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hum IMBA

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发表于 2007-8-4 13:37:51 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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<>Appendices A-D of Harold Bloom\'s <STRONG>The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages </STRONG><BR>(New York: Harcourt Brace, 1994). <BR>哈罗德•布鲁姆《<STRONG>西方正典:伟大作家和不朽作品</STRONG>》(New York: Harcourt Brace, 1994)的附录 A-D</P>
<><STRONG>A. The Theocratic Age: 2000 BCE-1321 CE 神权时代:公元前2000 – 公元1321<BR>B. The Aristocratic Age: 1321-1832 贵族时代:公元1321 - 公元1832</STRONG><BR><STRONG>C. The Democratic Age: 1832-1900 民主时代:公元1832 – 公元1900</STRONG><BR><STRONG>D. The Chaotic Age: 20th Century 混乱时代:20世纪</STRONG></P>
<><STRONG>A. The Theocratic Age神权时代<BR></STRONG>"Since the literary canon is at issue here, I include only those religious, philosophical, historical, and scientific writings that are themselves of great aesthetic interest. I would think that, of all the books that are in this first list, once the reader is conversant with the Bible, Homer, Plato, the Athenian dramatists, and Virgil, the crucial work is the Koran....<BR>"I have included some Sanskrit works, scriptures and fundamental literary texts, because of their influence on the Western canon. The immense wealth of ancient Chinese literature is mostly a sphere apart from Western literary tradition and is rarely conveyed adequately in the translations available to us."<BR>(Bloom, p. 531)<BR>“由于本书只讨论文学经典,我只列入那些本身具有较高审美趣味的宗教、哲学、历史和科学著作。我想,在这第一张单子里列出的书中,一旦读者熟习《圣经》以及荷马、柏拉图、雅典剧作家、维吉尔等的作品,那么关键作品就是《古兰经》了…”<BR>“基于它们对西方经典作品的影响,我也把一部分梵语作品、经文和基本文学文本列入单子。在西方正典传统之外,博大精深的中国古代文学几乎构成了另一个世界,但很少有适合我们的优秀译本。”<BR><STRONG>The Ancient Near East古代近东</STRONG><BR>• Gilgamesh 吉尔迦美什<BR>• Egyptian Book of the Dead 埃及亡灵书<BR>• Holy Bible (King James Version) 圣经(钦定本)<BR>• The Apocrypha 次经<BR>• Sayings of the Fathers (Pirke Aboth) 先贤集<BR><STRONG>Ancient India (Sanskrit) 古代印度<BR></STRONG>• Mahabharata 摩诃婆罗多<BR>• Bhagavad-Gita 薄迦梵歌<BR>• Ramayana 罗摩衍那<BR><STRONG>The Ancient Greeks古代希腊<BR></STRONG>• Homer 荷马<BR>Iliad 伊里亚特<BR>Odyssey 奥德赛<BR>• Hesiod 赫西俄德<BR>Works and Days 工作与时日<BR>Theogony 神谱<BR>• Archilochos, Sappho, Alkman 阿尔基洛科斯, 萨福, 阿尔克曼<BR>• Pindar 品达<BR>Odes 颂诗<BR>• Aeschylus 埃斯库罗斯<BR>Oresteia 俄瑞斯忒亚<BR>Seven Against Thebes七将攻忒拜<BR>Prometheus Bound被缚的普罗米修斯<BR>Persians波斯人<BR>Suppliant Women 祈援人<BR>• Sophocles 索福克勒斯<BR>Oedipus the King 俄狄浦斯王<BR>Oedipus at Colonus 俄狄浦斯在科洛诺斯<BR>Antigone 安提戈涅<BR>Electra 厄勒克特拉<BR>Ajax 埃阿斯<BR>Women of Trachis 特拉克斯的女人们<BR>Philoctetes 菲罗克忒忒斯<BR>• Euripides 欧里庇得斯<BR>Cyclops 独眼巨人<BR>Heracles 赫拉克勒斯<BR>Alcestis 阿尔刻提斯<BR>Hecuba 赫古巴<BR>Bacchae 酒神的伴侣<BR>Orestes 俄瑞斯忒<BR>Andromache 安德洛玛克<BR>Medea 美狄亚<BR>Ion 伊翁<BR>Hippolytus 希波吕托斯<BR>Helen 海伦<BR>Iphigenia at Aulis 伊菲革涅亚在奥里斯<BR>• Aristophanes 阿里斯托芬<BR>The Birds 鸟<BR>The Clouds 云<BR>The Frogs 蛙<BR>Lysistrata吕西斯忒拉忒<BR>The Knights 骑士<BR>The Wasps 马蜂<BR>The Assemblywomen 妇女大会<BR>• Herodotus 希罗多德<BR>The Histories 历史<BR>• Thucydides 修昔底德<BR>The Peloponnesian Wars 伯罗奔尼撒战争史<BR>• The Pre-Socratics (Heraclitus, Empedocles) 前苏格拉底学派(赫拉克利特,恩培多克勒)<BR>• Plato 柏拉图<BR>Dialogues 对话录<BR>• Aristotle 亚里士多德<BR>Poetics 诗学<BR>Ethics 伦理学<BR><STRONG>Hellenistic Greeks希腊化时期<BR></STRONG>• Menander 米南德<BR>The Girl from Samos 萨默斯女子<BR>• "Longinus"“朗吉努斯”<BR>On the Sublime 论崇高<BR>• Callimachus 卡利马库斯<BR>Hymns and Epigrams 颂歌与铭辞集<BR>• Theocritus忒奥克里托斯<BR>Idylls 田园诗集<BR>• Plutarch 普鲁塔克<BR>Lives 希腊罗马名人传<BR>Moralia 道德论集<BR>• "Aesop"伊索 <BR>Fables 伊索寓言<BR>• Lucian 琉善(路吉阿诺斯)<BR>Satires 讽刺集<BR><STRONG>The Romans古罗马<BR></STRONG>• Plautus 普劳图斯<BR>Pseudolus 说谎者<BR>The Braggart Soldier 吹牛的士兵<BR>The Rope 绳子<BR>Amphitryon 安菲特律翁<BR>• Terence 泰伦斯<BR>The Girl from Andros 安德罗斯女子<BR>The Eunuch 阉奴<BR>The Mother-in-Law 婆母<BR>• Lucretius 卢克莱修<BR>The Way Things Are 物性论<BR>• Cicero 西塞罗<BR>On the Gods <BR>• Horace 贺拉斯<BR>Odes 歌集<BR>Epistles 书札<BR>Satires 讽刺诗集<BR>• Persius 佩尔西乌斯<BR>Satires 讽刺诗集<BR>• Catullus 卡图卢斯<BR>Attis and Other Poems 阿提斯及其他诗歌<BR>• Virgil 维吉尔<BR>Aeneid 埃涅阿斯<BR>Eