br />I was to grow old with you ; -- <br />Old , you give me cause for sad repining .<br />The Qi has its banks ,<br />And the marsh has its shores .<br />In the pleasant time of my girlhood , <br />with my hair simply gathered in a knot ,<br />Harmoniously we talked and laughed .<br />Clearly were we sworn to good faith ,<br />And I did not think the engagement would be broken .<br />That it would be broken I did not think ,<br />And now it must be all over !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>59.&nbsp; 竹竿&nbsp; ZHU GAN<br />藋藋竹竿、以釣于淇。<br />豈不爾思、遠莫致之。<br />泉源在左、淇水在右。<br />女子有行、遠兄弟父母。<br />淇水在右、泉源在左。<br />巧笑之瑎、佩玉之儺。<br />淇水浟浟、檜楫松舟。<br />駕言出遊、以寫我憂。<br />With your long and tapering bamboo rods ,<br />You angle in the Qi .<br />Do I not think of you ?<br />But I am far away , and cannot get you .<br />The Quanyuan is on the left ,<br />And the waters of the Qi are on the right .<br />But when a young lady goes away , [and is married] ,<br />She leaves her brothers and parents .<br />The waters of the Qi are on the right <br />And the Quanyuan is on the left .<br />How shine the white teeth through the artful smiles !<br />How the girdle gems move to the measured steps !<br />The waters of the Qi flow smoothly ;<br />There are the oars of cedar and boats of pine .<br />Might I but go there in my carriage and ramble ,<br />To dissipate my sorrow !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>60.&nbsp; 芄蘭&nbsp; WAN LAN<br />芄蘭之支、童子佩觿。<br />雖則佩觿、能不我知。<br />容兮遂兮、垂帶悸兮。<br />芄蘭之葉、童子佩韘。<br />雖則佩韘、能不我甲。<br />容兮遂兮、垂帶悸兮。<br />There are the branches of the sparrow-gourd ; -- <br />There is that lad , with the spike at his girdle .<br />Though he carries a spike at his girdle ,<br />He does not know us .<br />How easy and conceited is his manner ,<br />With the ends of his girdle hanging down as they do !<br />There are the leaves of the sparrow-gourd ; -- <br />There is that lad with the archer's thimble at his girdle .<br />Though he carries an archer's thimble at his girdle ,<br />He is not superior to us .<br />How easy and conceited is his manner ,<br />With the ends of his girdle hanging down as they do !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>61.&nbsp; 河廣&nbsp; HE GUANG<br />誰謂河廣、一葦杭之。<br />誰謂宋遠、跂予望之。<br />誰謂河廣、曾不容刀。<br />誰謂宋遠、曾不崇朝。<br />Who says that the He is wide ?<br />With [a bundle of] reeds I can cross it .<br />Who says that Song is distant ?<br />On tiptoe I can see it .<br />Who says that the He is wide ?<br />It will not admit a little boat .<br />Who says that Song is distant ?<br />It would not take a whole morning to reach it .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>62.&nbsp; 伯兮&nbsp; BO XI<br />伯兮朅兮、邦之桀兮。<br />伯也執殳、為王前驅。<br />自伯之東、首如飛蓬。<br />豈無膏沐、誰適為容。<br />其雨其雨、杲杲出日。<br />願言思伯、甘心首疾。<br />焉得諼草、言樹之背。<br />願言思伯、使我心痗。<br />My noble husband is now martial-like !<br />The hero of the country !<br />My husband , grasping his halberd ,<br />Is in the leading chariot of the king's [host] .<br />Since my husband went to the east ,<br />My head has been like the flying [pappus of the] artemisia .<br />It is not that I could not anoint and wash it ;<br />But for whom should I adorn myself ?<br />O for rain ! O for rain !<br />But brightly the sun comes forth .<br />Longingly I think of my husband ,<br />Till my heart is weary , and my head aches .<br />How shall I get the plant of forgetfulness ?<br />I would plant it on the north of my house .<br />Longingly I think of my husband ,<br />And my heart is made to ache .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>63.&nbsp; 有狐&nbsp; YOU HU<br />有狐綏綏、在彼淇梁。<br />心之憂矣、之子無裳。<br />有狐綏綏、在彼淇厲。<br />心之憂矣、之子無帶。<br />有狐綏綏、在彼淇側。<br />心之憂矣、之子無服。<br />There is a fox , solitary and suspicious ,<br />At that dam over the Qi .<br />My heart is sad ; -- <br />That man has no lower garment .<br />There is a fox , solitary and suspicious ,<br />At that deep ford of the Qi .<br />My heart is sad ; -- <br />That man has no girdle .<br />There is a fox , solitary and suspicious ,<br />By the side there of the Qi .<br />My heart is sad ; -- <br />That man has no clothes .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>64.&nbsp; 木瓜&nbsp; MU GUA<br />投我以木瓜、報之以瓊琚。<br />匪報也、永以為好也。<br />投我以木桃、報之以瓊瑤。<br />匪報也、永以為好也。<br />投我以木李、報之以瓊玖。<br />匪報也、永以為好也。<br />There was presented to me a papaya ,<br />And I returned for it a beautiful Ju-gem ;<br />Not as a return for it ,<br />But that our friendship might be lasting .<br />There was presented to me a peach ,<br />And I returned for it a beautiful Yao-gem ;<br />Not as a return for it ,<br />But that our friendship might be lasting .<br />There was presented to me a plum ,<br />And I returned for it a beautiful Jiu-gem ;<br />Not as a return for it ,<br />But that our friendship might be lasting .<br />王風&nbsp; (THE ODES OF WANG)<br />65.&nbsp; 黍離&nbsp; SHU LI<br />彼黍離離、彼稷之苗。<br />行邁靡靡、中心搖搖。<br />知我者、謂我心憂、不知我者、謂我何求。<br />悠悠蒼天、此何人哉。<br />彼黍離離、彼稷之穗。<br />行邁靡靡、中心如醉。<br />知我者、謂我心憂、不知我者、謂我何求。<br />悠悠蒼天、此何人哉。<br />彼黍離離、彼稷之實。<br />行邁靡靡、中心如噎。<br />知我者、謂我心憂、不知我者、謂我何求。<br />悠悠蒼天、此何人哉。<br />There was the millet with its drooping heads ;<br />There was the sacrificial millet into blade .<br />Slowly I moved about ,<br />In my heart all-agitated .<br />Those who knew me ,<br />Said I was sad at heart .<br />Those who did not know me ,<br />Said I was seeking for something .<br />O distant and azure Heaven !<br />By what man was this [brought about] ?<br />There was the millet with its drooping heads ;<br />There was the sacrificial millet in the ear .<br />Slowly I moved about ,<br />My heart intoxicated , as it were , [with grief] .<br />Those who knew me ,<br />Said I was sad at heart .<br />Those who did not know me ,<br />Said I was seeking for something .<br />O thou distant and azure Heaven !<br />By what man was this [brought about] ?<br />There was the millet with its drooping heads ;<br />There was the sacrificial millet in grain .<br />Slowly I moved about ,<br />As if there were a stoppage at my heart .<br />Those who knew me ,<br />Said I was sad at heart .<br />Those who did not know me ,<br />Said I was seeking for something .<br />O thou distant and azure Heaven !<br />By what man was this [brought about] ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>66.&nbsp; 君子于役&nbsp; JUN ZI YU YI<br />君子于役、不知其期、曷至哉。<br />雞棲于塒、日之夕矣、羊牛下來。<br />君子于役、如之何勿思。<br />君子于役、不日不月、曷其有佸。<br />雞棲于桀、日之夕矣、羊牛下括。<br />君子于役、茍無飢渴。<br />My husband is away on service ,<br />And I know not when he will return .<br />Where is he now ?<br />The fowls roost in their holes in the walls ;<br />And in the evening of the day ,<br />The goats and cows come down [from the hill] ;<br />But my husband is away on service .<br />How can I but keep thinking of him ?<br />My husband is away on service ,<br />Not for days [merely] or for months .<br />When will he come back to me ?<br />The fowls roost on their perches ;<br />And in the evening of the day ,<br />The goats and cows come down down and home ;<br />But my husband is away on service .<br />Oh if he be but kept from hunger and thirst !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>67.&nbsp; 君子陽陽&nbsp; JUN ZI YANG YANG<br />君子陽陽、左執簧、右招我由房。<br />其樂只且。<br />君子陶陶、左執翿、右招我由敖。<br />其樂只且。<br />My husband looks full of satisfaction .<br />In his left hand he holds his reed-organ ,<br />And with his right he calls me to the room .<br />Oh the joy !<br />My husband looks delighted .<br />In his left hand he holds his screen of feathers ,<br />And with his right he calls me to the stage .<br />Oh the joy !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>68.&nbsp; 揚之水&nbsp; YANG ZHI SHUI<br />揚之水、不流束薪。<br />彼其之子、不與我戍申。<br />懷哉懷哉、曷月予還歸哉。<br />揚之水、不流束楚。<br />彼其之子、不與我戍甫。<br />懷哉懷哉、曷月予還歸哉。<br />揚之水、不流束蒲。<br />彼其之子、不與我戍許。<br />懷哉懷哉、曷月予還歸哉。<br />The fretted waters ,<br />Do not carry on their current a bundle of firewood !<br />Those , the members of our families ,<br />Are not with us here guarding Shen .<br />How we think of them ! How we think of them !<br />What month shall we return home ?<br />The fretted waters ,<br />Do not carry on their current a bundle of thorns !<br />Those , the members of our families ,<br />Are not with us here guarding Pu .<br />How we think of them ! How we think of them !<br />What month shall we return ?<br />The fretted waters ,<br />Do not carry on their current a bundle of osiers !<br />Those , the members of our families ,<br />Are not with us here guarding Xu .<br />How we think of them ! How we think of them !<br />What month shall we return ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>69.&nbsp; 中谷有蓷&nbsp; ZHONG GU<br />中谷有蓷、暵其乾矣。<br />有女仳離、慨其歎矣。<br />慨其歎矣、遇人之艱難矣。<br />中谷有蓷、暵其修矣。<br />有女仳離、條其嘯矣。<br />慨其嘯矣、遇人之不淑矣。<br />中谷有蓷、暵其濕矣。<br />有女仳離、啜其泣矣。<br />啜其泣矣、嗟何及矣。<br />In the valleys grows the mother-wort ,<br />But scorched is it in the drier places .<br />There is a woman forced to leave her husband ;<br />Sadly she sighs !<br />Sadly she sighs !<br />She suffers from his hard lot .<br />In the valleys grows the mother-wort ,<br />But scorched is it where it had become long .<br />There is a woman forced to leave her husband ;<br />Long-drawn are her groanings !<br />Long-drawn are her groanings !<br />She suffers from his misfortune .<br />In the valleys grows the mother-wort ,<br />But scorched is it even in the moist places .<br />There is a woman forced to leave her husband ;<br />Ever flow her tears !<br />Ever flow her tears !<br />But of what avail is her lament ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>70.&nbsp; 兔爰&nbsp; TU YUAN<br />有兔爰爰、雉離于羅。<br />我生之初、尚無為。<br />我生之後、逢此百罹。<br />尚寐無吪。<br />有兔爰爰、雉離于罦。<br />我生之初、尚無造。<br />我生之後、逢此百憂。<br />尚寐無覺。<br />有兔爰爰、雉離于罿。<br />我生之初、尚無庸。<br />我生之後、逢此百凶。<br />尚寐無聰。<br />The hare is slow and cautious ;<br />The pheasant plumps into the net .<br />In the early part of my life ,<br />Time still passed without commotion .<br />In the subsequent part of it ,<br />We are meeting with all these evils .<br />I wish I might sleep and never move more .<br />The hare is slow and cautious ;<br />The pheasant plumps into the snare .<br />In the early part of my life ,<br />Time still passed without anything stirring .<br />In the subsequent part of it ,<br />We are meeting with all these sorrows .<br />I wish I might sleep and never move more .<br />The hare is slow and cautious ;<br />The pheasant plumps into the trap .<br />In the early part of my life ,<br />Time still passed without any call for our services .<br />In the subsequent part of it ,<br />We are meeting with all these miseries .<br />I would that I might sleep , and hear of nothing more .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>71.&nbsp; 葛藟&nbsp; GE LEI<br />綿綿葛藟、在河之滸。<br />終遠兄弟、謂他人父。<br />謂他人父、亦莫我顧。<br />綿綿葛藟、在河之涘。<br />終遠兄弟、謂他人母。<br />謂他人母、亦莫我有。<br />綿綿葛藟、在河之漘。<br />終遠兄弟、謂他人昆。<br />謂他人昆、亦莫我聞。<br />Thickly they spread about , the dolichos creepers ,<br />On the borders of the He .<br />For ever separated from my brothers ,<br />I call a stranger father .<br />I call a stranger father ,<br />But he will not look at me .<br />Thickly they spread about , the dolichos creepers ,<br />On the banks of the He .<br />For ever separated from my brothers ,<br />I call a stranger mother .<br />I call a stranger mother ,<br />But she will not recognize me .<br />Thickly they spread about , the dolichos creepers ,<br />On the lips of the He .<br />For ever separated from my brothers ,<br />I call a stranger elder-brother .<br />I call a stranger elder-brother ,<br />But he will not listen to me .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>72.&nbsp; 采葛&nbsp; CAI GE<br />彼采葛兮。<br />一日不見、如三月兮。<br />彼采蕭兮。<br />一日不見、如三秋兮。<br />彼采艾兮。<br />一日不見、如三歲兮。<br />There he is gathering the dolichos !<br />A day without seeing him ,<br />Is like three months !<br />There he is gathering the oxtail-southern-wood !<br />A day without seeing him ,<br />Is like three seasons !<br />There he is gathering the mugwort !<br />A day without seeing him ,<br />Is like three years !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>73.&nbsp; 大車&nbsp; DA CHE<br />大車檻檻、毳衣如菼。<br />豈不爾思、畏子不敢。<br />大車啍啍、毳衣如璊。<br />豈不爾思、畏子不奔。<br />穀則異室、死則同穴。<br />謂予不信、有如皦日。<br />His great carriage rumbles along , <br />And his robes of rank glitter like the young sedge .<br />Do I not think of you ?<br />But I am afraid of this officer , and dare not .<br />His great carriage moves heavily and slowly , <br />And his robes of rank glitter like a carnation-gem .<br />Do I not think of you ?<br />But I am afraid of this officer , and do not rush to you.<br />While living , we may have to occupy different apartments ;<br />But when dead , we shall share the same grave .<br />If you say that I am not sincere ,<br />By the bright sun I swear that I am .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>74.&nbsp; 丘中有麻&nbsp; QIU ZHONG YOU MA<br />丘中有麻、彼留子嗟。<br />彼留子嗟、將其來施施。<br />丘中有麥、彼留子國。<br />彼留子國、將其來食。<br />丘中有李、彼留之子。<br />彼留之子、貽我佩玖。<br />On the mound where is the hemp ,<br />Some one is detaining Zijie .<br />Some one is there detaining Zijie ; -- <br />Would that he would come jauntily [to me] !<br />On the mound where is the wheat ,<br />Some one is detaining Ziguo .<br />Some one is there detaining Ziguo ; -- <br />Would that he would come and eat with me !<br />On the mound where are the plum trees ,<br />Some one is detaining those youths .<br />Some one is there detaining those youths ; -- <br />They will give me Jiu-stones for my girdle .<br />鄭風&nbsp; (THE ODES OF ZHENG)<br />75.&nbsp; 緇衣&nbsp; ZI YI<br />緇衣之宜兮、敝、予又改為兮。<br />適子之館兮、還、予授子之粲兮。<br />緇衣之好兮、敝、予又改造兮。<br />適子之館兮、還、予授子之粲兮。<br />緇衣之蓆兮、敝、予又改作兮。<br />適子之館兮、還、予授子之粲兮。<br />How well do the black robes befit you !<br />When worn out , we will make others for you .<br />We will go to your court ,<br />And when we return [from it] , we will send you a feast !<br />How good on you are the black robes !<br />When worn out , we will make others for you .<br />We will go to your court ,<br />And when we return [from it] , we will send you a feast !<br />How easy sit the black robes on you !<br />When worn out , we will make others for you .<br />We will go to your court ,<br />And when we return [from it] , we will send you a feast !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>76.&nbsp; 將仲子&nbsp; JIANG ZHONG ZI<br />將仲子兮、無踰我里、無折我樹杞。<br />豈敢愛之、畏我父母。<br />仲可懷也、父母之言、亦可畏也。<br />將仲子兮、無踰我墻、無折我樹桑。<br />豈敢愛之、畏我諸兄。<br />仲可懷也、諸兄之言、亦可畏也。<br />將仲子兮、無踰我園、無折我樹檀。<br />豈敢愛之、畏人之多言。<br />仲可懷也、人之多言、亦可畏也。<br />I pray you , Mr. Zhong ,<br />Do not come leaping into my hamlet ;<br />Do not break my willow trees .<br />Do I care for them ?<br />But I fear my parents .<br />You , O Zhong , are to be loved ,<br />But the words of my parents ,<br />Are also to be feared .<br />I pray you , Mr. Zhong ,<br />Do not come leaping over my wall ;<br />Do not break my mulberry trees .<br />Do I care for them ?<br />But I fear the words of my brothers .<br />You , O Zhong , are to be loved ,<br />But the words of my brothers ,<br />Are also to be feared .<br />I pray you , Mr. Zhong ,<br />Do not come leaping into my garden ;<br />Do not break my sandal trees .<br />Do I care for them ?<br />But I dread the talk of people .<br />You , O Zhong , are to be loved ,<br />But the talk of people ,<br />Is also to be feared .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>77.&nbsp; 叔于田&nbsp; SHU YU TIAN<br />叔于田、巷無居人。<br />豈無居人、不如叔也、洵美且仁。<br />叔于狩、巷無飲酒。<br />豈無飲酒、不如叔也、洵美且好。<br />叔適野、巷無服馬。<br />豈無服馬、不如叔也、洵美且武。<br />Shu has gone hunting ;<br />And in the streets there are no inhabitants .<br />Are there indeed no inhabitants ?<br />[But] they are not like Shu ,<br />Who is truly admirable and kind .<br />Shu has gone to the grand chase ;<br />And in the streets there are none feasting .<br />Are there indeed none feasting ?<br />[But] they are not like Shu ,<br />Who is truly admirable and good .<br />Shu has gone into the country ;<br />And in the streets there are none driving about .<br />Are there indeed none driving about ?<br />[But] they are not like Shu ,<br />Who is truly admirable and martial .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>78.&nbsp; 大叔于田&nbsp; DA SHU YU TIAN<br />叔于田、乘乘馬、執轡如組、兩驂如舞。<br />叔在藪、火烈具舉。<br />襢裼暴虎、獻于公所。<br />將叔無狃、戒其傷女。<br />叔于田、乘乘黃、兩服上襄、兩驂雁行。<br />叔在藪、火烈具揚。<br />叔善射忌、又良御忌、抑磬控忌、抑縱送忌。<br />叔于田、乘乘鴇、兩服齊首、兩驂如手。<br />叔在藪、火烈具阜。<br />叔馬慢忌、叔發罕忌、抑釋掤忌、抑鬯弓忌。<br />Shu has gone hunting ,<br />Mounted in his chariot and four .<br />The reins are in his grasp like ribbons ,<br />While the two outside horses move [with regular steps] , as dancers do .<br />Shu is at the marshy ground ; -- <br />The fire flames out all at once ,<br />And with bared arms he seizes a tiger ,<br />And presents it before the duke .<br />O Shu , try not [such sport] again ;<br />Beware of getting hurt .<br />Shu has gone hunting ,<br />Mounted in his chariot with four bay horses .<br />The two insides are two finest possible animals ,<br />And the two outsides follow them regularly as in a flying flock of wild geese .&lt; br&gt; Shu is at the marshy ground ; -- <br />The fire blazes up all at once ,<br />A skillful archer is Shu !<br />A good charioteer also !<br />Now he gives his horse the reins ; now he brings them up ;<br />Now he discharges his arrows ; now he follows it .<br />Shu has gone hunting ,<br />Mounted in his chariot with four grey horses .<br />His two insides have their heads in a line ,<br />And the two outsides come after like arms .<br />Shu is at the marsh ; -- <br />The fire spreads grandly all together .<br />His horses move slowly ;<br />He shoots but seldom ;<br />Now he lays aside his quiver ;<br />Now he returns his bows to his case .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>79.&nbsp; 清人&nbsp; QING REN<br />清人在彭、駟介旁旁、二矛重英、河上乎翱翔。<br />清人在消、駟介麃麃、二矛重喬、河上乎逍遙。<br />清人在軸、駟介陶陶、左旋右抽、中軍作好。<br />The men of Qing are in Peng ;<br />The chariot with its team in mail ever moves about ;<br />The two spears in it , with their ornaments , rising , one above the other .<br />So do they roam about the He .<br />The men of Qing are in Xiao ;<br />The chariot with its team in mail looks martial ;<br />And the two spears in it , with their hooks , rise one above the other .<br />So do they saunter about by the He .<br />The men of Qing are in Zhou ;<br />The mailed team of the chariot prance proudly .<br />[The driver] on the left wheels it about , and [the spearman] on the right brand ishes his weapon ,<br />While the general in the middle looks pleased .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>80.&nbsp; 羔裘&nbsp; GAO QIU<br />羔裘如濡、洵直且侯。<br />彼其之子、舍命不渝。<br />羔裘豹飾、孔武有力。<br />彼其之子、邦之司直。<br />羔裘晏兮、三英粲兮。<br />彼其之子、邦之彥兮。<br />His lambs's fur is glossy ,<br />Truly smooth and beautiful .<br />That officer ,<br />Rests in his lot and will not change .<br />His lambs's fur , with its cuffs of leopard-skin .<br />Looks grandly martial and strong .<br />That officer ,<br />In the country will ever hold to the right .<br />How splendid is his lamb's fur !<br />How bright are its three ornaments !<br />That officer ,<br />Is the ornament of the country .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>81.&nbsp; 遵大路&nbsp; ZUN DA LU<br />遵大路兮、摻執子之怯兮。<br />無我惡兮、不寁故也。<br />遵大路兮、摻執子之手兮。<br />無我醜兮、不寁好也。<br />Along the highway ,<br />I hold you by the cuff .<br />Do not hate me ; -- <br />Old intercourse should not be suddenly broken off .<br />Along the highway ,<br />I hold you by the hand .<br />Do not think me vile ; -- <br />Old friendship should not hastily be broken off .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>82.&nbsp; 女曰雞鳴&nbsp; NU YUE JI MING<br />女曰雞鳴、士曰昧旦。<br />子興視夜、明星有爛。<br />將翱將翔、弋鳧與雁。<br />弋言加之、與子宜之。<br />宜言飲酒、與子偕老。<br />琴瑟在御、莫不靜好。<br />知子之來之、雜佩以贈之。<br />知子之順之、雜佩以問之。<br />知子之好之、雜佩以報之。<br />Says the wife , ' It is cock-crow ; '<br />Says the husband , ' It is grey dawn . '<br />' Rise , Sir , and look at the night , -- '<br />If the morning star be not shining .<br />Bestir yourself , and move about ,<br />To shoot the wild ducks and geese .<br />When your arrows and line have found them ,<br />I will dress them fitly for you .<br />When they are dressed , we will drink [together over them] ,<br />And I will hope to grow old with you .<br />Your lute in your hands ,<br />Will emits its quiet pleasant tones .<br />When I know those whose acquaintance you wish , <br />I will give them off the ornaments of my girdle .<br />When I know those with whom you are cordial ,<br />I will send to them of the ornaments of my girdle .<br />When I know those whom you love ,<br />I will repay their friendship from the ornaments of my girdle .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>83.&nbsp; 有女同車&nbsp; YOU NU TONG CHE<br />有女同車、顏如舜華。<br />將翱將翔、佩玉瓊琚。<br />彼美孟姜、洵美且都。<br />有女同行、顏如舜英。<br />將翱將翔、佩玉將將。<br />彼美孟姜、德音不忘。<br />There is the lady in the carriage [with him] ,<br />With the countenance like the flower of the ephermeral hedge-tree .<br />As they move about ,<br />The beautiful Ju-gems of her girdle-pendant appear .<br />That beautiful eldest Jiang ,<br />Is truly admirable and elegant .<br />There is the young lady walking [with him] ,<br />With a countenance like the ephermeral blossoms of the hedge-tree .<br />As they move about ,<br />The gems of her girdle-pendant tinkle .<br />Of that beautiful eldest Jiang ,<br />The virtuous fame is not to be forgotten .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>84.&nbsp; 山有扶蘇&nbsp; SHAN YOU FU SU<br />山有扶蘇、隰有荷華。<br />不見子都、乃見狂且。<br />山有橋松、隰有游龍。<br />不見子充、乃見狡童。<br />On the mountain is the mulberry tree ;<br />In the marshes is the lotus flower .<br />I do not see Zidu ,<br />But I see this mad fellow .<br />On the mountain is the lofty pine ;<br />In the marshes is the psreading water-polygonum . .<br />I do not see Zichong ,<br />But I see this artful boy .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>85.&nbsp; 蘀兮&nbsp; TUO XI<br />蘀兮蘀兮、風其吹女。<br />叔兮伯兮、倡予和女。<br />蘀兮蘀兮、風其漂女。<br />叔兮伯兮、倡予要女。<br />Ye withered leaves ! Ye withered leaves !<br />How the wind is blowing you away !<br />O ye uncles ,<br />Give us the first note , and we will join in with you .<br />Ye withered leaves ! Ye withered leaves !<br />How the wind is carrying you away !<br />O ye uncles ,<br />Give us the first note , and we will complete [the song] .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>86.&nbsp; 狡童&nbsp; JIAO TONG<br />彼狡童兮、不與我言兮。<br />維子之故、使我不能餐兮。<br />彼狡童兮、不與我食兮。<br />維子之故、使我不能息兮。<br />That artful boy !<br />He will not speak with me !<br />But for the sake of you , Sir ,<br />Shall I make myself unable to eat ?<br />That artful boy !<br />He will not eat with me !<br />But for the sake of you , Sir ,<br />Shall I make myself unable to rest ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>87.&nbsp; 褰裳&nbsp; QIAN CHANG<br />子惠思我、褰裳涉溱。<br />子不我思、豈無他人。<br />狂童之狂也且。<br />子惠思我、褰裳涉洧。<br />子不我思、豈無他士。<br />狂童之狂也且。<br />If you , Sir , think kindly of me ,<br />I will hold up my lower garments , and cross the Zhen .<br />If you do not think of me ,<br />Is there no other person [to do so] ?<br />You , foolish , foolish fellow !<br />If you , Sir , think kindly of me ,<br />I will hold up my lower garments , and cross the Wei .<br />If you do not think of me ,<br />Is there no other gentleman [to do so] ?<br />You , foolish , foolish fellow !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>88.&nbsp; 丰&nbsp; FENG<br />子之丰兮、俟我乎巷兮。<br />悔予不送兮。<br />子之昌兮、俟我乎堂兮。<br />悔予不將兮。<br />衣錦褧裳、裳錦褧裳。<br />叔兮伯兮、駕予與行。<br />裳錦褧裳、衣錦褧衣。<br />叔兮伯兮、駕予與歸。<br />Full and good looking was the gentleman ,<br />Who waited for me in the lane !<br />I repent that I did not go with him .<br />A splendid gentleman was he ,<br />Who waited for me in the hall !<br />I regret that I did not accompany him .<br />Over my embroidered upper robe , I have put on a [plain] single garment ;<br />Over my embroidered lower robe , I have done the same .<br />O Sir , O Sir ,<br />Have your carriage ready to take me home with you .<br />Over my embroidered lower robe , I have put on a [plain] single garment ;<br />Over my embroidered upper robe , I have done the same .<br />O Sir , O Sir ,<br />Have your carriage ready to take me home with you .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>89.&nbsp; 東門之墠&nbsp; DONG MEN ZHI SHAN<br />東門之墠、茹藘在阪。<br />其室則邇、其人甚遠。<br />東門之栗、有踐家室。<br />豈不爾思、子不我即。<br />Near the level ground at the east gate ,<br />Is the madder plant on the bank .<br />The house is near there ,<br />But the man is very far away .<br />By the chestnut trees at the east gate ,<br />Is a row of houses .<br />Do I not think of you ?<br />But you do not come to me .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>90.&nbsp; 風雨&nbsp; FENG YU<br />風雨淒淒、雞鳴喈喈。<br />既見君子、云胡不夷。<br />風雨瀟瀟、雞鳴膠膠。<br />既見君子、云胡不瘳。<br />風雨如晦、雞鳴不已。<br />既見君子、云胡不喜。<br />Cold are the wind and the rain ,<br />And shrilly crows the cock .<br />But I have seen my husband ,<br />And should I but feel at rest ?<br />The wind whistles and the rain patters ,<br />While loudly crows the cock .<br />But I have seen my husband ,<br />And could my ailment but be cured ?<br />Through the wind and rain all looks dark , <br />And the cock crows without ceasing .<br />But I have seen my husband ,<br />And how should I not rejoice ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>91.&nbsp; 子衿&nbsp; ZI JIN<br />青青子衿、悠悠我心。<br />縱我不往、子寧不嗣音。<br />青青子佩、悠悠我思。<br />縱我不往、子寧不來。<br />挑兮達兮、在城闕兮。<br />一日不見、如三月兮。<br />O you , with the blue collar ,<br />Prolonged is the anxiety of my heart .<br />Although I do not go [to you] ,<br />Why do you not continue your messages [to me] ?<br />O you with the blue [strings to your] girdle-gems ,<br />Long , long do I think of you .<br />Although I do not go [to you] ,<br />Why do you not come [to me] ?<br />How volatile are you and dissipated ,<br />By the look-out tower on the wall !<br />One day without the sight of you ,<br />Is like three months .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>92.&nbsp; 揚之水&nbsp; YANG ZHI SHUI<br />揚之水、不流束楚。<br />終鮮兄弟、維予與女。<br />無信人之言、人實迋女。<br />揚之水、不流束薪。<br />終鮮兄弟、維予二人。<br />無信人之言、人實不信。<br />The fretted waters ,<br />Do not carry on their current a bundle of thorns .<br />Few are our brethren ;<br />There are only I and you .<br />Do not believe what people say ;<br />They are deceiving you .<br />The fretted waters ,<br />Do not carry on their current a bundle of firewood .<br />Few are our brethren ;<br />There are only we two .<br />Do not believe what people say ;<br />They are not to be trusted .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>93.&nbsp; 出其東門&nbsp; CHU QI DONG MEN<br />出其東門、有女如雲。<br />雖則如雲、匪我思存。<br />縞衣綦巾、聊樂我員。<br />出其闉闍、有女如荼。<br />雖則如荼、匪我思且。<br />縞衣茹藘、聊可與娛。<br />I went out at the east gate ,<br />Where the girls were in clouds .<br />Although they are like clouds ,<br />It is not on them that my thoughts rest .<br />She in the thin white silk , and the grey coiffure , -- <br />She is my joy !<br />I went out by the tower on the covering wall ,<br />Where the girls were like flowering rushes .<br />Although they are like flowering rushes ,<br />It is not of them that I think .<br />She in the thin white silk , and the madder-[dyed coiffure] , -- <br />It is she that makes me happy !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>94.&nbsp; 野有蔓草&nbsp; YE YOU MAN CAO<br />野有蔓草、零露漙兮。<br />有美一人、清揚婉兮。<br />邂逅相遇、適我願兮。<br />野有蔓草、零露瀼瀼。<br />有美一人、婉如清揚。<br />邂逅相遇、與子偕臧。<br />On the moor is the creeping grass ,<br />And how heavily is it loaded with dew !<br />There was a beautiful man ,<br />Lovely , with clear eyes and fine forehead !<br />We met together accidentally ,<br />And so my desire was satisfied .<br />On the moor is the creeping grass ,<br />Heavily covered with dew !<br />There was a beautiful man ,<br />Lovely , with clear eyes and fine forehead !<br />We met together accidentally ,<br />And he and I were happy together .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>95.&nbsp; 溱洧&nbsp; QIN WEI<br />溱與洧、方渙渙兮。<br />士與女、方秉蘭兮。<br />女曰觀乎。<br />士曰既且。<br />且往觀乎。<br />洧之外、洵訏且樂。<br />維士與女、伊其相謔、贈之以勺藥。<br />溱與洧、瀏其清矣。<br />士與女、殷其盈兮。<br />女曰觀乎。<br />士曰既且。<br />且往觀乎。<br />洧之外、洵訏且樂。<br />維士與女、伊其將謔、贈之以勺藥。<br />The Qin and Wei ,<br />Now present their broad sheets of water .<br />Ladies and gentlemen ,<br />Are carrying flowers of valerian .<br />A lady says , ' Have you been to see ? '<br />A gentleman replies , ' I have been . '<br />' But let us go again to see.<br />Beyond the Wei ,<br />The ground is large and fit for pleasure . '<br />So the gentlemen and ladies .<br />Make sport together ,<br />Presenting one another with small peonies .<br />The Qin and Wei ,<br />Show their deep , clear streams .<br />Gentlemen and ladies ,<br />Appear in crowds .<br />A lady says , ' Have you been to see ? '<br />A gentleman replies , ' I have been . '<br />' But let us go again to see.<br />Beyond the Wei ,<br />The ground is large and fit for pleasure . '<br />So the gentlemen and ladies .<br />Make sport together ,<br />Presenting one another with small peonies .<br />齊風&nbsp; (THE ODES OF QI)<br />96.&nbsp; 雞鳴&nbsp; JI MING<br />雞既鳴矣、朝既盈矣。<br />匪雞則鳴、蒼蠅之聲。<br />東方明矣、朝既昌矣。<br />匪東方則明、月出之光。<br />蟲飛薨薨、甘與子同夢。<br />會且歸矣、無庶予子憎。<br />' The cock has crowed ;<br />The court is full . '<br />But it was not the cock that was crowing ; -- <br />It was the sound of the blue flies .<br />' The east is bright ;<br />The court is crowded . '<br />But it was not the east that was bright ; -- <br />It was the light of the moon coming forth .<br />' The insects are flying in buzzing crowds ;<br />It would be sweet to lie by you and dream . '<br />But the assembled officers will be going home ; -- <br />Let them not hate both me and you . '</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>97.&nbsp; 還&nbsp; XUAN<br />子之還兮、遭我乎峱之間兮。<br />並驅從兩肩兮、揖我謂我儇兮。<br />子之茂兮、遭我乎峱之道兮。<br />並驅從兩牡兮、揖我謂我好兮。<br />子之昌兮、遭我乎峱之陽兮。<br />並驅從兩狼兮、揖我謂我臧兮。<br />How agile you are !<br />You met me in the neighbourhood of Nao ,<br />And we pursued together tow boars of three years .<br />You bowed to me , and said that I was active .<br />How admirable your skill !<br />You met me in the way to Nao ,<br />And we drove together after two males .<br />You bowed to me , and said that I was skilful .<br />How complete your art !<br />You met me on the south of Nao ,<br />And we pursued together two wolves .<br />You bowed to me , and said that I was dexterous .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>98.&nbsp; 著&nbsp; ZHU<br />俟我於著乎而、充耳以素乎而、尚之以瓊華乎而。<br />俟我於庭乎而、充耳以青乎而、尚之以瓊瑩乎而。<br />俟我於堂乎而、充耳以黃乎而、尚之以瓊英乎而。<br />He was waiting for me between the door and the screen .<br />The strings of his ear-stoppers were of white silk ,<br />And there were appended to them beautiful Hua-stones .<br />He was waiting for me in the open court .<br />The strings of his ear-stoppers were of green silk ,<br />And there were appended to them beautiful Ying-stones .<br />He was waiting for me in the hall .<br />The strings of his ear-stoppers were of yellow silk ,<br />And there were appended to them beautiful Ying-stones .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>99.&nbsp; 東方之日&nbsp; DONG FANG ZHI RI<br />東方之日兮。<br />彼姝者子、在我室兮。<br />在我室兮、履我即兮。<br />東方之月兮。<br />彼姝者子、在我闥兮。<br />在我闥兮、履我發兮。<br />The sun is in the east ,<br />And that lovely girl ,<br />Is in my chamber .<br />She is in my chamber ;<br />She treads in my footsteps , and comes to me .<br />The moon is in the east ,<br />And that lovely girl ,<br />Is inside my door .<br />She is inside my door ;<br />She treads in my footsteps , and hastens away .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>100.&nbsp; 東方未明&nbsp; DONG FANG WEI MING<br />東方未明、顛倒衣裳。<br />顛之倒之、自公召之。<br />東方未晞、顛倒裳衣。<br />倒之顛之、自公令之。<br />折柳樊圃、狂夫瞿瞿。<br />不能辰夜、不夙則莫。<br />Before the east was bright ,<br />I was putting on my clothes upside down ;<br />I was putting them on upside down ,<br />And there was one from the court calling me .<br />Before there was a streak of dawn in the east ,<br />I was putting on my clothes upside down ;<br />I was putting them on upside down ,<br />And there was one from the court with orders for me .<br />You fence your garden with branches of willow ,<br />And the reckless fellows stand in awe .<br />He , [however] , cannot fix the time of night ;<br />If he be not too early , he is sure to be late .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>101.&nbsp; 南山&nbsp; NAN SHAN<br />南山崔崔、雄狐綏綏。<br />魯道有蕩、齊子由歸。<br />既曰歸止、曷又懷止。<br />葛屨五兩、冠緌雙止。<br />魯道有蕩、齊子庸止。<br />既曰庸止、曷又從止。<br />蓺麻如之何、衡從其畝。<br />取妻如之何、必告父母。<br />既曰告止、曷又鞠止。<br />析薪如之何、匪斧不克。<br />取妻如之何、匪媒不得。<br />既曰得止、曷又極止。<br />High and large is the south hill ,<br />And a male fox is on it , solitary and suspicious .<br />The way to Lu is easy and plain ,<br />And the daughter of Qi went by it to her husband's .<br />Since she went to her husband's ,<br />Why do you further think of her ?<br />The five kinds of dolichos shoes are [made] in pairs ,<br />And the string-ends of a cap are made to match ;<br />The way to Lu is easy and plain ,<br />And the daughter of Qi travelled it .<br />Since she travelled it ,<br />Why do you still follow her ?<br />How do we proceed in planting hemp ?<br />The acres must be dressed lengthwise and crosswise .<br />How do we proceed in taking a wife ?<br />Announcement must first be made to our parents .<br />Since such announcement was made ,<br />Why do you still indulge her desires ?<br />How do we proceed in splitting firewood ?<br />Without an axe it cannot be done .<br />How do we proceed in taking a wife ?<br />Without a go-between it cannot be done .<br />Since this was done ,<br />Why do you still allow her to go to this extreme ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>102.&nbsp; 甫田&nbsp; FU TIAN<br />無田甫田、維莠驕驕。<br />無思遠人、勞心忉忉。<br />無田甫田、維莠桀桀。<br />無思遠人、勞心怛怛。<br />婉兮孌兮、總角丱兮。<br />未幾見兮、突而弁兮。<br />Do not try to cultivate fields too large ; -- <br />The weeds will only grow luxuriantly .<br />Do not think of winning people far away ; -- <br />Your toiling heart will be grieved .<br />Do not try to cultivate fields too large ; -- <br />The weeds will only grow proudly .<br />Do not think of winning people far away ; -- <br />Your toiling heart will be distressed .<br />How young and tender ,<br />Is the child with his two tufts of hair !<br />When you see him after not a long time ,<br />Lo ! he is wearing the cap !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>103.&nbsp; 盧令&nbsp; LU LING<br />盧令令、其人美且仁。<br />盧重環、其人美且鬈。<br />盧重鋂、其人美且偲。<br />Ling-ling go the hounds ; -- <br />Their master is admirable and kind .<br />There go the hounds with their double rings ; -- <br />Their master is admirable and good .<br />There go the hounds with their triple rings ; -- <br />Their master is admirable and able .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>104.&nbsp; 敝笱&nbsp; BI GOU<br />敝笱在梁、其魚魴鰥。<br />齊子歸止、其從如雲。<br />敝笱在梁、其魚魴鱮。<br />齊子歸止、其從如雨。<br />敝笱在梁、其魚唯唯。<br />齊子歸止、其從如水。<br />Worn out is the basket at the dam ,<br />And the fishes are the bream and the Guan , <br />The daughter of Qi has returned ,<br />With a cloud of attendants .<br />Worn out is the basket at the dam ,<br />And the fishes are the bream and the tench , <br />The daughter of Qi has returned ,<br />With a shower of attendants .<br />Worn out is the basket at the dam ,<br />And the fishes go in and out freely , <br />The daughter of Qi has returned ,<br />With a stream of attendants .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>105.&nbsp; 載驅&nbsp; ZAI QU<br />載驅薄薄、簟茀朱鞹。<br />魯道有蕩、齊子發夕。<br />四驪濟濟、垂轡濔濔。<br />魯道有蕩、齊子豈弟。<br />汶水湯湯、行人彭彭。<br />魯道有蕩、齊子翱翔。<br />汶水滔滔、行人儦儦。<br />魯道有蕩、齊子游遨。<br />She urges on her chariot rapidly ,<br />With its screen of bamboos woven in squares , and its vermilion coloured leather .<br />The way from Lu is easy and plain ,<br />And the daughter of Qi's started on it in the evening .<br />Her four black horses are beautiful ,<br />And soft look their reins as they hang .<br />The way from Lu is easy and plain ,<br />And the daughter of Qi's is delighted and complacent .<br />The waters of the Wen flow broadly on ;<br />The travellers are numerous .<br />The way from Lu is easy and plain ,<br />And the daughter of Qi's moves on with unconcern .<br />The waters of the Wen sweep on ;<br />The travellers are in crowds .<br />The way from Lu is easy and plain ,<br />And the daughter of Qi's proceeds at her ease .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>106.&nbsp; 猗嗟&nbsp; YI JIE<br />猗嗟昌兮、頎而長兮、抑若揚兮、美目揚兮。<br />巧趨蹌兮、射則臧兮。<br />猗嗟名兮、美目清兮。<br />儀既成兮。<br />終日射侯、不出正兮。<br />展我甥兮。<br />猗嗟孌兮、清揚婉兮。<br />舞則選兮、射則貫兮。<br />四矢反兮、以禦亂兮。<br />Alas for him , so handsome and accomplished !<br />How grandly tall !<br />With what elegance in his high forehead !<br />With what motion of his beautiful eyes !<br />With what skill in the swift movements of his feet !<br />With what mastery of archery !<br />Alas for him , so famous !<br />His beautiful eyes how clear !<br />His manners how complete !<br />Shooting all day at the target ,<br />And never lodging outside the bird-square !<br />Indeed our [ruler's] nephew !<br />Alas for him , so beautiful !<br />His bright eyes and high forehead how lovely !<br />His dancing so choice !<br />Sure to send his arrows right through !<br />The four all going to the same place !<br />One able to withstand rebellion !<br />魏風&nbsp; (THE ODES OF WEI)<br />107.&nbsp; 葛屨&nbsp; GE JU<br />糾糾葛屨、可以履霜。<br />摻摻女手、可以縫裳。<br />要之襋之、好人服之。<br />好人提提、宛然左辟、佩其象揥。<br />維是褊心、是以為刺。<br />Shoes thinly woven of the dolichos fibre ,<br />May be used to walk on the hoarfrost .<br />The delicate fingers of a bride ,<br />May be used in making clothes .<br />[His bride] puts the waistband to his lower garment and the collar to his upper ,<br />And he , a wealthy man , wears them .<br />Wealthy , he moves about quite at ease ,<br />And politely he stands aside to the left .<br />From his girdle hangs his ivory comb-pin .<br />It is the narrowness of his disposition ,<br />Which makes him a subject for satire .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>108.&nbsp; 汾沮洳&nbsp; FEN JU RU<br />彼汾沮洳、言采其莫。<br />彼其之子、美無度。<br />美無度、殊異乎公路。<br />彼汾一方、言采其桑。<br />彼其之子、美如英。<br />美如英、殊異乎公行。<br />彼汾一曲、言采其藚。<br />彼其之子、美如玉。<br />美如玉、殊異乎公族。<br />There in the oozy grounds of the Fen ,<br />They gather the sorrel .<br />That officer ,<br />Is elegant beyond measure .<br />He is elegant beyond measure .<br />But , perhaps , he is not what the superintendent of the ruler's carriages ought to be .<br />There along the side of the Fen ,<br />They gather the mulberry leaves .<br />That officer ,<br />Is elegant as a flower .<br />He is elegant as a flower ;<br />But , perhaps , he is not what the marshaller of the carriages ought to be .<br />There along the bend of the Fen ,<br />They gather the ox-lips .<br />That officer ,<br />Is elegant as a gem .<br />He is elegant as a gem ;<br />But , perhaps , he is not what the superintendent of the ruler's relations shoul d be .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>109.&nbsp; 園有桃&nbsp; YUAN YOU TAO<br />園有桃、其實之殽。<br />心之憂矣、我歌且謠。<br />不我知者、謂我士也驕。<br />彼人是哉、子曰何其。<br />心之憂矣、其誰知之。<br />其誰知之、蓋亦勿思。<br />園有棘、其實之食。<br />心之憂矣、聊以行國。<br />不我知者、謂我士也罔極。<br />彼人是哉、子曰何其。<br />心之憂矣、其誰知之。<br />其誰知之、蓋亦勿思。<br />Of the peach trees in the garden ,<br />The fruit may be used as food .<br />My heart is grieved ,<br />And I play and sing .<br />Those who do not know me ,<br />Say I am a scholar venting his pride .<br />' Those men are right ;<br />What do you mean by your words ? '<br />My heart is grieved ;<br />Who knows [the cause of] it ?<br />Who knows [the cause of] it ?<br />[They know it not] , because they will not think .<br />Of the jujube trees in the garden ,<br />The fruit may be used as food .<br />My heart is grieved ,<br />And I think I must travel about through the State .<br />Those who do not know me ,<br />Say I am an officer going to the verge of license .<br />' Those men are right ;<br />What do you mean by your words ? '<br />My heart is grieved ;<br />Who knows [the cause of] it ?<br />Who knows [the cause of] it ?<br />[They do not know it] , because they will not think .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>110.&nbsp; 陟岵&nbsp; ZHI HU<br />陟彼岵兮、瞻望父兮。<br />父曰嗟、予子行役、夙夜無已。<br />上慎旃哉、猶來無止。<br />陟彼屺兮、瞻望母兮。<br />母曰嗟、予季行役、夙夜無寐。<br />上慎旃哉、猶來無棄。<br />陟彼岡兮、瞻望兄兮。<br />兄曰嗟、予弟行役、夙夜必偕。<br />上慎旃哉、猶來無死。<br />I ascend that tree-clad hill ,<br />And look towards [the residence of] my father .<br />My father is saying , ' Alas ! my son , abroad on the public service ,<br />Morning and night never rests .<br />May he be careful ,<br />That he may come [back] , and not remain there ! '<br />I ascend that bare hill ,<br />And look towards [the residence of] my mother .<br />My mother is saying , ' Alas ! my child , abroad on the public service ,<br />Morning and night has no sleep .<br />May he be careful ,<br />That he may come [back] , and not leave his body there ! '<br />I ascend that ridge ,<br />And look towards [the residence of] my elder brother .<br />My brother is saying , ' Alas ! my younger brother , abroad on the public servic e ,<br />Morning and night must consort with his comrades .<br />May he be careful ,<br />That he may come back , and not die ! '</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>111.&nbsp; 十畝之間&nbsp; SHI MU ZHI JIAN<br />十畝之閒兮、桑者閑閑兮。<br />行與子還兮。<br />十畝之外兮、桑者泄泄兮。<br />行與子逝兮。<br />Among their ten acres ,<br />The mulberry-planters stand idly about .<br />' Come , ' [says one to another] , ' I will go away with you . '<br />Beyond those ten acres ,<br />The mulberry-planters move idly about .<br />' Come , ' [says one to another] , ' I will go away with you . '</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>112.&nbsp; 伐檀&nbsp; FA TAN<br />坎坎伐檀兮、寘之河之干兮、河水清且漣猗。<br />不稼不穡、胡取禾三百廛兮。<br />不狩不獵、胡瞻爾庭有縣貆兮。<br />彼君子兮、不素餐兮。<br />坎坎伐輻兮、寘之河之側兮、河水清且直猗。<br />不稼不穡、胡取禾三百億兮。<br />不狩不獵、胡瞻爾庭有縣特兮。<br />彼君子兮、不素食兮。<br />坎坎伐輪兮、寘之河之漘兮、河水清且淪猗。<br />不稼不穡、胡取禾三百囷兮。<br />不狩不獵、胡瞻爾庭有縣鶉兮。<br />彼君子兮、不素飧兮。<br />Kan-kan go his blows on the sandal trees ,<br />And he places what he hews on the river's bank ,<br />Whose waters flow clear and rippling .<br />You sow not nor reap ; -- <br />How do you get the produce of those three hundred farms ?<br />You do not follow the chase ; -- <br />How do we see the badgers hanging up in your court yards ?<br />O that superior man !<br />He would not eat the bread of idleness !<br />Kan-kan go his blows on the wood for his spokes ,<br />And he places it by the side of the river ,<br />Whose waters flow clear and even .<br />You sow not nor reap ; -- <br />How do you get your three millions of sheaves ?<br />You do not follow the chase ; -- <br />How do we see the three-year-olds hanging up in your court yards ?<br />O that superior man !<br />He would not eat the bread of idleness !<br />Kan-kan go his blows on the wood for his wheels ,<br />And he places it by the lip of the river ,<br />Whose waters flow clear in rippling circles .<br />You sow not nor reap ; -- <br />How do you get the paddy for your three hundred round binns ?<br />You do not follow the chase ; -- <br />How do we see the quails hanging in your court yards ?<br />O that superior man !<br />He would not eat the bread of idleness !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>113.&nbsp; 碩鼠&nbsp; SHUO SHU<br />碩鼠碩鼠、無食我黍。<br />三歲貫女、莫我肯顧。<br />逝將去女、適彼樂土。<br />樂土樂土、爰得我所。<br />碩鼠碩鼠、無食我麥。<br />三歲貫女、莫我肯德。<br />逝將去女、適彼樂國。<br />樂國樂國、爰得我直。<br />碩鼠碩鼠、無食我苗。<br />三歲貫女、莫我肯勞。<br />逝將去女、適彼樂郊。<br />樂郊樂郊、誰之永號。<br />Large rats ! Large rats !<br />Do not eat our millet .<br />Three years have we had to do with you ,<br />And you have not been willing to show any regard for us .<br />We will leave you ,<br />And go to that happy land .<br />Happy land ! Happy land !<br />There shall we find our place .<br />Large rats ! Large rats !<br />Do not eat our wheat .<br />Three years have we had to do with you ,<br />And you have not been willing to show any kindness to us .<br />We will leave you ,<br />And go to that happy State .<br />Happy State ! Happy State !<br />There shall we find ourselves right .<br />Large rats ! Large rats !<br />Do not eat our springing grain !<br />Three years have we had to do with you ,<br />And you have not been willing to think of our toil .<br />We will leave you ,<br />And go to those happy borders .<br />Happy borders ! Happy borders !<br />Who will there make us always to groan ?<br />唐風&nbsp; (THE ODES OF TANG)<br />114.&nbsp; 蟋蟀&nbsp; XI SHUAI<br />蟋蟀在堂、歲聿其莫。<br />今我不樂、日月其除。<br />無已大康、職思其居。<br />好樂無荒、良士瞿瞿。<br />蟋蟀在堂、歲聿其逝。<br />今我不樂、日月其邁。<br />無已大康、職思其外。<br />好樂無荒、良士蹶蹶。<br />蟋蟀在堂、役車其休。<br />今我不樂、日月其慆。<br />無已大康、職思其憂。<br />好樂無荒、良士休休。<br />The cricket is in the hall ,<br />And the year is drawing to a close .<br />If we do not enjoy ourselves now ,<br />The days and months will be leaving us .<br />But let us not go to great excess ;<br />Let us first think of the duties of our position ;<br />Let us not be wild in our love of enjoyment .<br />The good man is anxiously thoughtful .<br />The cricket is in the hall ,<br />And the year is passing away .<br />If we do not enjoy ourselves now ,<br />The days and months will have gone .<br />But let us not go to great excess ;<br />Let us first send our thoughts beyond the present ;<br />Let us not be wild in our love of enjoyment .<br />The good man is ever diligent .<br />The cricket is in the hall ,<br />And our carts stand unemployed .<br />If we do not enjoy ourselves now ,<br />The days and months will have gone by.<br />But let us not go to an excess ;<br />Let us first think of the griefs that may arise ;<br />Let us not be wild in our love of enjoyment .<br />The good man is quiet and serene .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>115.&nbsp; 山有樞&nbsp; SHAN YOU SHU<br />山有樞、隰有榆。<br />子有衣裳、弗曳弗婁。<br />子有車馬、弗馳弗驅。<br />宛其死矣、他人是愉。<br />山有栲、隰有杻。<br />子有廷內、弗洒弗埽。<br />子有鐘鼓、弗鼓弗考。<br />宛其死矣、他人是保。<br />山有漆、隰有栗。<br />子有酒食、何不日鼓瑟。<br />且以喜樂、且以永日。<br />宛其死矣、他人入室。<br />On the mountains are the thorny elms ,<br />In the low , wet grounds are the white elms .<br />You have suits of robes ,<br />But you will not wear them ;<br />You have carriages and horses ,<br />But you will not drive them .<br />You will drop off in death ,<br />And another person will enjoy them .<br />On the mountains is the Kao ,<br />In the low wet grounds is the Niu .<br />You have courtyards and inner rooms ,<br />But you will not have them sprinkled or swept ;<br />You have drums and bells ,<br />But you will not have them beat or struck ,<br />You will drop off in death ,<br />And another person will possess them .<br />On the mountains are the varnish trees ,<br />In the low wet grounds are the chestnuts .<br />You have spirits and viands ; -- <br />Why not daily play your lute ?<br />Both to give a zest to your joy ,<br />And to prolong the day ?<br />You will drop off in death ,<br />And another person will enter your chamber .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>116.&nbsp; 揚之水&nbsp; YANG ZHI SHUI<br />揚之水、白石鑿鑿。<br />素衣朱襮、從子于沃。<br />既見君子、云何不樂。<br />揚之水、白石皓皓。<br />素衣朱繡、從子于鵠。<br />既見君子、云何其憂。<br />揚之水、白石粼粼。<br />我聞有命、不敢以告人。<br />Amidst the fretted waters ,<br />The white rocks stand up grandly .<br />Bringing a robe of white silk , with a vermillion collar ,<br />We will follow you to Wo .<br />When we have seen the princely lord ,<br />Shall we not rejoice ?<br />Amidst the fretted waters ,<br />The white rocks stand glistening .<br />Bringing a robe of white silk , with a vermillion collar , and embroidered ,<br />We will follow you to Hu .<br />When we have seen the princely lord ,<br />What sorrow will remain to us ?<br />Amidst the fretted waters ,<br />The white rocks clearly show .<br />We have heard your orders ,<br />And will not dare to inform any one of them .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>117.&nbsp; 椒聊&nbsp; JIAO LIAO<br />椒聊之實、蕃衍盈升。<br />彼其之子、碩大無朋。<br />椒聊且、遠條且。<br />椒聊之實、蕃衍盈匊。<br />彼其之子、碩大且篤。<br />椒聊且、遠條且。<br />The clusters of the pepper plant ,<br />Large and luxuriant , would fill a pint .<br />That hero there<br />Is large and peerless .<br />O the pepper plant !<br />How its shoots extend !<br />The clusters of the pepper plant ,<br />Large and luxuriant , would fill both your hands .<br />That hero there<br />Is large and generous .<br />O the pepper plant !<br />How its shoots extend !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>118.&nbsp; 綢繆&nbsp; CHOU MOU<br />綢繆束薪、三星在天。<br />今夕何夕、見此良人。<br />子兮子兮、如此良人何。<br />綢繆束芻、三星在隅。<br />今夕何夕、見此邂逅。<br />子兮子兮、如此邂逅何。<br />綢繆束楚、三星在戶。<br />今夕何夕、見此粲者。<br />子兮子兮、如此粲者何。<br />Round and round the firewood is bound ;<br />And the Three Stars appear in the sky .<br />This evening is what evening ,<br />That I see this good man ?<br />O me ! O me !<br />That I should get a good man like this !<br />Round and round the grass is bound ;<br />And the Three Stars are seen from the corner .<br />This evening is what evening ,<br />That we have this unexpected meeting ?<br />Happy pair ! Happy pair !<br />That we should have this unexpected meeting !<br />Round and round the thorns are bound ;<br />And the Three Stars are seen from the door .<br />This evening is what evening ,<br />That I see this beauty ?<br />O me ! O me !<br />That I should see a beauty like this !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>119.&nbsp; 杕杜&nbsp; DI DU<br />有杕之杜、其葉湑湑。<br />獨行踽踽。<br />豈無他人、不如我同父。<br />嗟行之人、胡不比焉。<br />人無兄弟、胡不佽焉。<br />有杕之杜、其葉菁菁。<br />獨行瞏瞏。<br />豈無他人、不如我同姓。<br />嗟行之人、胡不比焉。<br />人無兄弟、胡不佽焉。<br />There is a solitary russet pear tree ,<br />[But] its leaves are luxuriant .<br />Alone I walk unbefriended ; -- <br />Is it because there are no other people ?<br />But none are like the sons of one's father .<br />O ye travellers ,<br />Why do ye not sympathize with me ?<br />Without brothers as I am ,<br />Why do ye not help me ?<br />There is a solitary russet pear tree ,<br />[But] its leaves are abundant .<br />Alone I walk uncared for ; -- <br />Is it that there are not other people ?<br />But none are like those of one's own surname .<br />O ye travellers ,<br />Why do ye not sympathize with me ?<br />Without brothers as I am ,<br />Why do ye not help me ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>120.&nbsp; 羔裘&nbsp; GAO QIU<br />羔裘豹祛、自我人居居。<br />豈無他人、維子之故。<br />羔裘豹褎、自我人究究。<br />豈無他人、維子之好。<br />Lamb's fur and leopard's cuffs ,<br />You use us with unkindness .<br />Might we not find another chief ?<br />But [we stay] because of your forefathers .<br />Lamb's fur and leopard's cuffs ,<br />You use us with cruel unkindness .<br />Might we not find another chief ?<br />But [we stay] from our regard to you .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>121.&nbsp; 鴇羽&nbsp; BAO YU<br />肅肅鴇羽、集于苞栩。<br />王事靡盬、不能蓺稷黍、父母何怙。<br />悠悠蒼天、曷其有所。<br />肅肅鴇翼、集于苞棘。<br />王事靡盬、不能蓺黍稷、父母何食。<br />悠悠蒼天、曷其有極。<br />肅肅鴇行、集于苞桑。<br />王事靡盬、不能蓺稻粱、父母何嘗。<br />悠悠蒼天、曷其有常。<br />Su-su go the feathers of the wild geese ,<br />As they settle on the bushy oaks .<br />The king's affairs must not be slackly discharged ,<br />And [so] we cannot plant our sacrificial millet and millet ; -- <br />What will our parents have to rely on ?<br />O thou distant and azure Heaven !<br />When shall we be in our places again ?<br />Su-su go the wings of the wild geese ,<br />As they settle on the bushy jujube trees .<br />The king's affairs must not be slackly discharged ,<br />And [so] we cannot plant our millet and sacrificial millet ; -- <br />How shall our parents be supplied with food ?<br />O thou distant and azure Heaven !<br />When shall [our service] have an end ?<br />Su-su go the rows of the wild geese ,<br />As they rest on the bushy mulberry trees .<br />The king's business must not be slackly discharged ,<br />And [so] we cannot plant our rice and maize ; -- <br />How shalll our parents get food ?<br />O thou distant and azure Heaven !<br />When shall we get [back] to our ordinary lot ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>122.&nbsp; 無衣&nbsp; WU YI<br />豈曰無衣七兮、不如子之衣、安且吉兮。<br />豈曰無衣六兮、不如子之衣、安且燠兮。<br />How can it be said that he is without robes ?<br />He has those of the seven orders ;<br />But it is better that he get those robes from you .<br />That will secure tranquillity and good fortune .<br />How can it be said that he is without robes ?<br />He has those of the six orders ;<br />But it is better that he get those robes from you .<br />That will secure tranquillity and permanence .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>123.&nbsp; 有杕之杜&nbsp; YOU DI ZHI DU<br />有杕之杜、生于道左。<br />彼君子兮、噬肯適我。<br />中心好之、曷飲食之。<br />有杕之杜、生于道周。<br />彼君子兮、噬肯來游。<br />中心好之、曷飲食之。<br />There is a solitary russet pear tree ,<br />Growing on the left of the way .<br />That princely man there !<br />He might be willing to come to me .<br />In the centre of my heart I love him ,<br />[But] how shall I supply him with drink and food ?<br />There is a solitary russet pear tree ,<br />Growing where the way makes a compass .<br />That princely man there !<br />He might be willing to come and ramble [with me] .<br />In the centre of my heart I love him ,<br />[But] how shall I supply him with drink and food ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>124.&nbsp; 葛生&nbsp; GE SHENG<br />葛生蒙楚、蘞蔓于野。<br />予美亡此、誰與獨處。<br />葛生蒙棘、蘞蔓于域。<br />予美亡此、誰與獨息。<br />角枕粲兮、錦衾爛兮。<br />予美亡此、誰與獨旦。<br />夏之日、冬之夜、百歲之後、歸於其居。<br />冬之夜、夏之日、百歲之後、歸於其室。<br />The dolichos grows , covering the thorn trees ;<br />The convolvulus spreads all over the waste .<br />The man of my admiration is no more here ;<br />With whom can I dwell ? -- I abide alone .<br />The dolichos grows , covering the jujube trees ;<br />The convolvulus spreads all over the tombs .<br />The man of my admiration is no more here ;<br />With whom can I dwell ? -- I rest alone .<br />How beautiful was the pillow of horn !<br />How splendid was the embroidered coverlet !<br />The man of my admiration is no more here ; -- <br />With whom can I dwell ? -- Alone [I wait for] the morning .<br />Through the [long] days of summer ,<br />Through the [long] nights of winter [shall I be alone] ,<br />Till the lapse of a hundred years ,<br />When I shall go home to his abode .<br />Through the [long] nights of winter ,<br />Through the [long] days of summer [shall I be alone] ,<br />Till the lapse of a hundred years ,<br />When I shall go home to his chamber .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>125.&nbsp; 采苓&nbsp; CAI LING<br />采苓采苓、首陽之巔。<br />人之為言、苟亦無信。<br />舍旃舍旃、苟亦無然。<br />人之為言、胡得焉。<br />采苦采苦、首陽之下。<br />人之為言、苟亦無與。<br />舍旃舍旃、苟亦無然。<br />人之為言、胡得焉。<br />采葑采葑、首陽之東。<br />人之無言、苟亦無從。<br />舍旃舍旃、苟亦無然。<br />人之為言、胡得焉。<br />Would you gather the liquorice , would you gather the liquorice ,<br />On the top of Shouyang ?<br />When men tell their stories ,<br />Do not readily believe them ;<br />Put them aside , put them aside .<br />Do not readily assent to them ;<br />And , when men tell their stories ,<br />How will they find course ?<br />Would you gather the sowthistle , would you gather the sowthistle ,<br />At the foot of Shouyang ?<br />When men tell their stories ,<br />Do not readily approve them ;<br />Put them aside , put them aside .<br />Do not readily assent to them ;<br />And , when men tell their stories ,<br />How will they find course ?<br />Would you gather the mustard plant , would you gather the mustard plant ,<br />On the east of Shouyang ?<br />When men tell their stories ,<br />Do not readily listen to them ; -- <br />Put them aside , put them aside .<br />Do not readily assent to them ;<br />And , when men tell their stories ,<br />How will they find course ?<br />秦風&nbsp; (THE ODES OF QIN)<br />126.&nbsp; 車鄰&nbsp; CHE LIN<br />有車鄰鄰、有馬白顛。<br />未見君子、寺人之令。<br />阪有漆、隰有栗。<br />既見君子、並坐鼓瑟。<br />今者不樂、逝者其耋。<br />阪有桑、隰有楊。<br />既見君子、並坐鼓簧。<br />今者不樂、逝者其亡。<br />He has many carriages , giving forth their Lin-Lin ;<br />He has horses with their white foreheads .<br />Before we can see our prince ,<br />We must get the services of eunuch .<br />On the hill-sides are varnish trees ;<br />In the low wet grounds are chestnuts .<br />When we have seen our prince ,<br />We sit together with him , and they play on their lutes .<br />If now we do not take our joy ,<br />The time will pass till we are octogenarians .<br />On the hill-sides are mulberry trees ;<br />In the low wet grounds are willows .<br />When we have seen our prince ,<br />We sit together with him , and they play on their organs .<br />If now we do not take our joy ,<br />The time will pass till we are no more .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>127.&nbsp; 駟驖&nbsp; SI TIE<br />駟驖孔阜、六轡在手。<br />公之媚子、從公于狩。<br />奉時辰牡、辰牡孔碩。<br />公曰左之、舍拔則獲。<br />遊于北園、四馬既閑。<br />輶車鸞鑣、載獫歇驕。<br />His four iron-black horses are in very fine condition ;<br />The six reins are in the hand [of the charioteer] .<br />The ruler's favourites ,<br />Follow him to the chase .<br />The male animals of the season are made to present themselves ,<br />The males in season , of very large size .<br />The ruler says , ' To the left of them ; '<br />Then he lets go his arrows and hits .<br />He rambles in the northern park ;<br />His four horses display their training .<br />Light carriages , with bells at the horses' bits ,<br />Convey the long and short-mouthed dogs .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>128.&nbsp; 小戎&nbsp; XIAO RONG<br />小戎俴收、五楘梁輈。<br />游環脅驅、陰靷鋈續、文茵暢轂、駕我騏馵。<br />言念君子、溫其如玉。<br />在其板屋、亂我心曲。<br />四牡孔阜、六轡在手、騏騮是中、騧驪是驂、龍盾之合、鋈以觼軜。<br />言念君子、溫其在邑。<br />方何為期、胡然我念之。<br />俴駟孔群、厹矛鋈錞、蒙伐有苑、虎韔鏤膺、交韔二弓、竹閉緄滕。<br />言念君子、載寢載與。<br />厭厭良人、秩秩德音。<br />[There is] his short war carriage ; -- <br />With the ridge-like end of its pole , elegantly bound in five places ;<br />With its slip rings and side straps ,<br />And the traces attached by gilt rings to the masked transverse ;<br />With its beautiful mat of tiger's skin , and its long naves ;<br />With its piebalds , and horses with white left feet .<br />When I think of my husband [thus] ,<br />Looking bland and soft as a piece of jade ;<br />Living there in his blank house ;<br />It sends confusion into all the corners of my heart .<br />His four horses are in very fine condition ,<br />And the six reins are in the hand [of the charioteer] .<br />Piebald , and bay with black mane , are the insides ;<br />Yellow with black mouth , and black , are the outsides ;<br />Side by side are placed the dragon-figured shields ;<br />Gilt are the buckles for the inner reins .<br />I think of my husband [thus] ,<br />Looking so mild in the cities there .<br />What time can be fixed for his return ?<br />Oh ! how I think of him !<br />His mail-covered team moves in great harmony ;<br />There are the trident spears with their gilt ends ;<br />And the beautiful feather-figured shield ;<br />With the tiger-skin bow-case , and the carved metal ornaments on its front .<br />The two bows are placed in the case ,<br />Bound with string to their bamboo frames .<br />I think of my husband ,<br />When I lie down and rise up .<br />Tranquil and serene is the good man ,<br />With his virtuous fame spread far and near .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>129.&nbsp; 蒹葭&nbsp; JIAN JIA<br />蒹葭蒼蒼、白露為霜。<br />所謂伊人、在水一方。<br />溯洄從之、道阻且長。<br />溯游從之、宛在水中央。<br />蒹葭淒淒、白露未晞。<br />所謂伊人、在水之湄。<br />溯洄從之、道阻且躋。<br />溯游從之、宛在水中坻。<br />蒹葭采采、白露未已。<br />所謂伊人、在水之涘。<br />溯洄從之、道阻且右。<br />溯游從之、宛在水中沚。<br />The reeds and rushes are deeply green ,<br />And the white dew is turned into hoarfrost .<br />The man of whom I think ,<br />Is somewhere about the water .<br />I go up the stream in quest of him ,<br />But the way is difficult and long .<br />I go down the stream in quest of him ,<br />And lo ! he is right in the midst of the water .<br />The reeds and rushes are luxuriant ,<br />And the white dew is not yet dry .<br />The man of whom I think ,<br />Is on the margin of the water .<br />I go up the stream in quest of him ,<br />But the way is difficult and steep .<br />I go down the stream in quest of him ,<br />And lo ! he is on the islet in the midst of the water .<br />The reeds and rushes are abundant ,<br />And the white dew is not yet ceased .<br />The man of whom I think ,<br />Is on the bank of the river .<br />I go up the stream in quest of him ,<br />But the way is difficult and turns to the right .<br />I go down the stream in quest of him ,<br />And lo ! he is on the island in the midst of the water .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>130.&nbsp; 終南&nbsp; ZHONG NAN<br />終南何有、有條有梅。<br />君子至止、錦衣狐裘。<br />顏如渥丹、其君也哉。<br />終南何有、有紀有堂。<br />君子至止、黻衣繡裳、佩玉將將、壽考不忘。<br />What are there on Zhongnan ?<br />There are white firs and plum trees .<br />Our prince has arrived at it ,<br />Wearing an embroidered robe over his fox-fur ,<br />And with his countenance rouged as with vermilion .<br />May he prove a ruler indeed !<br />What are there on Zhongnan ?<br />There are nooks and open glades .<br />Our prince has arrived at it ,<br />With the symbol of distinction embroidered on his lower garment ,<br />And the gems at his girdle emitting their thinking .<br />May long life and an endless name be his ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>131.&nbsp; 黃鳥&nbsp; HUANG NIAO<br />交交黃鳥、止于棘。<br />誰從穆公、子車奄息。<br />維此奄息、百夫之特。<br />臨其穴、惴惴其慄。<br />彼蒼者天、殲我良人。<br />如可贖兮、人百其身。<br />交交黃鳥、止于桑。<br />誰從穆公、子車仲行。<br />維此仲行、百夫之防。<br />臨其穴、惴惴其慄。<br />彼蒼者天、殲我良人。<br />如可贖兮、人百其身。<br />交交黃鳥、止于楚。<br />誰從穆公、子車鍼虎。<br />維此鍼虎、百夫之禦。<br />臨其穴、惴惴其慄。<br />彼蒼者天、殲我良人。<br />如可贖兮、人百其身。<br />They flit about , the yellow birds ,<br />And rest upon the jujube trees .<br />Who followed duke Mu [to the grave] ?<br />Ziche Yansi .<br />And this Yansi ,<br />Was a man above a hundred .<br />When he came to the grave ,<br />He looked terrified and trembled .<br />Thou azure Heaven there !<br />Thou art destroying our good men .<br />Could he have been redeemed ,<br />We should have given a hundred lives for him .<br />They flit about , the yellow birds ,<br />And rest upon the mulberry trees .<br />Who followed duke Mu [to the grave] ?<br />Ziche Zhongheng .<br />And this Zhongheng ,<br />Was a match for a hundred .<br />When he came to the grave ,<br />He looked terrified and trembled .<br />Thou azure Heaven there !<br />Thou art destroying our good men .<br />Could he have been redeemed ,<br />We should have given a hundred lives for him .<br />They flit about , the yellow birds ,<br />And rest upon the thorn trees .<br />Who followed duke Mu [to the grave] ?<br />Ziche Qianhu .<br />And this Ziche Qianhu ,<br />Could withstand a hundred men .<br />When he came to the grave ,<br />He looked terrified and trembled .<br />Thou azure Heaven there !<br />Thou art destroying our good men .<br />Could he have been redeemed ,<br />We should have given a hundred lives for him .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>132.&nbsp; 晨風&nbsp; CHEN FENG<br />歍彼晨風、鬱彼北林。<br />未見君子、憂心欽欽。<br />如何如何、忘我實多。<br />山有苞櫟、隰有六駁。<br />未見君子、憂心靡樂。<br />如何如何、忘我實多。<br />山有苞棣、隰有樹檖。<br />未見君子、憂心如醉。<br />如何如何、忘我實多。<br />Swift flies the falcon ,<br />To the thick-wooded forest in the north .<br />While I do not see my husband ,<br />My heart cannot forget its grief .<br />How is it , how is it ,<br />That he forgets me so very much ?<br />On the mountain are the bushy oaks ;<br />In the low wet grounds are six elms .<br />While I do not see my husband ,<br />My sad heart has no joy .<br />How is it , how is it ,<br />That he forgets me so very much ?<br />On the mountain are the bushy sparrow-plums ;<br />In the low wet grounds are the high , wild pear trees .<br />While I do not see my husband ,<br />My heart is as if intoxicated with grief .<br />How is it , how is it ,<br />That he forgets me so very much ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>133.&nbsp; 無衣&nbsp; WU YI<br />豈曰無衣、與子同袍。<br />王于興師、修我戈矛、與子同仇。<br />豈曰無衣、與子同澤。<br />王于興師、修我矛戟、與子偕作。<br />豈曰無衣、與子同裳。<br />王于興師、修我甲兵、與子偕行。<br />How shall it be said that you have no clothes ?<br />I will share my long robes with you .<br />The king is raising his forces ;<br />I will prepare my lance and spear ,<br />And will be your comrade .<br />How shall it be said that you have no clothes ?<br />I will share my under clothes with you .<br />The king is raising his forces ;<br />I will prepare my spear and lance ,<br />And will take the field with you .<br />How shall it be said that you have no clothes ?<br />I will share my lower garments with you .<br />The king is raising his forces ;<br />I will prepare my buffcoat and sharp weapons ,<br />And will march along with you .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>134.&nbsp; 渭陽&nbsp; WEI YANG<br />我送舅氏、曰至渭陽。<br />何以贈之、路車乘黃。<br />我送舅氏、悠悠我思。<br />何以贈之、瓊瑰玉佩。<br />I escorted my mother's nephew ,<br />To the north of the Wei ,<br />What did I present to him ?<br />Four bay horses for his carriage of state .<br />I escorted my mother's nephew ,<br />Long , long did I think of him .<br />What did I present to him ?<br />A precious jasper , and gems for his girdle-pendant .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>135.&nbsp; 權輿&nbsp; QUAN YU<br />於我乎、夏屋渠渠、今也每食無餘。<br />于嗟乎、不承權輿。<br />於我乎、每食四簋、今也每食不飽。<br />于嗟乎、不承權輿。<br />He assigned us a house large and spacious ;<br />But now at every meal there is nothing left .<br />Alas that he could not continue as he began !<br />He assigned us at every meal four dishes of grain ;<br />But now at every meal we do not get our fill .<br />Alas that he could not continue as he began !<br />陳風&nbsp; (THE ODES OF CHEN)<br />136.&nbsp; 宛丘&nbsp; WAN QIU<br />子之湯兮、宛丘之上兮。<br />洵有情兮、而無望兮。<br />坎其擊鼓、宛丘之下。<br />無冬無夏、值其鷺羽。<br />坎其擊缶、宛丘之道。<br />無冬無夏、值其鷺翿。<br />How gay and dissipated you are ,<br />There on the top of Wanqiu !<br />You are full of kindly affection indeed ,<br />But you have nothing to make you looked up to !<br />How your blows on the drum resound ,<br />At the foot of Wanqiu !<br />Be it winter , be it summer ,<br />You are holding your egret's feather !<br />How you beat your earthen vessel ,<br />On the way to Wanqiu !<br />Be it winter , be it summer ,<br />You are holding your egret-fan !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>137.&nbsp; 東門之枌&nbsp; DONG MEN ZHI FEN<br />東門之枌、宛丘之栩。<br />子仲之子、婆娑其下。<br />穀旦于差、南方之原。<br />不績其麻、市也婆娑。<br />穀旦于逝、越以鬷邁。<br />視爾如荍、貽我握椒。<br />[There are] the white elms at the east gate .<br />And the oaks on Wanqiu ;<br />The daughter of Zizhong ,<br />Dances about under them .<br />A good morning having been chosen ,<br />For the plain in the South ,<br />She leaves twisting her hemp ,<br />And dances to it through the market-place .<br />The morning being good for excursion ,<br />They all proceed together .<br />' I look on you as the flower of the thorny mallow ;<br />You give me a stalk of the pepper plant .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>138.&nbsp; 衡門&nbsp; HENG MEN<br />衡門之下、可以棲遲。<br />泌之洋洋、可以樂飢。<br />豈其食魚、必河之魴。<br />豈其取妻、必齊之姜。<br />豈其食魚、必河之鯉。<br />豈其取妻、必宋之子。<br />Beneath my door made of cross pieces of wood ,<br />I can rest at my leisure ;<br />By the wimpling stream from my fountain ,<br />I can joy amid my hunger .<br />Why , in eating fish ;<br />Must we have bream from the He ?<br />Why , in taking a wife ,<br />Must we have a Jiang of Qi ?<br />Why , in eating fish ;<br />Must we have carp from the He ?<br />Why , in taking a wife ,<br />Must we have a Zi of Song ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>139.&nbsp; 東門之池&nbsp; DONG MEN ZHI CHI<br />東門之池、可以漚麻。<br />彼美淑姬、可與晤歌。<br />東門之池、可以漚紵。<br />彼美淑姬、可與晤語。<br />東門之池、可以漚菅。<br />彼美淑姬、可與晤言。<br />The moat at the east gate ,<br />Is fit to steep hemp in .<br />That beautiful , virtuous , lady ,<br />Can respond to you in songs .<br />The moat at the east gate ,<br />Is fit to steep the boehmeria in .<br />That beautiful , virtuous , lady ,<br />Can respond to you in discourse .<br />The moat at the east gate ,<br />Is fit to steep the rope-rush in .<br />That beautiful , virtuous lady ,<br />Can respond to you in conversation .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>140.&nbsp; 東門之楊&nbsp; DONG MEN ZHI YANG<br />東門之楊、其葉牂牂。<br />昏以為期、明星煌煌。<br />東門之楊、其葉肺肺。<br />昏以為期、明星晢晢。<br />On the willows at the east gate ,<br />The leaves are very luxuria....<br />The evening was the time agreed on ,<br />And the morning star is shining bright .<br />On the willows at the east gate ,<br />The leaves are dense .<br />The evening was the time agreed on ,<br />And the morning star is shining bright .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>141.&nbsp; 墓門&nbsp; MU MEN<br />墓門有棘、斧以斯之。<br />夫也不良、國人知之。<br />知而不已、誰昔然矣。<br />墓門有梅、有鴞萃止。<br />夫也不良、歌以訊之。<br />訊予不顧、顛倒思予。<br />At the gate to the tombs there are jujube trees ; -- <br />They should be cut away with an axe .<br />That man is not good ,<br />And the people of the State know it .<br />They know it , but he does not give over ; -- <br />Long time has it been thus with him .<br />At the gate to the tombs there are plum trees ;<br />And there are owls collecting on them .<br />That man is not good ,<br />And I sing [this song] to admonish him .<br />I admonish him , but he will not regard me ; -- <br />When he is overthrown , he will think of me .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>142.&nbsp; 防有鵲巢&nbsp; FANG YOU QUE CHAO<br />防有鵲巢、邛有旨苕。<br />誰侜予美、心焉忉忉。<br />中唐有甓、邛有旨鷊。<br />誰侜予美、心焉惕惕。<br />On the embankment are magpies' nests ;<br />On the height grows the beautiful pea .<br />Who has been imposing on the object of my admiration ?<br />-- My heart is full of sorrow .<br />The middle path of the temple is covered with its tiles ;<br />On the height is the beautiful medallion plant .<br />Who has been imposing on the object of my admiration ?<br />-- My heart is full of trouble .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>143.&nbsp; 月出&nbsp; YUE CHU<br />月出皎兮、佼人僚兮。<br />舒窈糾兮、勞心悄兮。<br />月出皓兮、佼人懰兮。<br />舒懮受兮、勞心慅兮。<br />月出照兮、佼人燎兮。<br />舒夭紹兮、勞心慘兮。<br />The moon comes forth in her brightness ;<br />How lovely is that beautiful lady !<br />O to have my deep longings for her relieved !<br />How anxious is my toiled heart !<br />The moon comes forth in her splendour ;<br />How attractive is that beautiful lady !<br />O to have my anxieties about her relieved !<br />How agitated is my toiled heart !<br />The moon comes forth and shines ;<br />How brilliant is that beautiful lady !<br />O to have the chains of my mind relaxed !<br />How miserable is my toiled heart !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>144.&nbsp; 株林&nbsp; ZHU LIN<br />胡為乎株林、從夏南。<br />匪適株林、從夏南。<br />駕我乘馬、說于株野。<br />乘我乘駒、朝食于株。<br />What does he in Zhulin ?<br />He is going after Xianan .<br />He is not going to Zhulin ;<br />He is going after Xianan .<br />' Yoke for me my team of horses ;<br />I will rest in the country about Zhu .<br />I will drive my team of colts ,<br />And breakfast at Zhu .'</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>145.&nbsp; 澤陂&nbsp; ZE PO<br />彼澤之陂、有蒲與荷。<br />有美一人、傷如之何。<br />寤寐無為、涕泗滂沱。<br />彼澤之陂、有蒲與蕑。<br />有美一人、碩大且卷。<br />寤寐無為、中心悁悁。<br />彼澤之陂、有蒲菡萏。<br />有美一人、碩大且儼。<br />寤寐無為、 輾轉伏枕。<br />By the shores of that marsh ,<br />There are rushes and lotus plants .<br />There is the beautiful lady ; -- <br />I am tortured for her , but what avails it ?<br />Waking or sleeping , I do nothing ;<br />From my eyes and nose the water streams .<br />By the shores of that marsh ,<br />There are rushes and the valerian .<br />There is the beautiful lady ;<br />Tall and large , and elegant .<br />Waking or sleeping , I do nothing ;<br />My inmost heart is full of grief .<br />By the shores of that marsh ,<br />There are rushes and lotus flowers .<br />There is the beautiful lady ;<br />Tall and large , and majestic .<br />Waking or sleeping , I do nothing ;<br />On my side , on my back , with my face on the pillow , I lie .<br />檜風&nbsp; (THE ODES OF KUAI)<br />146.&nbsp; 羔裘&nbsp; GAO QIU<br />羔裘逍遙、狐裘以朝。<br />豈不爾思、勞心忉忉。<br />羔裘翱翔、狐裘在堂。<br />豈不爾思、我心憂傷。<br />羔裘如膏、日出有曜。<br />豈不爾思、中心是悼。<br />In your lamb's fur you saunter about ;<br />In your fox's fur you hold your court .<br />How should I not think anxiously about you ?<br />My toiled heart is full of grief .<br />In your lamb's fur you wander aimlessly about ;<br />In your fox's fur you appear in your hall .<br />How should I not think anxiously about you ?<br />My heart is wounded with sorrow .<br />Your lamb's fur , as if covered with ointment ;<br />Glistens when the sun comes forth .<br />How should I not think anxiously about you ?<br />To the core of my heart I am grieved .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>147.&nbsp; 素冠&nbsp; SU GUAN<br />庶見素冠兮、棘人欒欒兮、勞心慱慱兮。<br />庶見素衣兮、我心傷悲兮、聊與子同歸兮。<br />庶見素韡兮、我心蘊結兮、聊與子如一兮。<br />If I could but see the white cap ,<br />And the earnest mourner worn to leanness ! -- <br />My toiled heart is worn with grief !<br />If I could but see the white [lower] dress ! -- <br />My heart is wounded with sadness !<br />I should be inclined to go and live with the wearer !<br />If I could but see the white knee-covers ! -- <br />Sorrow is knotted in my heart !<br />I should almost feel as of one soul with the wearer !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>148.&nbsp; 隰有萇楚&nbsp; XI YOU CHANG CHU<br />隰有萇楚、猗儺其枝。<br />夭之沃沃、樂子之無知。<br />隰有萇楚、猗儺其華。<br />夭之沃沃、樂子之無家。<br />隰有萇楚、猗儺其實。<br />夭之沃沃、樂子之無室。<br />In the low wet grouds is the carambola tree ;<br />Soft and pliant are its branches ,<br />With the glossiness of tender beauty .<br />I should rejoice to be like you , [O tree] , without consciousness .<br />In the low , damp grounds is the carambola tree ;<br />Soft and delicate are its flowers ,<br />With the glossiness of its tender beauty .<br />I should rejoice to be like you , [O tree] , without a family .<br />In the low , damp grounds is the carambola tree ;<br />Soft and delicate is its fruit ,<br />With the glossiness of its tender beauty .<br />I should rejoice to be like you , [O tree] , without a household .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>149.&nbsp; 匪風&nbsp; FEI FENG<br />匪風發兮、匪車偈兮、顧瞻周道、中心怛兮。<br />匪風飄兮、匪車嘌兮。<br />顧瞻周道、中心弔兮。<br />誰能亨魚、溉之釜鬵。<br />誰將西歸、懷之好音。<br />Not for the violence of the wind ;<br />Not for a rushing motion of a chariot ; -- <br />But when I look to the road to Zhou ,<br />Am I pained to the core of my heart .<br />Not for the whirlwind ;<br />Not for the irregular motion of a chariot ; -- <br />But when I look to the road to Zhou ,<br />Am I sad to the core of my heart .<br />Who can cook fish ?<br />I will wash his boilers for him .<br />Who will loyally go to the west ?<br />I will cheer him with good words .<br />曹風&nbsp; (THE ODES OF CAO)<br />150.&nbsp; 蜉蝣&nbsp; FU YOU<br />蜉蝣之羽、衣裳楚楚。<br />心之憂矣、於我歸處。<br />蜉蝣之翼、采采衣服。<br />心之憂矣、於我歸息。<br />蜉蝣掘閱、麻衣如雪。<br />心之憂矣、於我歸說。<br />The wings of the ephemera ,<br />Are robes , bright and splendid .<br />My heart is grieved ; -- <br />Would they but come and abide with me !<br />The wings of the ephemera ,<br />Are robes , variously adorned .<br />My heart is grieved ; -- <br />Would they but come and rest with me !<br />The ephemera bursts from its hole ,<br />With a robe of hemp like snow .<br />My heart is grieved ; -- <br />Would they but come and lodge with me !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>151.&nbsp; 候人&nbsp; HOU REN<br />彼候人兮、何戈與祋。<br />彼其之子、三百赤芾。<br />維鵜在梁、不濡其翼。<br />彼其之子、不稱其服。<br />維鵜在梁、不濡其咮。<br />彼其之子、不遂其媾。<br />薈兮蔚兮、南山朝隮。<br />婉兮孌兮、季女斯飢。<br />Those officers of escort ,<br />Have their carriers of lances and halberds .<br />But these creatures ,<br />With their three hundred red covers for the knees ! -- <br />The pelican is on the dam ,<br />And will not wet his wings !<br />These creatures ,<br />Are not equal to their dress !<br />The pelican is on the dam ,<br />And will not wet his beak !<br />These creatures ,<br />Do not respond to the favour they enjoy .<br />Extensive and luxuriant is the vegetation ,<br />And up the south hill in the morning rise the vapours .<br />Tender is she and lovely ,<br />But the young lady is suffering from hunger .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>152.&nbsp; 鳲鳩&nbsp; SHI JIU<br />鳲鳩在桑、其子七兮。<br />淑人君子、其儀一兮。<br />其儀一兮、心如結兮。<br />鳲鳩在桑、其子在梅。<br />淑人君子、其帶伊絲。<br />其帶伊絲、其弁伊騏。<br />鳲鳩在桑、其子在棘。<br />淑人君子、其儀不忒。<br />其儀不忒、正是四國。<br />鳲鳩在桑、其子在榛。<br />淑人君子、正是國人。<br />正是國人、胡不萬年。<br />The turtle dove is in the mulberry tree ,<br />And her young ones are seven .<br />The virtuous man , the princely one ,<br />Is uniformly correct in his deportment .<br />He is uniformly correct in his deportment ,<br />His heart is as if it were tied to what is correct .<br />The turtle dove is in the mulberry tree ,<br />And her young ones are in the plum tree .<br />The virtuous man , the princely one ,<br />Has his girdle of silk .<br />His girdle is of silk ,<br />And his cap is of spotted deer-skin .<br />The turtle dove is in the mulberry tree ,<br />And her young ones are in the jujube tree .<br />The virtuous man , the princely one ,<br />Has nothing wrong in his deportment .<br />He has nothing wrong in his deportment ,<br />And thus he rectifies the four quarters of the State .<br />The turtle dove is in the mulberry tree ,<br />And her young ones are in the hazel tree .<br />The virtuous man , the princely one ,<br />Rectifies the people of the State .<br />He rectifies the people of his State : -- <br />May he continue for ten thousand years !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>153.&nbsp; 下泉&nbsp; XIA QUAN<br />冽彼下泉、浸彼苞稂。<br />愾我寤嘆、念彼周京。<br />冽彼下泉、浸彼苞蕭。<br />愾我寤嘆、念彼京周。<br />冽彼下泉、浸彼苞著。<br />愾無寤歎、念彼京師。<br />芃芃黍苗、陰雨膏之。<br />四國有王、郇伯勞之。<br />Cold come the waters down from that spring ,<br />And overflow the bushy wolf's-tail grass ,<br />Ah me ! I awake and sigh ,<br />Thinking of that capital of Zhou .<br />Cold come the waters down from that spring ,<br />And overflow the bushy southernwood ,<br />Ah me ! I awake and sigh ,<br />Thinking of that capital of Zhou .<br />Cold come the waters down from that spring ,<br />And overflow the bushy divining plants,<br />Ah me ! I awake and sigh ,<br />Thinking of that capital-city .<br />Beautifully grew the fields of young millet ,<br />Enriched by fertilizing rains .<br />The States had their sovereign ,<br />And there was the chief of Xun to reward their princes .<br />豳風&nbsp; (THE ODES OF BIN)<br />154.&nbsp; 七月&nbsp; QI YUE<br />七月流火、九月授衣。<br />一之日觱發、二之日栗烈。<br />無衣無褐、何以卒歲。<br />三之日于耜、四之日舉趾。<br />同我婦子、饁彼南畝、田畯至喜。<br />七月流火、九月授衣。<br />春日載陽、有鳴倉庚。<br />女執懿筐、遵彼微行、爰求柔桑。<br />春日遲遲、采蘩祁祁。<br />女心傷悲、殆及公子同歸。<br />七月流火、八月萑葦。<br />蠶月條桑、取彼斧斨、以伐遠揚、猗彼女桑。<br />七月鳴鵙、八月載績。<br />載玄載黃、我朱孔陽、為公子裳。<br />四月秀葽、五月鳴蜩。<br />八月其穫、十月隕蘀。<br />一之日于貉、取彼狐狸、為公子裘。<br />二之日其同、載纘武功、言私其豵、獻豜于公。<br />五月斯螽動股、六月莎雞振羽。<br />七月在野、八月在宇、九月在戶。<br />十月蟋蟀、入我床下。<br />穹窒熏鼠。<br />塞向墐戶。<br />嗟我婦子、曰為改歲、入此室處。<br />六月食鬱及薁、七月亨葵及菽。<br />八月剝棗、十月穫稻。<br />為此春酒、以介眉壽。<br />七月食瓜、八月斷壺、九月叔苴、采荼薪樗。<br />食我農夫。<br />九月築場圃、十月納禾稼。<br />黍稷重穋、禾麻菽麥。<br />嗟我農夫、我稼既同、上入執宮功。<br />晝爾于茅、宵爾索綯。<br />亟其乘屋、其始播百穀。<br />二之日鑿冰沖沖、三之日納于凌陰。<br />四之日其蚤、獻羔祭韭。<br />九月肅霜、十月滌場。<br />朋酒斯響、曰殺羔羊。<br />躋彼公堂、稱彼兕觥、萬壽無疆。<br />In the seventh month , the Fire Star passes the meridian ;<br />In the 9th month , clothes are given out .<br />In the days of [our] first month , the wind blows cold ;<br />In the days of [our] second , the air is cold ; -- <br />Without the clothes and garments of hair ,<br />How could we get to the end of the year ?<br />In the days of [our] third month , they take their ploughs in hand ;<br />In the days of [our] fourth , they take their way to the fields .<br />Along with my wife and children ,<br />I carry food to them in those south-lying acres .<br />The surveyor of the fields comes , and is glad .<br />In the seventh month , the Fire Star passes the meridian ;<br />In the ninth month , clothes are given out .<br />With the spring days the warmth begins ,<br />And the oriole utters its song .<br />The young women take their deep baskets ,<br />And go along the small paths ,<br />Looking for the tender [leaves of the] mulberry trees .<br />As the spring days lengthen out ,<br />They gather in crowds the white southernwood .<br />That young lady's heart is wounded with sadness ,<br />For she will [soon] be going with one of our princess as his wife .<br />In the seventh month , the Fire Star passes the meridian ;<br />In the eighth month are the sedges and reeds .<br />In the silkworm month they strip the mulberry branches of their leaves ,<br />And take their axes and hatchets ,<br />To lop off those that are distant and high ;<br />Only stripping the young trees of their leaves .<br />In the seventh month , the shrike is heard ;<br />In the eighth month , they begin their spinning ; -- <br />They make dark fabrics and yellow .<br />Our red manufacture is very brilliant ,<br />It is for the lower robes of our young princes .<br />In the fourth month , the Small grass is in seed .<br />In the fifth , the cicada gives out its note .<br />In the eighth , they reap .<br />In the tenth , the leaves fall .<br />In the days of [our] first month , they go after badgers ,<br />And take foxes and wild cats ,<br />To make furs for our young princes .<br />In the days of [our] second month , they have a general hunt ,<br />And proceed to keep up the exercises of war .<br />The boars of one year are for themselves ;<br />Those of three years are for our prince .<br />In the fifth month , the locust moves its legs ;<br />In the sixth month , the spinner sounds its wings .<br />In the seventh month , in the fields ;<br />In the eighth month , under the eaves ;<br />In the ninth month , about the doors ;<br />In the tenth month , the cricket<br />Enters under our beds .<br />Chinks are filled up , and rats are smoked out ;<br />The windows that face [the north] are stopped up ;<br />And the doors are plastered .<br />' Ah ! our wives and children ,<br />' Changing the year requires this :<br />Enter here and dwell . '<br />In the sixth month they eat the sparrow-plums and grapes ;<br />In the seventh , they cook the Kui and pulse ,<br />In the eighth , they knock down the dates ;<br />In the tenth , they reap the rice ;<br />And make the spirits for the spring ,<br />For the benefit of the bushy eyebrows . <br />In the seventh month , they eat the melons ;<br />In the eighth , they cut down the bottle-gourds ;<br />In the ninth , they gather the hemp-seed ;<br />They gather the sowthistle and make firewood of the Fetid tree ;<br />To feed our husbandmen .<br />In the ninth month , they prepare the vegetable gardens for their stacks ,<br />And in the tenth they convey the sheaves to them ;<br />The millets , both the early sown and the late ,<br />With other grain , the hemp , the pulse , and the wheat .<br />' O my husbandmen ,<br />Our harvest is all collected .<br />Let us go to the town , and be at work on our houses .<br />In the day time collect the grass ,<br />And at night twist it into ropes ;<br />Then get up quickly on our roofs ; -- <br />We shall have to recommence our sowing . '<br />In the days of [our] second month , they hew out the ice with harmonious blows ; <br />And in those of [our] third month , they convey it to the ice-houses ,<br />[Which they open] in those of the fourth , early in the morning ,<br />Having offered in sacrifice a lamb with scallions .<br />In the ninth month , it is cold , with frost ;<br />In the tenth month , they sweep clean their stack-sites .<br />The two bottles of spirits are enjoyed ,<br />And they say , ' Let us kill our lambs and sheep ,<br />And go to the hall of our prince ,<br />There raise the cup of rhinoceros horn ,<br />And wish him long life , -- that he may live for ever . '</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>155.&nbsp; 鴟鴞&nbsp; CHI XIAO<br />鴟鴞鴟鴞、既取我子、無毀我室。<br />恩斯勤斯、鬻子之閔斯。<br />迨天之未陰雨、徹彼桑土、綢繆牖戶。<br />今女下民、或敢侮予。<br />予手拮据、予所捋荼、予所蓄租、予口卒瘏、曰予未有室家。<br />予羽譙譙、予尾翛翛、予室翹翹、風雨所漂搖、予維音嘵嘵。<br />O owl , O owl ,<br />You have taken my young ones ; -- <br />Do not [also] destroy my nest .<br />With love and with toil ,<br />I nourished them . -- I am to be pitied .<br />Before the sky was dark with rain ,<br />I gathered the roots of the mulberry tree ,<br />And bound round and round my window and door .<br />Now ye people below ,<br />Dare any of you despise my house ?<br />With my claws I tore and held .<br />Through the rushes which I gathered ,<br />And all the materials I collected ,<br />My mouth was all sore ; -- <br />I said to myself , ' I have not yet got my house complete . '<br />My wings are all-injured ;<br />My tail is all-broken ;<br />My house is in a perilous condition ;<br />It is tossed about in the wind and rain : -- <br />I can but cry out with this note of alarm .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>156.&nbsp; 東山&nbsp; DONG SHAN<br />我徂東山、慆慆不歸。<br />我來自東、零雨其濛。<br />我東曰歸、我心西悲。<br />制彼裳衣、勿士行枚。<br />蜎蜎者蠋、烝在桑野。<br />敦彼獨宿、亦在車下。<br />我徂東山、慆慆不歸。<br />我來自東、零雨其濛。<br />果臝之實、亦施于宇。<br />伊威在室、蠨蛸在戶。<br />町曈鹿場、熠燿宵行。<br />不可畏也、伊可懷也。<br />我徂東山、慆慆不歸。<br />我來自東、零雨其濛。<br />鸛鳴于垤、婦歎于室。<br />洒掃穹窒、我征聿至。<br />有敦瓜苦、烝在栗薪。<br />自我不見、于今三年。<br />我徂東山、慆慆不歸。<br />我來自東、零雨其濛。<br />倉庚于飛、熠燿其羽。<br />之子于歸、皇駁其馬。<br />親結其縭、九十其儀。<br />其新孔嘉、其舊如之何。<br />We went to the hills of the east ,<br />And long were we there without returning ,<br />When we came from the east ,<br />Down came the rain drizzlingly .<br />When we were in the east , and it was said we should return ,<br />Our hearts were in the west and sad ;<br />But there were they preparing our clothes for us ,<br />As to serve no more in the ranks with the gags .<br />Creeping about were the caterpillars ,<br />All over the mulberry grounds ;<br />And quietly and solitarily did we pass the night ,<br />Under our carriages .<br />We went to the hills of the east ,<br />And long were we there without returning ,<br />When we came from the east ,<br />Down came the rain drizzlingly .<br />The fruit of the heavenly gourd ,<br />Would be hanging about our eaves ;<br />The sowbug would be in our chambers ;<br />The spiders webs would be in our doors ;<br />Our paddocks would be deer-fields ;<br />The fitful light of the glow-worms would be all about .<br />These thoughts made us apprehensive ,<br />And they occupied our breasts .<br />We went to the hills of the east ,<br />And long were we there without returning ,<br />On our way back from the east ,<br />Down came the rain drizzlingly .<br />The cranes were crying on the ant-hills ;<br />Our wives were sighing in their rooms ;<br />They had sprinkled and swept , and stuffed up all the crevices .<br />Suddenly we arrived from the expedition ,<br />And there were the bitter gourds hanging ,<br />From the branches of the chestnut trees .<br />Since we had seen such a sight ,<br />Three years were now elapsed .<br />We went to the hills of the east ,<br />And long were we there without returning ,<br />On our way back from the east ,<br />Down came the rain drizzlingly .<br />The oriole is flying about ,<br />Now here , now there , are its wings .<br />Those young ladies are going to be married ,<br />With their bay and red horses , flecked with white .<br />Their mothers have tied their sashes ;<br />Complete are their equipments .<br />The new matches are admirable ; -- <br />How can the reunions of the old be expressed ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>157.&nbsp; 破斧&nbsp; PO FU<br />既破我斧、又缺我斨。<br />周公東征、四國是皇。<br />哀我人斯、亦孔之將。<br />既破我斧、又缺我錡。<br />周公東征、四國是吪。<br />哀我人斯、亦孔之嘉。<br />既破我斧、又缺我銶。<br />周公東征、四國是遒。<br />哀我人斯、亦孔之休。<br />We broke our axes ,<br />And we splintered our hatchets ;<br />But the object of the duke of Zhou , in marching to the east ,<br />Was to put the four States to rights .<br />His compassion for us people ,<br />Is very great .<br />We broke our axes ,<br />And we splintered our chisels ;<br />But the object of the duke of Zhou , in marching to the east ,<br />Was to reform the four States .<br />His compassion for us people ,<br />Is very admirable .<br />We broke our axes ,<br />And splintered our clubs .<br />But the object of the duke of Zhou , in marching to the east ,<br />Was to save the alliance of the four States .<br />His compassion for us people ,<br />Is very excellent .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>158.&nbsp; 伐柯&nbsp; FA KE<br />伐柯如何、匪斧不克。<br />取妻如何、匪媒不得。<br />伐柯伐柯、其則不遠。<br />我覯之子、籩豆有踐。<br />In hewing [the wood for] an axe-handle , how do you proceed ?<br />Without [another] axe it cannot be done .<br />In taking a wife , how do you proceed ?<br />Without a go-between it cannot be done .<br />In hewing an axe-handle , in hewing an axe-handle ,<br />The pattern is not far off .<br />I see the lady ,<br />And forthwith the vessels are arranged in rows .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>159.&nbsp; 九罭&nbsp; JIU YU<br />九罭之魚、鱒魴。<br />我覯之子、袞衣繡裳。<br />鴻飛遵渚、公歸無所、於女信處。<br />鴻飛遵陸、公歸不復、於女信宿。<br />是以有袞衣兮、無以我公歸兮、無使我心悲兮。<br />In the net with its nine bags ,<br />Are rud and bream .<br />We see this prince ,<br />With his grand-ducal robe and embroidered skirt .<br />The wild geese fly [only] about the islets .<br />The duke is returning ; -- is it not to his proper place ?<br />He was stopping with you [and me] but for a couple of nights .<br />The wild geese fly about the land .<br />The duke is returning , and will not come back here ?<br />He was lodging with you [and me] but for a couple of nights .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>160.&nbsp; 狼跋&nbsp; LANG BA<br />狼跋其胡、載疐其尾。<br />公孫碩膚、赤舄几几。<br />狼疐其尾、載跋其胡。<br />公孫碩膚、德音不瑕。<br />The wolf springs forward on his dewlap ,<br />Or trips back on his tail .<br />The duke was humble , and greatly admirable ,<br />Self-composed in his red slippers .<br />The wolf springs forward on his dewlap ,<br />Or trips back on his tail .<br />The duke was humble , and greatly admirable ,<br />There is no flaw in his virtuous fame .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>小雅<br />(MINOR ODES OF THE KINGDOM)<br />雅者、正也、正樂之歌也。其篇本有大小之殊、而先儒說又各有正變之別。以今考之、正小雅、燕饗之樂也、正大雅、會朝之樂、受釐陳戒之辭也。故或歡欣和說、以盡群下之情、或恭敬齊莊、以發先王之德、詞氣不同、音節亦異、多周公制作時所定也。及其變也、則事未必同、而各以其聲附之。其次序時世、則有不可考者矣。<br />鹿鳴之什(DECADE OF LU MING)<br />161.&nbsp; 鹿鳴&nbsp; LU MING<br />呦呦鹿鳴、食野之苹。<br />我有嘉賓、鼓瑟吹笙。<br />吹笙鼓簧、承筐是將。<br />人之好我、示我行周。<br />呦呦鹿鳴、食野之蒿。<br />我有嘉賓、德音孔昭。<br />視民不恌、君子是則是傚。<br />我有旨酒、嘉賓式燕以敖。<br />呦呦鹿鳴、食野之芩。<br />我有嘉賓、鼓瑟鼓琴。<br />鼓瑟鼓琴、和樂且湛。<br />我有旨酒、以嘉樂嘉賓之心。<br />With pleased sounds the deer call to one another ,<br />Eating the celery of the fields .<br />I have here admirable guests ;<br />The lutes are struck , and the organ is blown [for them] ; -- <br />The organ is blown till its tongues are all moving .<br />The baskets of offerings [also] are presented to them .<br />The men love me ,<br />And will show me the perfect path .<br />With pleased sounds the deer call to one another ,<br />Eating the southernwood of the fields .<br />I have here admirable guests ;<br />Whose virtuous fame is grandly brilliant .<br />They show the people not to be mean ;<br />The officers have in them a pattern and model .<br />I have good wine ,<br />Which my admirable guests drink , enjoying themselves .<br />With pleased sounds the deer call to one another ,<br />Eating the salsola of the fields .<br />I have here admirable guests ;<br />For whom are struck the lutes , large and small .<br />The lutes , large and small , are struck ,<br />And our harmonious joy is long-continued .<br />I have good wine ,<br />To feast and make glad the hearts of my admirable guests .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>162.&nbsp; 四牡&nbsp; SI MU<br />四牡騑騑、周道倭遲。<br />豈不懷歸、王事靡盬、我心傷悲。<br />四牡騑騑、嘽嘽駱馬。<br />豈不懷歸、王事靡盬、不遑啟處。<br />翩翩者鵻、載飛載下、集于苞栩。<br />王事靡盬、不遑將父。<br />翩翩者鵻、載飛載止、集于苞杞。<br />王事靡盬、不遑將母。<br />駕彼四駱、載驟駸駸。<br />豈不懷歸、是用作歌、將母來諗。<br />My four steeds advanced without stopping ;<br />The way from Zhou was winding and tedious .<br />Did I not have the wish to return ?<br />But the king's business was not to be slackly performed ;<br />And my heart was wounded with sadness .<br />My four steeds advanced without stopping ;<br />They panted and snorted , the white steeds black-maned .<br />Did I not have the wish to return ?<br />But the king's business was not to be slackly performed ;<br />And I had not leisure to kneel or to sit .<br />The Filial doves keep flying about ,<br />Now soaring aloft , and now descending ,<br />Collecting on the bushy oaks ;<br />But the king's business was not to be slackly performed ;<br />And I had not leisure to nourish my father .<br />The Filial doves keep flying about ,<br />Now flying , now stopping ,<br />Collecting on the bushy medlars ;<br />But the king's business was not to be slackly performed ;<br />And I had not leisure to nourish my mother .<br />I yoked my four white steeds , black-maned ;<br />They hurried away with speed .<br />[But] did I not wish to return ?<br />Therefore I make this song , <br />Announcing my wish to nourish my mother .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>163.&nbsp; 皇皇者華&nbsp; HUANG HUANG ZHE HUA<br />皇皇者華、于彼原隰。<br />駪駪征夫、每懷靡及。<br />我馬維駒、六轡如濡。<br />載馳載驅、周爰咨諏。<br />我馬維騏、六轡如絲。<br />載馳載驅、周爰咨謀。<br />我馬維駱、六轡沃若。<br />載馳載驅、周爰咨度。<br />我馬維駰、六轡既均。<br />載馳載驅、周爰咨詢。<br />Brilliant are the flowers ,<br />On those level heights and the low grounds.<br />Complete and alert is the messenger , with his suite ,<br />Ever anxious lest he should not succeed .<br />My horses are young ;<br />The six reins look as if they were moistened .<br />I gallop them , and urge them on ,<br />Everywhere pushing my inquiries .<br />My horses are piebald ;<br />The six reins are like silk .<br />I gallop them , and urge them on ,<br />Everywhere seeking information and counsel .<br />My horses are white and black-maned ;<br />The six reins look glossy .<br />I gallop them , and urge them on ,<br />Everywhere seeking information and advice .<br />My horses are grey ;<br />The six reins are well in hand .<br />I gallop them , and urge them on ,<br />Everywhere seeking information and suggestions .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>164.&nbsp; 常棣&nbsp; CHANG DI<br />常棣之華、鄂不韡韡。<br />凡今之人、莫如兄弟。<br />死喪之威、兄弟孔懷。<br />原隰裒矣、兄弟求矣。<br />脊今在原、兄弟急難。<br />每有良朋、況也永歎。<br />兄弟鬩于牆、外禦其務。<br />每有良朋、烝也無戎。<br />喪亂既平、既安且寧。<br />雖有兄弟、不如友生。<br />儐爾籩豆、飲酒之飫。<br />兄弟既具、和樂且孺。<br />妻子好合、如鼓瑟琴。<br />兄弟既翕、和樂且湛。<br />宜爾室家、樂爾妻帑。<br />是究是圖、亶其然乎。<br />The flowers of the cherry tree -- <br />Are they not gorgeously displayed ?<br />Of all the men in the world ,<br />There are none equal to brothers .<br />On the dreaded occasions of death and burial ,<br />It is brothers who greatly sympathize .<br />When fugitives are collected on the heights and low grounds ,<br />They are brothers who will seek one another out .<br />There is the wagtail on the level height ; -- <br />When brothers are in urgent difficulties ,<br />Friends , though they may be good ,<br />Will [only] heave long sighs .<br />Brothers may quarrel inside the walls ,<br />But they will oppose insult from without ,<br />When friends , however good they may be ,<br />Will not afford help .<br />When death and disorder are past ,<br />And there are tranquillity and rest ;<br />Although they have brothers ,<br />[Some] reckon them not equal to friends .<br />Your dishes may be set in array ,<br />And you may drink to satiety ;<br />But it is when your brothers are all present ,<br />That you are harmonious and happy , with child-like joy .<br />Loving union with wife and children ,<br />Is like the music of lutes ;<br />But it is the accord of brothers ,<br />Which makes the harmony and happiness lasting .<br />For the ordering of your family ,<br />For your joy in yor wife and children ,<br />Examine this and study it ; -- <br />Will you not find that it is truly so ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>165.&nbsp; 伐木&nbsp; FA MU<br />伐木丁丁、鳥鳴嚶嚶。<br />出自幽谷、遷于喬木。<br />嚶其鳴矣、求其友聲。<br />相彼鳥矣、猶求友聲。<br />矧伊人矣、不求友生。<br />神之聽之、終和且平。<br />伐木許許、釃酒有藇。<br />既有肥羜、以速諸父。<br />寧適不來、微我弗顧。<br />於粲洒掃、陳饋八簋。<br />既有肥牡、以速諸舅。<br />寧適不來、微我有咎。<br />伐木于阪、釃酒有衍。<br />籩豆有踐、兄弟無遠。<br />民之失德、乾餱以愆。<br />有酒湑我、無酒酤我。<br />坎坎鼓我、蹲蹲舞我。<br />迨我暇矣、飲此湑矣。<br />On the trees go the blows ding-ding ;<br />And the birds cry out ying-ying .<br />One issues from the dark valley ,<br />And removes to the lofty tree ,<br />While ying goes its cry ,<br />Seeking with its voice its companion .<br />Look at the bird ,<br />Bird as it is , seeking with its voice its companion ;<br />And shall a man ,<br />Not seek to have his friends ?<br />Spiritual beings will then hearken to him ;<br />He shall have harmony and peace .<br />Xu-xu they go , as they fell the trees .<br />I have strained off my spirits , till they are fine ,<br />And the fatted lambs are provided ,<br />To which to invite my paternal uncles .<br />It is better that something should keep them from coming ,<br />Than that I should not have regarded them .<br />Oh ! brightly I have sprinkled and swept my courtyard ,<br />And arranged my viands , with eight dishes of grain , along with my fatted meat ,<br />To which to invite my maternal uncles .<br />It is better that something should keep them from coming ,<br />Than that there should be blame attaching to me .<br />They fell down the trees along the hill-side .<br />I have strained off my spirits in abundance ;<br />The dishes stand in rows ,<br />And none of my brethren are absent .<br />The loss of kindly feeling among people ,<br />May arise from faults in the matter of dry provisions .<br />If I have spirits I strain them , do I ;<br />If I have no spirits , I buy them , do I ;<br />I make the drums beat , do I ;<br />I lead on the dance , do I .<br />Whenever we have leisure ,<br />Let us drink the sparkling spirits .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>166.&nbsp; 天保&nbsp; TIAN BAO<br />天保定爾、亦孔之固。<br />俾爾單厚、何福不除。<br />俾爾多益、以莫不庶。<br />天保定爾、俾爾戩穀。<br />罄無不宜、受天百祿。<br />降爾遐福、維日不足。<br />天保定爾、以莫不興。<br />如山如阜、如岡如陵。<br />如川之方至、以莫不增。<br />吉蠲為饎、是用孝享。<br />禴祠烝嘗、于公先王。<br />君曰卜爾、萬壽無疆。<br />神之弔矣、詒爾多福。<br />民之質矣、日用飲食。<br />群黍百姓、邊為爾德。<br />如月之恒、如日之升。<br />如南山之壽、不騫不崩。<br />如松伯之茂、無不爾或承。<br />Heaven protects and establishes thee ,<br />With the greatest securtiy ;<br />Makes thee entirely virtuous ,<br />That thou mayest enjoy every happiness ;<br />Grants thee much increase ,<br />So that thou hast all in abundance .<br />Heaven protects and establishes thee ,<br />It grants thee all excellence ,<br />So that thine every matter is right ,<br />And thou receivest every heavenly favour .<br />It sends down to thee long-during happiness ,<br />Which the days are not sufficient to enjoy .<br />Heaven protects and establishes thee ,<br />So that in every thing thou dost prosper ,<br />Like the high hills , and the mountain masses ,<br />Like the topmost ridges , and the greatest bulks ;<br />That , as the stream ever coming on ,<br />Such is thine increase .<br />With happy auspices and purifications , thou bringest the offerings ,<br />And dost filially present them ;<br />In spring , summer , autumn , and winter ,<br />To the dukes and former kings ,<br />Who says , ' We give to thee ,<br />Myriad of years of duration unlimited . '<br />The spirits come ,<br />And confer on thee many blessings .<br />The people are simple and honest ,<br />Daily enjoying their meat and drink .<br />All the black-haired race , in all their surnames ,<br />Universally practise your virtue .<br />Like the moon advancing to the full ,<br />Like the sun ascending the heavens ,<br />Like the age of the southern hills ,<br />Never waning , never falling ,<br />Like the luxuriance of the fir and the cypress ; -- <br />May such be thy succeeding line !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>167.&nbsp; 采薇&nbsp; CAI WEI<br />采薇采薇、薇亦作止。<br />曰歸曰歸、歲亦莫止。<br />靡室靡家、玁狁之故。<br />不遑啟居、玁狁之故。<br />采薇采薇、薇亦柔止。<br />曰歸曰歸、心亦憂止。<br />憂心烈烈、載飢載渴。<br />我戌未定、靡使歸聘。<br />采薇采薇、薇亦剛止。<br />曰歸曰歸、歲亦陽止。<br />王事靡盬、不遑啟處。<br />憂心孔疚、我行不來。<br />駕彼四牡、四牡騤騤。<br />君子所依、小人所腓。<br />四牡翼翼、象弭魚服。<br />豈不日戒、玁狁孔亟。<br />彼爾維何、維常之華。<br />彼路斯何、君子之車。<br />戎車既駕、四牡業業。<br />豈敢定居、一月三捷。<br />駕彼四牡、四牡騤騤。<br />君子所依、小人所腓。<br />四牡翼翼、象弭魚服。<br />豈不日戒、玁狁孔亟。<br />昔我往矣、楊柳依依。<br />今我來思、雨雪靡靡。<br />行道遲遲、載渴載飢。<br />我心傷悲、莫知我哀。<br />Let us gather the thorn-ferns , let us gather the thorn-ferns ;<br />The thorn-ferns are now springing up .<br />When shall we return ? When shall we return ?<br />It will be late in the [next] year .<br />Wife and husband will be separated ,<br />Because of the Xian-yun .<br />We shall have no leisure to rest ,<br />Because of the Xian-yun .<br />Let us gather the thorn-ferns , let us gather the thorn-ferns ;<br />The thorn-ferns are now tender .<br />When shall we return ? When shall we return ?<br />Our hearts are sorrowful ;<br />Our hearts are sad and sorrowful ;<br />We shall hunger , we shall thirst .<br />While our service on guard is not finished ,<br />We can send no one home to enquire about our families .<br />Let us gather the thorn-ferns , let us gather the thorn-ferns ;<br />The thorn-ferns are now hard .<br />When shall we return ? When shall we return ?<br />The year will be in the tenth month .<br />But the king's business must not be slackly performed ;<br />We shall have no leisure to rest .<br />Our sorrowing hearts are in great distress ;<br />But we shall not return from our expedition .<br />What is that so gorgeous ?<br />It is the flowers of the cherry tree .<br />What carriage is that ?<br />It is the carriage of our general .<br />His war carriage is yoked ;<br />The four steeds are strong .<br />Dare we remain inactive ?<br />In one month we shall have three victories .<br />The four steeds are yoked ,<br />The four steeds , eager and strong ; -- <br />The confidence of the general ,<br />The protection of the men .<br />The four steeds move regularly , like wings ; -- <br />There are the bow with its ivory ends , and the seal-skin quiver .<br />Shall we not daily warn one another ?<br />The business of the Xian-yun is very urgent .<br />At first , when we set out ,<br />The willows were fresh and green ;<br />Now , when we shall be returning ,<br />The snow will be falling in clouds .<br />Long and tedious will be our marching ;<br />We shall hunger ; we shall thirst .<br />Our hearts are wounded with grief ,<br />And no one knows our sadness .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>168.&nbsp; 出車&nbsp; CHU CHE<br />我出我車、于彼牧矣。<br />自天子所、謂我來矣。<br />召彼僕夫、謂之載矣。<br />王事多難、維其棘矣。<br />我出我車、于彼郊矣。<br />設此旐矣、建彼旄矣。<br />彼旟旐斯、胡不旆旆。<br />憂心悄悄、僕夫況瘁。<br />王命南仲、往城于方。<br />出車彭彭、旂旐央央。<br />天子命我、城彼朔方。<br />赫赫南仲、玁狁于襄。<br />昔我往矣、黍稷方華。<br />今我來思、雨雪載塗。<br />王事多難、不遑啟居。<br />豈不懷歸、畏此簡書。<br />喓喓草虫、趯趯阜螽。<br />未見君子、憂心忡忡。<br />既見君子、我心則降。<br />赫赫南仲、薄伐西戎。<br />春日遲遲、卉木萋萋。<br />倉庚喈喈、采蘩祁祁。<br />執訊獲醜、薄言還歸。<br />赫赫南仲、玁狁于夷。<br />We proceeded with our carriage ,<br />To those pasture grounds .<br />' From the place of the son of Heaven ,<br />Came an order to me to march , ' [said the general] .<br />So he called his carriage-officers,<br />And told them to get the carriages all ready .<br />' The king's business , ' [said he] , ' is surrounded with difficulties ;<br />We must use despatch . '<br />We proceeded with our carriage ,<br />To that suburban region .<br />The banner with tortoises and serpents was raised ,<br />And the ox-tails set up at the top of its staff ;<br />Did not it and the falcon banner ,<br />Fly about grandly ?<br />The [general's] heart was anxious and sad ,<br />And the carriage-officers appeared full of care .<br />The king charged Nan Zhong ,<br />To go and build a wall in the [disturbed] region .<br />How numerous were his chariots !<br />How splendid his dragon , his tortoise and serpent flags !<br />The son of Heaven had charged us ,<br />To build a wall in that northern region .<br />Awe-inspiring was Nan Zhong ;<br />The Xian-yun were sure to be swept away !<br />When we were marching at first ,<br />The millets were in flower .<br />Now that we are returning ,<br />The snow falls , and the roads are all mire .<br />The king's business was not to be slackly performed ,<br />And we had not leisure to rest .<br />Did we not long to return ?<br />But we were in awe of the orders in the tablets .<br />' Yao-yao go the grass-insects ,<br />And the hoppers leap about .<br />While we do not see our husbands ,<br />Our hearts must be full of grief .<br />Let us but see our husbands ,<br />And our hearts will be at rest . '<br />The awe-inspiring Nan Zhong ,<br />Is smiting the Rong of the west .<br />The spring-days are lengthening out ;<br />The plants and trees grow full of verdure ;<br />The oriole's cry comes jie-jie ;<br />[Our wives] go in crowds to gather the white southernwood .<br />With our prisoners for the question and our captive crowd ,<br />We return .<br />Awe-inspiring is Nan zhong ;<br />The Xian-yun are pacified .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>169.&nbsp; 杕杜&nbsp; DI DU<br />有杕之杜、有睆其實。<br />王事靡盬、繼嗣我日。<br />日月陽止、女心傷止、征夫遑止。<br />有杕之杜、其葉萋萋。<br />王事靡盬、我心傷悲。<br />卉木萋止、女心悲止、征夫歸止。<br />陟彼北山、言采其杞。<br />王事靡盬、憂我父母。<br />檀車幝幝、四牡痯痯、征夫不遠。<br />匪載匪來、憂心孔疚。<br />期逝不至、而多為恤。<br />卜筮偕止、會言近止、征夫邇止。<br />Solitary stands the russet pear tree ,<br />With its fruit so bright .<br />The king's business must not be slackly performed ,<br />And the days are prolonged with us one after another .<br />The sun and moon are in the tenth month .<br />My woman's heart is wounded ;<br />My soldier might have leisure [to return] !<br />Solitary stands the russet pear tree ,<br />With its leaves so luxuriant .<br />The king's business must not be slackly performed ,<br />And my heart is wounded and sad .<br />The plants and trees are luxuriant ,<br />But my heart is sad .<br />O that my soldier might return !<br />I ascended that hill in the north ,<br />To gather the medlars .<br />The king's business must not be slackly performed ,<br />And our parents are made sorrowful .<br />His chariot of sandal wood must be damaged ;<br />His four horses must be worn out ;<br />My soldier cannot be far off .<br />They have not packed up , they do not come ;<br />My sorrowing heart is greatly distressed .<br />The time is past , and he is not here ,<br />To the multiplication of my sorrows .<br />Both by the tortoise shell and the reeds have I divined ,<br />And they unite in saying he is near .<br />My soldier is at hand !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>南陔(NAN GAI)<br />笙詩無辭<br />白華之什(DECADE OF BAIHUA)<br />白華(BAI HUA)<br />笙詩無辭</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>華黍(HUA SHU)<br />笙詩無辭</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>170.&nbsp; 魚麗&nbsp; YU LI<br />魚麗于罶、鱨鯊。<br />君子有酒、旨且多。<br />魚麗于罶、魴鱧。<br />君子有酒、多且旨。<br />魚麗于罶、鰋鯉。<br />君子有酒、旨且有。<br />物其多矣、維其嘉矣。<br />物其旨矣、維其偕矣。<br />物其有矣、維其時矣。<br />The fish pass into the basket ,<br />Yellow-jaws and sand-blowers .<br />Our host has spirits ,<br />Good and abundance of them .<br />The fish pass into the basket ,<br />Bream and tench .<br />Our host has spirits ,<br />Abundance of them and good .<br />The fish pass into the basket ,<br />Mud-fish and carp .<br />Our host has spirits ,<br />Good and in quantities .<br />The viands are abundant ,<br />And they are admirable .<br />The viands are excellent ,<br />Both from the land and the sea .<br />The viands are in quantities ,<br />And all in season .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>由庚(YOU GENG)<br />笙詩無辭。</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>171.&nbsp; 南有嘉魚&nbsp; NAN YOU JIA YU<br />南有嘉魚、烝然罩罩。<br />君子有酒、嘉賓式燕以樂。<br />南有嘉魚、烝然汕汕。<br />君子有酒、嘉賓式燕以衎。<br />南有樛木、 甘瓠纍之。<br />君子有酒、嘉賓式燕綏之。<br />翩翩者鵻、烝然來思。<br />君子有酒、嘉賓式燕又思。<br />In the south is the barbel ,<br />And , in multitudes , they are taken under baskets .<br />The host has spirits ,<br />On which his admirable quests feast with him joyfully .<br />In the south is the barbel ,<br />And , in multitudes , they are taken with wicker nets .<br />The host has spirits ,<br />On which his admirable quests feast with him , delighted .<br />In the south are trees with curved drooping branches ,<br />And the sweet gourds cling to them .<br />The host has spirits ,<br />On which his admirable quests feast with him cheerfully .<br />The Filial doves keep flying about ,<br />Coming in multitudes .<br />The host has spirits ,<br />On which his admirable quests feast with him again and again .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>崇丘(CHONG QIU)<br />笙詩無辭</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>172.&nbsp; 南山有臺&nbsp; NAN SHAN YOU TAI<br />南山有臺、北山有萊。<br />樂只君子、邦家之基。<br />樂只君子、萬壽無期。<br />南山有桑、北山有楊。<br />樂只君子、邦家之光。<br />樂只君子、萬壽無疆。<br />南山有杞、北山有李。<br />樂只君子、民之父母。<br />樂只君子、德音不已。<br />南山有栲、北山有杻。<br />樂只君子、遐不眉壽。<br />樂只君子、德音是茂。<br />南山有枸、北山有楰。<br />樂只君子、遐不黃耇。<br />樂只君子、保艾爾後。<br />On the hills of the south is the Tai plant ,<br />On those of the north is the Lai .<br />To be rejoiced in are ye , noble men ,<br />The foundations of the State .<br />To be rejoiced in are ye , noble men ; -- <br />May your years be myriads and without end !<br />On the hills of the south are the mulberry trees ,<br />On those of the north are willows .<br />To be rejoiced in are ye , noble men ,<br />The light of the State .<br />To be rejoiced in are ye , noble men ; -- <br />May your years be myriads , unlimited !<br />On the hills of the south are medlars ;<br />On those of the north are plum trees .<br />To be rejoiced in are ye , noble men ,<br />Parents of the people .<br />To be rejoiced in are ye , noble men ; -- <br />May your virtuous fame have no end !<br />On the hills of the south is the Kao ;<br />On those of the north is the Niu .<br />To be rejoiced in are ye , noble men ,<br />Have ye not the eyebrows of longevity ?<br />To be rejoiced in are ye , noble men ; -- <br />May your virtuous fame be abundant !<br />On the hills of the south is the Ju ;<br />On those of the north is the Yu .<br />To be rejoiced in are ye , gentlemen ; -- <br />Will ye not have the grey hair and wrinkled face ?<br />To be rejoiced in are ye , gentlemen ; -- <br />May ye preserve and maintain your posterity !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>由儀(YOU YI)<br />無辭</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>173.&nbsp; 蓼蕭&nbsp; LIAO XIAO<br />蓼彼蕭斯、零露湑兮。<br />既見君子、我心寫兮。<br />燕笑語兮、是以有譽處兮。<br />蓼彼蕭斯、零露瀼瀼。<br />既見君子、為龍為光。<br />其德不爽、壽考不忘。<br />蓼彼蕭斯、零露泥泥。<br />既見君子、孔燕豈弟。<br />宜兄宜弟、令德壽豈。<br />蓼彼蕭斯、零露濃濃。<br />既見君子、鞗革沖沖。<br />和鸞雝雝、萬福攸同。<br />How long grows the southernwood ,<br />With the dew lying on it so bright !<br />Now that I see my noble men ,<br />My heart is entirely satisfied .<br />As we feast , we laugh and talk ; -- <br />It is right they should have fame and prosperity !<br />How long grows the southernwood ,<br />With the dew lying on it so abundantly !<br />Now that I see my noble men ,<br />I appreciate their favour and their brightness .<br />Their virtue is without taint of error ; -- <br />May they live long , and not be forgotten !<br />How high is the southernwood ,<br />All wet with the fallen dew !<br />Now that I see my noble men ,<br />Grandly we feast , delighted and complacent .<br />May their relations with their brothers be right !<br />May they be happy in their excellent virtue to old age !<br />How high is the southernwood ,<br />With the dew lying on it so richly !<br />I have seen my noble men ,<br />With the ends of their reins hanging down ,<br />With the bells tinkling on their cross-boards and bits .<br />May all happiness gather upon them .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>174.&nbsp; 湛露&nbsp; ZHAN LU<br />湛湛露斯、匪陽不晞。<br />厭厭夜飲、不醉無歸。<br />湛湛露斯、在彼豐草。<br />厭厭夜飲、在宗載考。<br />湛湛露斯、在彼杞棘。<br />顯允君子、莫不令德。<br />其實其椅、其實離離。<br />豈弟君子、莫不令儀。<br />Heavy lies the dew ;<br />Nothing but the sun can dry it .<br />Happily and long into the night we drink ; -- <br />Till all are drunk , there is no retiring .<br />Heavy lies the dew ;<br />On that luxuriant grass .<br />Happily and long into the night we drin .<br />In the honoured apartment we complete our carousal .<br />Heavy lies the dew ;<br />On those willows and jujube trees .<br />Distinguished and true are my noble quests , -- <br />Every one of excellent virtue .<br />From the Tong and the Yi ,<br />Their fruit hangs down .<br />Happy and self-possessed are my noble quests , -- <br />Every one of them of excellent deportment .<br />彤弓之什(DECADE OF TONG GONG)<br />175.&nbsp; 彤弓<br />彤弓弨兮、受言藏之。<br />我有嘉賓、中心貺之。<br />鐘鼓既設、一朝饗之。<br />彤弓弨兮、受言載之。<br />我有嘉賓、中心喜之。<br />鐘鼓既設、一朝右之。<br />彤弓弨兮、受言櫜之。<br />我有嘉賓、中心好之。<br />鐘鼓既設、一朝酬之。</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>175.&nbsp; TONG GONG<br />The red bows unbent ,<br />Were received and deposited .<br />I have here an admirable quest ,<br />And with all my heart I bestow one on him .<br />The bells and drums have been arranged in order ,<br />And all morning will I feast him .<br />The red bows unbent ,<br />Were received and fitted on their frames .<br />I have here an admirable quest ,<br />And with all my heart I rejoice in him .<br />The bells and drums have been arranged in order ,<br />And all morning will I honour him .<br />The red bows unbent ,<br />Were received and placed in their cases .<br />I have here an admirable quest ,<br />And with all my heart I love him .<br />The bells and drums have been arranged in order ,<br />And all morning will I pledge him .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>176.&nbsp; 菁菁者莪&nbsp; JING JING ZHE E<br />菁菁者莪、在彼中阿。<br />既見君子、樂且有儀。<br />菁菁者莪、在彼中沚。<br />既見君子、我心則喜。<br />菁菁者莪、在彼中陵。<br />既見君子、錫我百朋。<br />汎汎楊舟、載沉載浮。<br />既見君子、我心則休。<br />Luxuriantly grows the aster-southernwood ,<br />In the midst of that large mound .<br />Since we see our noble lord ,<br />We rejoice , and he shows us all courtesy .<br />Luxuriantly grows the aster-southernwood ,<br />In the midst of that islet .<br />Since we see our noble lord ,<br />Our hearts are full of joy .<br />Luxuriantly grows the aster-southernwood ,<br />In the midst of that great height .<br />We see our noble lord ,<br />And he gives us a hundred sets of cowries .<br />It floats about , -- the willow boat ,<br />Now sinking , now rising again .<br />Since we see our noble lord ,<br />Our hearts are at rest .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>177.&nbsp; 六月&nbsp; LIU YUE<br />六月棲棲、戎車既飭。<br />四牡騤騤、載是常服。<br />玁狁孔熾、我是用急。<br />王于出征、以匡王國。<br />比物四驪、閑之維則。<br />維此六月、既成我服。<br />我服既成、于三十里。<br />王于出征、以佐天子。<br />四牡脩廣、其大有顒。<br />薄伐玁狁、以奏膚公。<br />有嚴有翼、共武之服。<br />共武之服、以定王國。<br />玁狁匪茹、整居焦穫。<br />侵鎬及方、至于涇陽。<br />織文鳥章、白旆央央。<br />元戎十乘、以先啟行。<br />戎車既安、如輊如軒。<br />四牡既佶、既佶且閑。<br />薄伐玁狁、至于大原。<br />文武吉甫、萬邦為憲。<br />吉甫燕喜、既多受祉。<br />來歸自鎬、我行永久。<br />飲御諸友、炰鱉膾鯉。<br />侯誰在矣、張仲孝友。<br />In the sixth month all was bustle and excitement .<br />The war carriages had been made ready ,<br />With the four steeds [of each] , strong and eager ;<br />And the regular accountrements had been placed in the carriages .<br />The Xian-yun were in blazing force ,<br />And thence was the urgency .<br />The king had ordered ther expedition ,<br />To deliver the royal kingdom .<br />Matched in strength were the four black steeds ,<br />Well trained to observe every rule .<br />On this sixth month ,<br />We completed our accountrements .<br />Our accountrements were completed ,<br />And we marched thirty Li [every day] .<br />The king had ordered ther expedition ,<br />To help the son of Heaven .<br />The four steeds were long , and stout ,<br />And large-headed .<br />We smote the Xian-yun ,<br />And achieved great merit .<br />Severely strict and careful [was our leader] ,<br />Discharging his military service , -- <br />Discharging his military service ,<br />And settling thereby the royal kingdom .<br />Badly reckoned the Xian-yun ,<br />When they confidently occupied Jiao and Huo ,<br />And overran Hao and Fang ,<br />As far as to the north of the Jing .<br />On our flags was their blazonry of birds ,<br />While their white streamers fluttered brightly .<br />Ten large war chariots ,<br />Led the way in front .<br />The war carriages were well made .<br />Nicely balanced , before and behind .<br />Their four steeds were strong ,<br />Both strong and well trained .<br />We smote the Xian-yun ,<br />As far as Tai-yuan .<br />For peace or for war fit is Ji-fu ,<br />A pattern to all the States .<br />Ji-fu feasts and is glad ;<br />Great happiness is his .<br />In returning from Hao ,<br />Distant and long had been our march .<br />He entertains and feasts his friends ,<br />With roast turtle and minced carp .<br />And who are there ?<br />There is Zhang Zhong , the filial and brotherly .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>178.&nbsp; 采芑&nbsp; CAI QI<br />薄言采芑、于彼新田、于此菑畝。<br />方叔蒞止、其車三千、師干之試。<br />方叔率止、乘其四騏、四騏翼翼。<br />路車有奭、簟笰魚服、鉤膺鞗革。<br />薄言采芑、于彼新田、于此中鄉。<br />方叔蒞止、其車三千、旂旐央央。<br />方叔率止、約軝錯衡、八鸞瑲瑲。<br />服其命服、朱芾斯皇、有瑲蔥珩。<br />鴥彼飛隼、其飛戾天、亦集爰止。<br />方叔蒞止、其車三千、師干之試。<br />方叔率止、鉦人伐鼓、陳師鞠旅。<br />顯允方叔、伐鼓淵淵、振旅闐闐。<br />蠢爾蠻荊、大邦為讎。<br />方叔元老、克壯其猶。<br />方叔率止、執訊獲醜。<br />戎車嘽嘽、嘽嘽焞焞、如霆如雷。<br />顯允方叔、征伐玁狁、蠻荊來威。<br />They were gathering the white millet ,<br />In those new fields ,<br />And in these acres brought only one year under cultivation ,<br />When Fang Shu came to take the command .<br />His chariots were three thousand ,<br />With a host of well-disciplined warriors .<br />Fang Shu led them on ,<br />In his carriage drawn by four piebalds ,<br />Four piebalds orderly moving .<br />Red shone his grand carriage ,<br />With its chequered bamboo screen , and seal-skin quivers ,<br />With the hooks for the trappings of the breast-bands , and the rein-ends .<br />They were gathering the white millet ,<br />In those new fields ,<br />And all about these villages ,<br />When Fang Shu came to take the command .<br />His chariots were three thousand ;<br />His banners , with their blazonry of dragons , and of serpents and tortoises , f luttered gaily .<br />Fang Shu led them on ,<br />The naves of his wheels bound with leather , and his yoke ornamented .<br />Tinkle-tinkle went the eight bells at the horses' bits .<br />He wore the robes conferred [by the king] ;<br />His red knee-covers were resplendent ,<br />And the gems of his girdle-pendant sounding .<br />Rapid is the flight of the hawk ,<br />Soaring to the heavens ,<br />And again descending and settling in its place .<br />Fang Shu came to take the command .<br />His chariots were three thousand ,<br />With a host of well disciplined warriors .<br />Fang Shu led them on .<br />With his jinglers and drummers ,<br />He marshalled his hosts and addressed them .<br />Intelligent and true is Fang Shu ,<br />Deep rolled the sound of his drums ;<br />With a lighter sound he led the troops back .<br />Foolish were the savage tribes of King ,<br />Presuming to oppose our great region .<br />Fang Shu is of great age ,<br />But full of vigour were his plans .<br />He led his army on ,<br />Seized [the chiefs] for the question , and made captives of a crowd [besides] .&lt; br&gt; Numerous were his war chariots ,<br />Numerous and in grand array ,<br />Like the clap or the roll of thunder their onset .<br />Intelligent and true is Fang Shu .<br />He had gone and smitten the Xian-yun ,<br />And the tribes of King came , awed by his majesty .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>179.&nbsp; 車攻&nbsp; CHE GONG<br />我車既攻、我馬既同。<br />四牡龐龐、駕言徂東。<br />田車既好、四牡孔阜。<br />東有甫草、駕言行狩。<br />之子于苗、選徒囂囂。<br />建旐設旄、搏獸于敖。<br />駕彼四牡、四牡奕奕。<br />赤芾金舄、會同有繹。<br />決拾既佽、弓矢既調。<br />射夫既同、助我舉柴。<br />四黃既駕、兩驂不猗。<br />不失其馳、舍矢如破。<br />蕭蕭馬鳴、悠悠旆旌。<br />徒御不驚、大庖不盈。<br />之子于征、有聞無聲。<br />允矣君子、展也大成。<br />Our chariots were strong ,<br />Our horses were well matched ,<br />And with four steeds [for each] , sleek and large ,<br />We yoked and proceeded to the east .<br />Our hunting carriages were good ,<br />And their four steeds in fine condition .<br />Eastwards were the grassy plains of Fu ; -- <br />We yoked and went there to hunt .<br />Of the officers in charge of the hunt ,<br />The voices resounded as they told off the men .<br />They set up the banners , with ox-tails displayed ,<br />And we proceeded to pursue the chase in Ao .<br />With their four-horsed chariots [they came] ,<br />Forming a long train ,<br />In their red knee-covers and gold-adorned slippers ,<br />Like the crowd of an occasional or a general audience .<br />The bowstring thimbles and armlets were fitted on ;<br />The bows and arrows were adjusted to one another ;<br />The archers acted in unison ,<br />Helping us to rear a pile of game .<br />Of the four yellow horses of each chariot ,<br />The two outsiders inclined not to either side .<br />No error in driving was committed ,<br />And the arrows went forth like downright blows .<br />As if at their ease , the horses neighed ,<br />Long and slow moved the line of pennons and banners ;<br />The footmen and charioteers created no alarms ;<br />The great kitchen did not claim its full complement .<br />So did the officers conduct this expedition ,<br />Without any clamour in the noise of it .<br />Truly a princely man is [the king] ;<br />Great indeed are his achievements !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>180.&nbsp; 吉日&nbsp; JI RI<br />吉日維戊、既伯既禱。<br />田車既好、四牡孔阜。<br />升彼大阜、從其群醜。<br />吉日庚午、既差我馬。<br />獸之所同、麀鹿麌麌。<br />漆沮子從、天子之所。<br />瞻彼中原、其祁孔有。<br />儦儦俟俟、或群或友。<br />悉率左右、以燕天子。<br />既張我弓、既挾我矢。<br />發彼小豝、殪此大兕。<br />以御賓客、且以酌醴。<br />A lucky day was wu ,<br />And we sacrificed on it to the Ruler [of horses] , and prayed .<br />Our hunting carriages were good ;<br />The team for each was in fine condition .<br />We would ascend the greatest heights ,<br />And pursue the herds [of the game] .<br />A lucky day was geng-wu .<br />We had selected our horses ;<br />The haunts of the animals ,<br />Where the does and stags lay numerous ,<br />The grounds by the Qi and the Ju , -- <br />That was the place for the son of Heaven [to hunt] .<br />We looked to the midst of the plain ,<br />Where the animals were large and abundant ,<br />Now rushing about , now waiting together ,<br />Here in threes , there in twos .<br />We led on all our attendants ,<br />To give pleasure to the son of Heaven .<br />We have bent our bows ;<br />We have our arrows on the string .<br />Here is a small boar transifixed ;<br />There is a large rhinoceros killed .<br />The spoil will be presented to the visitors and guests ,<br />Along with the cup of sweet wine .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>181.&nbsp; 鴻雁&nbsp; HONG YAN<br />鴻雁于飛、肅肅其羽。<br />之子于征、劬勞于野。<br />爰及矜人、哀此鰥寡。<br />鴻雁于飛、集于中澤。<br />之子于垣、百堵皆作。<br />雖則劬勞、其究安宅。<br />鴻雁于飛、哀鳴嗷嗷。<br />維此哲人、謂我劬勞。<br />維彼愚人、謂我宣驕。<br />The wild geese are flying about ;<br />Su-su goes the rustle of their wings .<br />[There were] those officers engaged on the commission .<br />Pained were we and toiled in the open fields ;<br />All were objects of pity ,<br />But alas for those wifeless and widows !<br />The wild geese are flying about ;<br />And they settle in the midst of the marsh .<br />[There were] those officers directing the rearing of the walls ; -- <br />Five thousand cubits of them arose at once .<br />Though there was pain and toil ,<br />In the end we had rest in our dwellings .<br />The wild geese are flying about ,<br />And melancholy is their cry of ao-ao .<br />There were they , wise men ,<br />Who recognized our pain and toil ;<br />If they had been stupid men ,<br />They would have said we were proclaiming our insolence .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>182.&nbsp; 庭燎&nbsp; TING LIAO<br />夜如何其、夜未央、庭燎之光。<br />君子至止、鸞聲將將。<br />夜如何其、夜未艾、庭燎晢晢。<br />君子至止、鸞聲噦噦。<br />夜如何其、夜鄉晨、庭燎有輝。<br />君子至止、言觀其旂。<br />How goes the night ?<br />It is not yet midnight .<br />The torch is blazing in the court-yard .<br />My princely men are arriving ; -- <br />There is the tinkling of their bells .<br />How goes the night ?<br />The night is not yet through .<br />The torch is growing pale in the court-yard .<br />My princely men are arriving ; -- <br />There is the sound of their bells , regular and near .<br />How goes the night ?<br />It is getting towards morning .<br />The torch is smoking in the court-yard .<br />My princely men are arriving ; -- <br />I see their banners .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>183.&nbsp; 沔水&nbsp; MIAN SHUI<br />沔彼流誰、朝宗于海。<br />鴥彼飛隼、載飛載止。<br />嗟我兄弟、邦人諸友、莫肯念亂、誰無父母。<br />沔彼流水、其流湯湯。<br />鴥彼飛隼、載飛載揚。<br />念彼不蹟、載起載行。<br />心之憂矣、不可弭忘。<br />鴥彼飛隼、率彼中陵。<br />民之訛言、寧莫之懲。<br />我友敬矣、讒言其興。<br />In large volume , those flowing waters ,<br />Go to the court of the sea .<br />Rapid is that flying falcon ,<br />Now soaring , now resting .<br />Alas ! among my brethren ,<br />My countrymen , my friends ,<br />No one is willing to think of the prevailing disorder ;<br />[But] who has not parents [to suffer from it] ?<br />In large volume , those flowing waters ,<br />Roll on their swollen flood .<br />Rapid is that flying falcon ,<br />Now soaring , now rising higher .<br />When I think of those lawless men ,<br />Now I rise up , now I walk about .<br />The sorrow of my heart ,<br />Cannot be repressed nor forgotten .<br />Rapid is that flying falcon ,<br />Yet he keeps along the middle of the height .<br />The talk of the people , -- <br />Is there no means of stopping it ?<br />If my friends would reverently [watch over themselves] ,<br />Would slanderous speeches be made ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>184.&nbsp; 鶴鳴&nbsp; HE MING<br />鶴鳴于九皋、聲聞于野。<br />魚潛在淵、或在于渚。<br />樂彼之園、爰有樹檀、其下維蘀。<br />它山之石、可以為錯。<br />鶴鳴于九皋、聲聞于天。<br />魚在于渚、或潛在淵。<br />樂彼之園、爰有樹檀、其下維?c。<br />它山之石、可以攻玉。<br />The crane cries in the ninth pool of the marsh ,<br />And her voice is heard in the [distant] wilds .<br />The fish lies in the deep ,<br />And now is by the islet .<br />Pleasant is that garden ,<br />In which are the sandal trees ;<br />But beneath them are only withered leaves .<br />The stones of those hills ,<br />May be made into grind-stones .<br />The crane cries in the ninth pool of the marsh ,<br />And her voice is heard in the sky .<br />The fish is by the islet ,<br />And now it lies hid in the deep .<br />Pleasant is that garden ,<br />In which are the sandal trees ;<br />But beneath them is the paper-mulberry tree ,<br />The stones of those hills ,<br />May be used to polish gems .<br />祈父之什(DECADE OF QI FU)<br />185.&nbsp; 祈父&nbsp; QI FU<br />祈父、予王之爪牙。<br />胡轉予于恤、靡所止居。<br />祈父、予王之爪士。<br />胡轉予于恤、靡所底止。<br />祈父、亶不聰。<br />胡轉予于恤、有母之尸饔。<br />Minister of war ,<br />We are the claws and teeth of the king .<br />Why have you rolled us into this sorrow ,<br />So that we have no abiding place ?<br />Minister of war ,<br />We are the taloned soldiers of the king .<br />Why have you rolled us into this sorrow ,<br />So that there is no end [of our toils] ?<br />Minister of war ,<br />You have indeed acted without discrimination .<br />Why have you rolled us into this sorrow ,<br />So that our mothers have to do all the labour of cooking ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>186.&nbsp; 白駒&nbsp; BAI JU<br />皎皎白駒、食我場苗。<br />縶之維之、以永今朝。<br />所謂伊人、於焉逍遙。<br />皎皎白駒、食我場藿。<br />縶之維之、以永今夕。<br />所謂伊人、於焉嘉客。<br />皎皎白駒、賁然來思。<br />爾公爾侯、逸豫無期。<br />慎爾優遊、勉爾遁思。<br />皎皎白駒、在彼空谷。<br />生芻一束、其人如玉。<br />毋金玉爾音、而有遐心。<br />Let the brilliant white colt ,<br />Feed on the young growth of my vegetable garden .<br />Tether it by the foot , tie it by the collar ,<br />To prolong this morning .<br />So may its owner of whom I think ,<br />Spend his time here at his ease !<br />Let the brilliant white colt ,<br />Feed on the bean sprouts of my vegetable garden .<br />Tether it by the foot , tie it by the collar ,<br />To prolong this evening .<br />So may its owner of whom I think ,<br />Be here , an admired quest !<br />If [you with] the brilliant white colt ,<br />Would brightly come to me ,<br />You should be a duke , you should be a marquis ,<br />Enjoying yourself without end .<br />Be on your guard against idly wandering ;<br />Deal vigorously with your thoughts of retirement .<br />The brilliant white colt ,<br />Is there in that empty valley ,<br />With a bundle of fresh grass .<br />Its owner is like a gem .<br />Do not make the news of you rare as gold and gems , -- <br />Indulging your purpose to abandon me .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>187.&nbsp; 黃鳥&nbsp; HUANG NIAO<br />黃鳥黃鳥。<br />無集于穀。<br />無啄無粟。<br />此邦之人。<br />不我肯穀。<br />言旋言歸。<br />復我邦族。<br />黃鳥黃鳥。<br />無集于桑。<br />無啄我粱。<br />此邦之人。<br />不可與明。<br />言旋言歸。<br />復我諸兄。<br />黃鳥黃鳥。<br />無集于栩。<br />無啄我黍。<br />此邦之人。<br />不可與處。<br />言旋言歸。<br />復我諸父。<br />Yellow bird , yellow bird ,<br />Do not settle on the broussonetias ,<br />Do not eat my paddy .<br />The people of this country ,<br />Are not willing to treat me well .<br />I will return , I will go back ,<br />Back to my country and kin .<br />Yellow bird , yellow bird ,<br />Do not settle on the mulberry trees ,<br />Do not eat my maize .<br />The people of this country ,<br />Will not let me come to an understanding with them .<br />I will return , I will go back ,<br />Back to my brethren .<br />Yellow bird , yellow bird ,<br />Do not settle on the oaks ,<br />Do not eat my grand millet .<br />The people of this country ,<br />I cannot dwell with .<br />I will return , I will go back ,<br />Back to my uncles .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>188.&nbsp; 我行其野&nbsp; WO XING QI YE<br />我行其野、蔽芾其樗。<br />婚姻之故、言就爾居。<br />爾不我畜、復我邦家。<br />我行其野、言采其蓫。<br />婚姻之故、言就爾宿。<br />爾不我畜、言歸思復。<br />我行其野、言采其葍。<br />不思舊姻、求爾新特。<br />成不以富、亦祇以異。<br />I travelled through the country ,<br />Where the Fetid tree grew luxuriant .<br />Because of our affinity by marriage ,<br />I went to reside with you .<br />But you do not entertain me ;<br />And I go back to my country and clan .<br />I travelled through the country ,<br />Gathering the sheep's-foot .<br />Because of our affinity by marriage ,<br />I came to lodge with you .<br />But you do not entertain me ;<br />And I will return , I will go back .<br />I travelled through the country ,<br />Gathering the pokeweed .<br />You do not think of our old affinity ,<br />And seek to please your new relative .<br />If indeed you are not influenced by her riches ,<br />You still are so by the difference [between the new and the old] .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>189.&nbsp; 斯干&nbsp; SI GAN<br />秩秩斯干、幽幽南山。<br />如竹苞矣、如松茂矣。<br />兄及弟矣、式相好矣、無相猶矣。<br />似續妣祖、築室百堵、西南其戶。<br />爰居爰處、爰笑爰語。<br />約之閣閣、椓之橐橐。<br />風雨攸除、鳥鼠攸去、君子攸芋。<br />如跂斯翼、如矢斯棘、如鳥斯革。<br />如翬斯飛、君子攸躋。<br />殖殖其庭、有覺其楹、噲噲其正、噦噦其冥、君子攸寧。<br />下莞上簟、乃安斯寢。<br />乃寢乃興、乃占我夢。<br />吉夢維何、維熊維羆、 維虺維蛇。<br />大人占之。<br />維熊維羆、男子之祥。<br />維虺維蛇、女子之祥。<br />乃生男子、載寢之床、載衣之裳、載弄之璋。<br />其泣喤喤、朱芾斯皇、室家君王。<br />乃生女子、載寢之地、載衣之裼、 載弄之瓦。<br />無非無儀、唯酒食是議、無父母詒罹。<br />By the graceful sweep of these banks ,<br />With the southern hill , so calm in the distance ,<br />[Has the palace arisen] , firm as the roots of a clump of bamboos ,<br />[With its roof] like the luxuriant head of a pine tree .<br />May the brothers [here] ,<br />Be loving among themselves ,<br />And have no schemings against one another !<br />Having entered into the inheritance of his ancestors ,<br />He has built his chambers , five thousand cubits of walls ,<br />With their doors to the west and to the south .<br />Here will he reside ; here will he sit ;<br />Here will he laugh ; here will he talk .<br />They bound the frames for the earth , exactly over one another ;<br />Tuo-tuo went on the pounding ; -- <br />Impervious [the walls] to wind and rain ,<br />Offering no cranny to bird or rat .<br />A grand dwelling is it for our noble lord .<br />Like a man on tip-toe , in reverent expectation ;<br />Like an arrow , flying rapidly ;<br />Like a bird which has changed its feathers ;<br />Like a pheasant on flying wings ;<br />Is the [hall] which our noble lord will ascend .<br />Level and smooth is the court-yard ,<br />And lofty are the pillars around it .<br />Pleasant is the exposure of the chamber to the light ,<br />And deep and wide are its recesses ; -- <br />Here will our noble lord repose .<br />On the rush-mat below , and that of fine bamboos above it ,<br />Here may he repose in slumber !<br />May he sleep and awake ,<br />[Saying] ' Divine for me my dreams .<br />What dreams are lucky ?<br />They have been of bears and grisly bears ;<br />They have been of cobras and [other] serpents . '<br />The chief diviner will divine them .<br />The bears and grisly bears ,<br />Are the auspicious intimations of sons .<br />The cobras and [other] serpents ,<br />Are the auspicious intimations of daughters .<br />Sons shall be born to him : -- <br />They will be put to sleep on couches ;<br />They will be clothed in robes ;<br />They will have sceptres to play with ;<br />Their cry will be loud .<br />They will be [hereafter] resplendent with red knee-covers ,<br />The [future] king , the princes of the land .<br />Daughters shall be born to him : -- <br />They will be put to sleep on the ground ;<br />They will be clothed with wrappers ;<br />They will have tiles to play with .<br />It will be theirs neither to do wrong nor to do good .<br />Only about the spirits and the food will they have to think ,<br />And to cause no sorrow to their parents .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>190.&nbsp; 無羊&nbsp; WU YANG<br />誰謂爾無羊、三百維群。<br />誰謂爾無牛、九十其犉。<br />爾羊來思、其角濈濈。<br />爾牛來思、其耳濕濕。<br />或降于阿、或飲于池、或寢于訛。<br />爾牧來思、何蓑何笠、或負其餱。<br />三十維物、爾牲則具。<br />爾牧來思、以薪以蒸、以雌以雄。<br />爾羊來思、矜矜兢兢、不騫不崩。<br />麾之以肱、畢來既升。<br />牧人乃夢、眾維魚矣、旐維旟矣。<br />大人占之、眾維魚矣、實維豐年。<br />旐維旟矣、室家溱溱。<br />Who can say that you have no sheep ?<br />There are three hundred in [each] herd .<br />Who says that you have no cattle ?<br />There are ninety , which are black-lipped .<br />Your sheep come ,<br />Horned , but all agreeing .<br />Your cattle come ,<br />Flapping their ears .<br />Some are descending among the mounds ;<br />Some are drinking at the pools ;<br />Some are lying down , some are moving about .<br />Your herdsmen come ,<br />Bearing their rain-coats and bamboo-hats ,<br />Or carrying on their backs their provisions .<br />In thirties are the creatures arranged according to their colours ;<br />For your victims there is abundant provision .<br />Your herdsmen come ,<br />With their large faggots , and smaller branches ,<br />And with their prey of birds and beasts .<br />Your sheep come ,<br />Vigorous and strong , <br />None injured , no infection in the herd .<br />At the wave of the [herdsman's] arm ,<br />All come , all go up [into the fold] .<br />Your herdsmen shall dream , -- <br />Of multitudes and then of fishes ;<br />Of the tortoise-and serpent ; and then of the falcon banners .<br />The chief diviner will divine the dreams ,<br />How the multitudes dissolving into fishes ,<br />Betoken plentiful years ;<br />How the tortoise-and-serpent dissolving into falcon banners ,<br />Betoken the increasing population of the kingdom .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>191.&nbsp; 節南山&nbsp; JIE NAN SHAN<br />節彼南山、維石巖巖。<br />赫赫師尹、民具爾瞻。<br />憂心如惔、不敢戲談。<br />國既卒斬、何用不監。<br />節彼南山、有實其猗。<br />赫赫師尹、不平謂何。<br />天方薦瘥、喪亂弘多。<br />民言無嘉、憯莫懲嗟。<br />尹氏大師、維周之氏。<br />秉國之均、四方是維。<br />天子是毗、俾民不迷。<br />不弔昊天、不宜空我師。<br />弗躬弗親、庶民弗信。<br />弗問弗仕、勿罔君子。<br />式夷式已、無小人殆。<br />瑣瑣姻亞、則無膴仕。<br />昊天不傭、降此鞠 xiong 。<br />昊天不惠、降此大戾。<br />君子如屆、俾民心闋。<br />君子如夷、惡怒是違。<br />不弔昊天、亂靡有定。<br />式月斯生、俾民不寧。<br />憂心如酲、誰秉國成。<br />不自為政、卒勞百姓。<br />駕彼四牡、四牡項領。<br />我瞻四方、蹙蹙靡所騁。<br />方茂爾惡、相爾矛矣。<br />既夷既懌、如相酬矣。<br />昊天不平、我王不寧。<br />不懲其心、覆怨其正。<br />家父作誦、以究王 xiong 。<br />式訛爾心、以畜萬邦。<br />言+凶 <br />Lofty is that southern hill ,<br />With its masses of rocks !<br />Awe-inspiring are you , O [Grand] master Yin ,<br />And the people all look to you !<br />A fire burns in their grieving hearts ;<br />They do not dare to speak of you even in jest .<br />The kingdom is verging to extinction ; -- <br />How is it that you do not consider the state of things ?<br />Lofty is that southern hill ,<br />And vigorously grows the vegetation on it !<br />Awe-inspiring are you , O [Grand] master Yin ,<br />But how is it that you are so unjust ?<br />Heaven is continually redoubling its afflictions ;<br />Deaths and disorder increase and multiply ;<br />No words of satisfaction come from the people ;<br />And yet you do not correct nor bemoan yourself !<br />The Grand-master Yin ,<br />Is the foundation of our Zhou ,<br />And the balance of the State is in his hands .<br />He should be keeping together the four quarters [of the kingdom] ;<br />He should be aiding the Son of Heaven ,<br />So as to preserve the people from going astray .<br />O unpitying great Heaven ,<br />It is not right he should reduce us all to such misery !<br />Doing nothing himself personally ,<br />The people have no confidence in him ,<br />By making no inquiry , and no trial of their services ,<br />He should not deal deceitfully with superior men .<br />By dismissing them on the requirement of justice ,<br />Mean men would not be endangering [the common weal] ;<br />And his mean relatives ,<br />Would not be in offices of importance .<br />Great Heaven , unjust ,<br />Is sending down these exhausting disorders .<br />Great Heaven , unkind ,<br />Is sending down these great miseries .<br />Let superior men come [into office] ,<br />And that would bring rest to the people's hearts .<br />Let superior men do justly ,<br />And the animosities and angers would disappear .<br />O unpitying , great Heaven ,<br />There is no end to the disorder !<br />With every month it continues to grow ,<br />So that the people have no repose .<br />I am as if intoxicated with the grief of my heart .<br />Who holds the ordering of the kingdom ?<br />Not attending himself to the government ,<br />The issue is toil and pain to the people .<br />I yoke my four steeds ,<br />My four steeds , long-necked .<br />I look to the four quarters [of the kingdom] ;<br />Distress is everywhere ; there is nowhere I can drive to .<br />Now your evil is rampant ,<br />And I see your spears .<br />Again you are pacified and friendly ,<br />As if you were pledging one another .<br />From great Heaven is the injustice ,<br />And our king has no repose .<br />[Yet] he will not correct his heart ,<br />And goes on to resent endeavours to rectify him .<br />I , Jia-fu , have made this song ,<br />To lay bare the king's disorders .<br />If you would but change your heart ,<br />And nourish the myriad States ! -- </p><p>________________________________________</p><p>192.&nbsp; 正月&nbsp; ZHENG YUE<br />正月繁霜、我心憂傷。<br />民之訛言、亦孔之將。<br />念我獨兮、憂心京京。<br />哀我小心、癙憂以痒。<br />父母生我、胡俾我瘉。<br />不自我先、不自我後。<br />好言自口、莠言自口。<br />憂心愈愈、是以有侮。<br />憂心惸惸、念我無祿。<br />民之無辜、并其臣僕。<br />哀我人斯、于何從祿。<br />瞻烏爰止、于誰之屋。<br />瞻彼中林、侯薪猴蒸。<br />民今方殆、視天夢夢。<br />既克有定、靡人弗勝。<br />有皇上帝、伊誰云憎。<br />謂山蓋卑、為岡為陵。<br />民之訛言、寧莫之懲。<br />召彼故老、訊之占夢。<br />具曰予聖、誰知烏之雌雄。<br />謂天蓋高、不敢不局。<br />謂地蓋厚、不敢不蹐。<br />維號斯言、有倫有脊。<br />哀今之人、胡為虺蜴。<br />瞻彼阪田、有菀其特。<br />天之扤我、如不我克。<br />彼求我則、如不我得。<br />執我仇仇、亦不我力。<br />心之憂矣、如或結之。<br />今茲之正、胡然厲矣。<br />燎之方揚、寧或滅之。<br />赫赫周宗、褒姒滅之。<br />終其永懷、又窘陰雨。<br />其車既載、乃棄爾輔。<br />載輸爾載、 將伯助予。<br />無棄爾輔、員于爾輻。<br />屢顧爾僕、不輸爾載。<br />終踰絕險、曾是不意。<br />魚在于沼、亦匪克樂。<br />潛雖伏矣、亦孔之炤。<br />憂心慘慘、念國之為虐。<br />彼有旨酒、又有嘉殽。<br />洽比其鄰、昏姻孔云。<br />念我獨兮、憂心慇慇。<br />佌佌彼有屋、蔌蔌方有穀。<br />民今之無祿、天夭是椓。<br />哿矣富人、哀此惸獨。<br />In the first month [of summer] the hoar-frost abounds ,<br />And my heart is wounded with sorrow .<br />The false calumnies of the people ,<br />Also wax greater and greater .<br />I think how I stand alone ,<br />And the sorrow of my heart grows intense .<br />Alas ! through my anxious cares ,<br />My hidden sorrow goes on to make me ill .<br />Ye parents who gave me birth !<br />Was it to make me suffer this pain ?<br />[Why was this time] not before me ?<br />Or [why was it] not after me ?<br />Their good words are [only] from the mouth ;<br />Their bad words are [only] from the mouth .<br />The sorrow of my heart becomes greater ,<br />And because of this I incur contempt .<br />My sorrow heart is very sad ;<br />I think of my unfortunate position .<br />The innocent people ,<br />Will all be reduced to servitude with me .<br />Alas for me !<br />From whom shall I henceforth get support ?<br />I see a crow which will rest ,<br />-- But on whose house ?<br />Look into the middle of the forest ;<br />There are [only] large faggots and small branches in it .<br />The people now amidst their perils ,<br />Look to Heaven , all dark .<br />But let its determination be fixed ,<br />And there is none whom it will not overcome .<br />There is the great God , -- <br />Does He hate any one ?<br />If one say of a hill that it is low ,<br />There are its ridges , and its large masses .<br />The false calumnies of the people , -- <br />How is it that you do not repress them ?<br />You call those experienced ancients ;<br />You consult the diviner of dreams :<br />They all say , ' We are wise ;<br />But who can distinguish the male and female crow ? '<br />We say of the heavens that they are high ,<br />But I dare not but stoop under them .<br />We say of the earth that it is thick ,<br />But I dare not but walk daintily on it .<br />For my freely expressing myself thus ,<br />I have reason , I have good ground .<br />Alas for the men of this time !<br />Why are they such cobras and efts ?<br />Look at that rugged and stony field ; -- <br />Luxuriantly rises in it the springing grain !<br />[But] Heaven moves and shakes me ,<br />As if it could not overcome me .<br />They sought me [at first] to be a pattern [to them] ,<br />[Eagerly] as if they could not get me .<br />[Now] they regard me with great animosity ,<br />And will not use my strength .<br />My heart with its sorrow ,<br />Feels as if it were tied and bound by something .<br />This government of the present time , -- <br />How oppressive it is !<br />The flames , when they are blazing ,<br />May still perhaps be extinguished ;<br />But the majestic honoured capital of Zhou ,<br />Is being destroyed by Si of Bao .<br />This issue is ever my anxious thought .<br />Moreover , you have the embarrassment of soaking rain .<br />Your carriage is loaded ,<br />And if you throw away your wheel-aids ,<br />Your load will be overturned ,<br />And you will be crying , ' O sir , help me ! '<br />If you do throw away your wheel-aids ,<br />Which give asistance to the spokes ;<br />And if you constantly look after the driver ,<br />You will not overturn your load ,<br />And in the end will get over the most difficult places ;<br />But you have not thought of this .<br />The fish are in the pond ,<br />But they cannot enjoy themselves .<br />Although they dive to the bottom ,<br />They are very clearly seen .<br />My sorrow heart is deeply pained ,<br />When I think of the oppression in the kingdom .<br />They have their good spirits ,<br />And their fine viands along with them .<br />They assemble their neighbours ,<br />And their relatives are full of their praise .<br />When I think of my solitariness ,<br />My sorrowing heart is full of distress .<br />Mean-like , those have their houses ;<br />Abjects , they will have their emoluments .<br />But the people now have no maintenance .<br />For Heaven is pounding them with its calamities ,<br />The rich may get through ,<br />But alas for the helpless and solitary !</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>193.&nbsp; 十月之交&nbsp; SHI YUE ZI JIAO<br />十月之交、朔日辛卯。<br />日有食之、亦孔之醜。<br />彼月而微、此日而微。<br />今此下民、亦孔之哀。<br />日月告凶、不用其行。<br />四國無政、不用其良。<br />彼月而食、則維其常。<br />此日而食、于何不臧。<br />燁燁震電、不寧不令。<br />百川沸騰、山冢崒崩。<br />高岸為谷、深谷為陵。<br />哀今之人、胡憯莫懲。<br />皇父卿士。<br />番維司徒。<br />家伯維宰。<br />仲允膳夫。<br />棸子內史。<br />蹶維趣馬。<br />楀維師氏。<br />豔妻煽方處。<br />抑此皇父、豈曰不時。<br />胡為我作、不即我謀。<br />徹我牆屋、田卒汙萊。<br />曰予不戕、禮則然矣。<br />皇父孔聖、作都于向。<br />擇三有事、亶侯多藏。<br />不憖遺一老、俾守我王。<br />擇有車馬、以居徂向。<br />黽勉從事、不敢告勞。<br />無罪無辜、讒口囂囂。<br />下民之孽、匪降自天。<br />噂沓背憎、職競由人。<br />悠悠我里、亦孔之痗。<br />四方有羨、我獨居憂。<br />民莫不逸、我獨不敢休。<br />天命不徹、我不敢傚我友自逸。<br />At the conjunction [of the sun and moon] in the tenth month ,<br />On the first day of the moon , which was Xin-mao ,<br />The sun was eclipsed ,<br />A thing of very evil omen .<br />Then the moon became small ,<br />And now the sun became small .<br />Henceforth the lower people ,<br />Will be in a very deplorable case .<br />The sun and moon announce evil ,<br />Not keeping to their proper paths .<br />All through the kingdom there is no [proper] government ,<br />Because the good are not employed .<br />For the moon to be eclipsed ,<br />Is but an ordinary matter .<br />Now that the sun has been eclipsed , -- <br />How bad it is !<br />Grandly flashes the lightning of the thunder ; -- <br />There is a want of rest , a want of good .<br />The streams all bubble up and overflow .<br />The crags on the hill-tops fall down .<br />High banks become valleys ;<br />Deep valleys become hills .<br />Alas for the men of this time !<br />How does [the king] not stop these things ?<br />Huang-fu is the president ;<br />Fan is the minister of instruction ;<br />Jia-bo is the [chief] administrator ;<br />Zhong-yun is the chief cook ;<br />Zou is the recorder of the interior ;<br />Jue is master of the house ;<br />Yu is captain of the guards ;<br />And the beautiful wife blazes , now in possession of her place .<br />This Huang-fu ,<br />Will not acknowledge that he is acting out of season .<br />But why does he call us to action ,<br />Without coming and consulting with us ?<br />He has removed our walls and roofs ,<br />And our fields are all either a marsh or a moor .<br />He says , ' I am not injuring you ;<br />The laws require that thus it should be ? '<br />Huang-fu is very wise ;<br />He has built a great city for himself in Xiang .<br />He chose three men as his ministers ,<br />All of them indeed of great wealth .<br />He could not bring himself to leave a single minister ,<br />Who might guard our king .<br />He [also] selected those who had chariots and horses ,<br />To go and reside in Xiang .'<br />I have exerted myself to discharge my service ,<br />And do not dare to make a report of my toils .<br />Without crime or offense of any kind ,<br />Slanderous mouths are loud against me .<br />[But] the calamities of the lower people ,<br />Do not come down from Heaven .<br />A multitide of [fair] words , and hatred behind the back , -- <br />The earnest , strong pursuit of this is from men .<br />Distant far is my village ,<br />And my dissatisfaction is great .<br />In other quarters there is ease ,<br />And I dwell here alone and sorrowful .<br />Every body is going into retirement ,<br />And I alone dare not seek rest .<br />The ordinances of Heaven are inexplicable ,<br />But I will not dare to follow my friends and leave my post .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>194.&nbsp; 雨無正&nbsp; YU WU ZHENG<br />浩浩昊天、不駿其德。<br />降喪飢饉、斬伐四國。<br />旻天疾威、弗盧弗圖。<br />舍彼有罪、既伏其辜。<br />若此無罪、淪胥以鋪。<br />周宗既滅、靡所止戾。<br />正大夫離居、莫知我勩。<br />三事大夫、莫肯夙夜。<br />邦君諸侯、莫肯朝夕。<br />庶曰式臧、覆出為惡。<br />如何昊天。<br />辟言不信。<br />如彼行邁、則靡所臻。<br />凡百君子、各敬爾身。<br />胡不相畏、不畏于天。<br />戎成不退、飢成不遂。<br />曾我 xie 御、憯憯日瘁。<br />凡百君子、莫肯用訊。<br />聽言則答、譖言則退。<br />哀哉不能言、匪舌是出、維躬是瘁。<br />哿矣能言、巧言如流、俾躬處休。<br />維曰于仕、孔棘且殆。<br />云不可使、得罪于天子。<br />亦云可使、怨及朋友。<br />謂爾遷于王都、曰予未有室家。<br />鼠思泣血、無言不疾。<br />昔爾出居、誰從作爾室。<br />執+曰 <br />Great and wide Heaven ,<br />How is it you have contracted your kindness ,<br />Sending down death and famine ,<br />Destroying all through the kingdom ?<br />Compassionate Heaven , arrayed in terrors ,<br />How is it you exercise no forethought , no care ?<br />Let alone the criminals : -- <br />They have suffered for their offences ;<br />But those who have no crime ,<br />Are indiscriminately involved in ruin .<br />The honoured House of Zhou is [nearly] extinguished ,<br />And there is no means of stopping or settling [the troubles] .<br />The Heads of the officers have left their places ,<br />And no one knows my toil .<br />The three high ministers , and [other] great officers ,<br />Are unwilling [to attend to their duties] early and late .<br />The lords of the various States ,<br />Are unwilling [to appear at court] morning and evening .<br />If indeed he would turn to good , -- <br />But on the contrary he proceeds to [greater] evil .<br />How is it , O great Heaven ,<br />That he will not hearken to the justest words ?<br />He is like a man going [astray] ,<br />[Who knows] not where he will proceed to .<br />All ye officers ,<br />Let each of you reverently attend to his duties .<br />How do ye not stand in awe of one another ?<br />Ye do not stand in awe of Heaven .<br />War has done its work , but he withdraws not [from evil] ;<br />Famine has done its work , but he goes not on [to good] ;<br />So that I , a [mere] groom of the chambers ,<br />Am full of grief and in pain daily .<br />All ye officers ,<br />Ye are unwilling to declare [the truth to him] .<br />When you hear a question , you [simply] answer it ,<br />And when slander touches you , you withdraw .<br />Alas that [right words] cannot be spoken ,<br />Which come not from the tongue [only] !<br />The speakers of them are sure to suffer .<br />Well is it for the words that can be spoken !<br />The artful speech flows like a stream ,<br />And the speakers dwell at ease in prosperity .<br />It may be said about taking office ,<br />That it is full of hazard and peril .<br />By [advice] that he says cannot be followed ,<br />You offend against the Son of Heaven .<br />By advice that he says will be followed ,<br />You excite the resentment of your friends . <br />I say to you , ' Remove to the royal capital , '<br />And ye say that you have not got houses there .<br />Painful are my inmost thoughts , and I weep blood ; -- <br />Every word I speak makes me hated ;<br />But when you formerly left to reside elsewhere ,<br />Who was it that made houses for you ?<br />小旻之什(DECADE OF XIAO MIN)<br />195.&nbsp; 小旻&nbsp; XIAO MIN<br />旻天疾威、敷于下土。<br />謀猶回遹、何日斯沮。<br />謀臧不從、不臧覆用。<br />我視謀猶、亦孔之邛。<br />潝潝訿訿、亦孔之哀。<br />謀之其臧、則具是違。<br />謀之不臧、則具是依。<br />我視謀猶、伊于胡底。<br />我龜既厭、不我告猶。<br />謀夫孔多、是用不集。<br />發言盈庭、誰敢執其咎。<br />如匪行邁謀、是用不得于道。<br />哀哉為猶、匪先民是程、匪大猶是經、維邇言是聽、維邇言是爭。<br />如彼築室于道謀、是用不潰于成。<br />國雖靡止、或聖或否。<br />民雖靡膴、或哲或謀、或肅或艾。<br />如彼泉流、無淪胥以敗。<br />不敢暴虎、不敢馮河。<br />人知其一、莫知其它。<br />戰戰兢兢、如臨深淵、如履薄冰。<br />The angry terrors of Compassionate Heaven ,<br />Extend through this lower world ;<br />[The king's] counsels and plans are crooked and bad ; -- <br />When will he stop [in the course] ?<br />Counsels which are good he will not follow ,<br />And those which are not good he employs ,<br />When I look at his counsels and plans ,<br />I am greatly pained .<br />Now they agree , and now they defame one another ; -- <br />The case is greatly to be deplored .<br />If a counsel be good ,<br />They all are found opposing it .<br />If a counsel be bad ,<br />They all are found according with it .<br />When I look at such counsels and plans ,<br />What will they come to ?<br />Our tortoises are wearied out ,<br />And will not tell us anything about the plans .<br />The counsellors are very many ,<br />But on that account nothing is accomplished .<br />The speakers fill the court ,<br />But who dares to take any responsibility on himself ?<br />We are as if we consulted [about a journey]<br />without taking a step in advance ,<br />And therefore did not get on on the road .<br />Alas ! our formers of plans ,<br />Do not take the ancients for their pattern ,<br />And do not regulate them by great principles .<br />They only hearken to shallow words ,<br />And quarrel about shallow words ,<br />They are like one taking counsel with wayfarers about building a house .<br />Which will consequently never come to completion .<br />Although the kingdom be unsettled ,<br />There are some who are wise , and others who are not .<br />Although the people may not be numerous ,<br />Some have perspicacity , some have counsel ,<br />Some have gravity , and some have orderliness .<br />But we are going on like the stream flowing from a spring ,<br />And will sink together in a common ruin .<br />They dare not without weapons attack a tiger ;<br />They dare not without a boat cross the He .<br />They know one thing ,<br />But they only know that one .<br />We should be apprehensive and careful ,<br />As if we were on the brink of a deep gulf ,<br />As if we were treading on thin ice .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>196.&nbsp; 小宛&nbsp; XIAO WAN<br />宛彼鳴鳩、翰飛戾天。<br />我心憂傷、念昔先人。<br />明發不寐、有懷二人。<br />人之齊聖、飲酒溫克。<br />彼昏不知、壹醉日富。<br />各敬爾儀、天命不又。<br />中原有菽、庶民采之。<br />螟蛉有子、蜾蠃負之。<br />教誨爾子、式穀似之。<br />題彼脊令、載飛載鳴。<br />我日斯邁、而月斯征。<br />夙興夜寐、無忝爾所生。<br />交交桑扈、率場啄粟。<br />哀我填寡、宜岸宜獄。<br />握粟出卜、自何能穀。<br />溫溫恭人、如集于木。<br />惴惴小心、如臨于谷。<br />戰戰兢兢、如履薄冰。<br />Small is the cooing dove ,<br />But it flies aloft up to heaven .<br />My heart is wounded with sorrow ,<br />And I think of our forefathers .<br />When the dawn is breaking , and I cannot sleep ,<br />The thoughts in my breast are of our parents .<br />Men who are grave and wise ,<br />Though they drink , are mild and masters of themselves ;<br />But those who are benighted and ignorant ,<br />Are devoted to drink , and more so daily .<br />Be careful , each of you , of your deportment ; -- <br />What Heaven confers , [when once lost] , is not regained .<br />In the midst of the plain there is pulse ,<br />And the common people gather it .<br />The mulberry insect has young ones ,<br />And the sphex carries them away .<br />Teach and train your sons ,<br />And they will become good as you are .<br />Look at the wagtail ,<br />Flying , and at the same time twittering .<br />My days are advancing ;<br />Your months are going on .<br />Rising early and going to sleep late ,<br />Do not disgrace those who gave you birth .<br />The greenbeaks come and go ,<br />Pecking up grain about the stack-yard .<br />Alas for the distressed and solitary ,<br />Deemed fit inmates for the prisons !<br />With a handful of grain I go out and divine ,<br />How I may be able to become good .<br />We must be mild , and humble ,<br />As if we were perched on trees .<br />We must be anxious and careful ,<br />As if we were on the brink of a valley .<br />We must be apprehensive and cautious ,<br />As if we were treading upon thin ice .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>197.&nbsp; 小弁&nbsp; XIAO BIAN<br />弁彼鸒斯、歸飛提提。<br />民莫不穀、我獨于罹。<br />何辜于天、我罪伊何。<br />心之憂矣、云如之何。<br />踧踧周道、鞫為茂草。<br />我心憂傷、惄焉如擣。<br />假寐永嘆、維憂用老。<br />心之憂矣、疢如疾首。<br />維桑與梓、必恭敬止。<br />靡瞻匪父、靡依匪母。<br />不屬于毛、不離于裹。<br />天之生我、我辰安在。<br />菀彼柳斯、鳴蜩嘒嘒。<br />有凗者淵、萑葦淠淠。<br />譬彼舟流、不知所屆。<br />心之憂矣、不遑假寐。<br />鹿斯之奔、維足伎伎。<br />雉之朝雊、尚求其雌。<br />譬彼壞木、疾用無枝。<br />心之憂矣、寧莫之知。<br />相彼投兔、尚或先之。<br />行有死人、尚或墐之。<br />君子秉心、維其忍之。<br />心之憂矣、涕既隕之。<br />君子信讒、如或酬之。<br />君子不惠、不舒究之。<br />伐木掎矣、析薪杝矣。<br />舍彼有罪、予之佗矣。<br />莫高匪山、莫浚匪泉。<br />君子無易由言、耳屬于垣。<br />無逝我梁、無發我笱。<br />我躬不閱、遑恤我後。<br />With flapping wings the crows ,<br />Come back , flying all in a flock .<br />Other people all are happy ,<br />And I only am full of misery .<br />What is my offence against Heaven ?<br />What is my crime ?<br />My heart is sad ; -- <br />What is to be done ?<br />The way to Zhou should be level and easy ,<br />But it is all overgrown with rank grass .<br />My heart is wounded with sorrow ,<br />And I think till I feel as if pounded [all over] .<br />I lie down undressed , and sigh continually ;<br />Through my grief I am growing old .<br />My heart is sad ; -- <br />It puts me in pain like a headache .<br />Even the mulberry trees and the Zi ,<br />Must be regarded with reverence :<br />But no one is to be looked up to like a father ;<br />No one is to be depended on like a mother .<br />Have I not a connection with the hairs [of my father] ?<br />Did I not dwell in the womb [of my mother] ?<br />O Heaven who gave me birth !<br />How was it at such an inauspicious time ?<br />Luxuriant grow those willows ,<br />And the cicadas [on them] go hui-hui .<br />Deep looks the pool ,<br />And abundantly grow the rushes and reeds [about it] ,<br />[But] I am like a boat adrift , -- <br />Where it will go you know not .<br />My heart is sad ; -- <br />I have not leisure to lie down [even] undressed .<br />The stag is running away ,<br />But his legs move slowly .<br />The pheasant crows in the morning ,<br />Seeking his mate .<br />I am like a ruined tree ,<br />Stript by disease of all its branches .<br />My heart is sad ; -- <br />How is it that no one knows me ?<br />Look at the hare seeking protection ; -- <br />Some one will step in before and save it .<br />One the road there is a dead man ;<br />Some one will bury him .<br />[But] such is the heart of our sovereign ,<br />That there is nothing he cannot bear to do .<br />My heart is sad ,<br />So that my tears are falling down .<br />Our sovereign believes slanders ,<br />As readily as he joins in the pledge cup .<br />Our sovereign is unkind ,<br />And does not leisurely examine into things .<br />The tree-fellers follow the lean of the tree ;<br />The faggot-cleavers follow the direction of the grain ;<br />[But] he lets alone the guilty ,<br />And imputes guilt to me .<br />There is nothing higher than a mountain ;<br />There is nothing deeper than a [great] spring .<br />Our sovereign should not lightly utter his words ,<br />Lest an ear be laid close to the wall .<br />Do not approach my dam ;<br />Do not remove my basket .<br />My person is rejected ; -- <br />Of what use is it to care for what may come after ?</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>198.&nbsp; 巧言&nbsp; QIAO YAN<br />悠悠昊天、曰父母且。<br />無罪無辜、亂如此憮。<br />昊天已威、予慎無罪。<br />昊天泰憮、予慎無辜。<br />亂之初生、僭始既涵。<br />亂之又生、君子信讒。<br />君子如怒、亂庶遄沮。<br />君子如祉、亂庶遄已。<br />君子屢盟、亂是用長。<br />君子信盜、亂是用暴。<br />盜言孔甘、亂是用餤。<br />匪其止共、維王之邛。<br />奕奕寢廟、君子作之。<br />秩秩大猷、聖人莫之。<br />他人有心、予忖度之。<br />躍躍毚兔、遇犬獲之。<br />荏染柔木、君子樹之。<br />往來行言、心焉數之。<br />蛇蛇碩言、出自口矣。<br />巧言如簧、顏之厚矣。<br />彼何人斯、居河之麋。<br />無拳無勇、職為亂階。<br />既微且尰、爾勇伊何。<br />為猶將多、爾居徒幾何。<br />O vast and distant Heaven ,<br />Who art called our parent ,<br />That without crime or offence ,<br />I should suffer from disorders thus great !<br />The terrors of great Heaven are excessive ,<br />But indeed I have committed no crime .<br />[The terrors of] great Heaven are very excessive ,<br />But indeed I have committed no offence .<br />Disorder then comes to the birth ,<br />When the first untruth is received .<br />Its further increase ,<br />Is from our sovereign's believing the slanderers .<br />If he were to be angry [with them] ,<br />The disorder would probably quickly be abated ;<br />If he were to show his joy [in the good] ,<br />The disorder would probably quickly cease .<br />Our sovereign makes frequent covenants ,<br />And the disorders are thereby increased .<br />He believes the scoundrels ,<br />And the disorders thereby grow into oppression .<br />Their words are very sweet ,<br />And the disorders thereby advance .<br />They do not discharge their duties ,<br />But only create distress to the king .<br />Very grand is the ancestral temple ; -- <br />A true sovereign made it .<br />Wisely arranged are the great plans ; -- <br />Sages determined them .<br />What other men have in their minds ,<br />I can measure by reflection .<br />Swiftly runs the crafty hare ,<br />But it is caught by the hound .<br />Trees of soft wood , easily wrought ,<br />Are planted by wise men .<br />The words of way-farers that come and go ,<br />Can be discriminated by the mind .<br />Their easy and grand words ,<br />[Only] issue from their mouths .<br />Their artful words , like organ-tongues ,<br />Show how unblushing are their faces .<br />Who are they ?<br />They [are like men who] dwell on the banks of the river ;<br />And they have neither strenghth nor courage ,<br />While yet they rear the steps of disorder !<br />With legs ulcerated and swollen ,<br />What courage can you have ?<br />You form plans great and many ,<br />But your followers about you are few .</p><p>________________________________________</p><p>199.&nbsp; 何人斯&nbsp; HE REN SI<br />彼何人斯、其心孔艱。<br />胡逝我梁、不入我門。<br />伊誰云從、維暴之云。<br />二人從行、誰為此禍。<br />胡逝我梁、不入唁我。<br />始者不如今、云不我可。<br />彼何人斯、胡逝我陳。<br />我聞其聲、不見其身。<br />不愧于人、不畏于天。<br />彼何人斯、其為飄風。<br />胡不自北、胡不自南。<br />胡逝我梁、祇攪我心。<br />爾之安行、亦不遑舍。<br />爾之亟行、遑脂爾車。<br />壹者之來、云何其盱。<br />爾還而入、我心易也。<br />還而不入、否難知也。<br />壹者之來、俾我祇也。<br />伯氏吹壎、仲氏吹篪。<br />及爾如貫、諒不我知。<br />出此三物、以詛爾斯。<br />為鬼為蜮、則不可得。<br />有靦面目、視人罔極。<br />作此好歌、以極反側。</p><p>Acknowledgements<br />________________________________________<br />ShiJing(Book of Odes) at this site is made possible by a grant from the Witter Bynner Foundation for Poetry. The Chinese Text Initiative wishes to thank them for their support. <br />The Text was input by Xuepen Sun and Xiaoqian Zheng. Preparation of the text and further checking was done by Christine Ruotolo of the Electronic Center. <br />Image was created from Shi Ji Zhuan in the Ma Jian collection . Preparation of image and background was done by Wei Wang. </p><p></p>
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我沉默的时候,我感到充实; 我将开口,同时感到空虚。









Rank: 1

发表于 2008-3-2 09:20:39 |只看该作者
我沉默的时候,我感到充实; 我将开口,同时感到空虚。

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发表于 2008-3-7 11:14:05 |只看该作者
<p>关于许老师的翻译艺术,请参考下面多人赞歌:</p><p><a href="http://cache.tianya.cn/pub/c/books/1/39755.26.shtml">http://cache.tianya.cn/pub/c/books/1/39755.26.shtml</a></p>

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发表于 2008-3-7 18:50:02 |只看该作者
<p>很精彩!</p><p>曾经在深圳图书馆一口气览读过许先生的《诗书人生》,可惜那个下午时间比较紧,错过了许多篇章。</p><p>不知道能否有哪位高人 传个电子版的</p><p></p>
我沉默的时候,我感到充实; 我将开口,同时感到空虚。

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Rank: 1


发表于 2008-3-7 23:24:38 |只看该作者
<h2 class="right_title1"><div class="shuming"><div class="empty_box"></div><div class="shuming_right lineheight14"><div class="book_left"><div class="chakan"><font face="宋体" size="3">前两天看见本相关的书:</font></div><div class="chakan">&nbsp;</div><div class="chakan"><font face="宋体" size="3">《&lt;诗经&gt;英译研究》</font></div><div class="chakan"><font face="宋体" size="3">作者: 李玉良 著<br />出 版 社: 齐鲁书社<br />出版时间: 2007-11-1</font><br /></div></div></div></div><div class="book_right"><ul class="nostyle"></ul></div></h2>

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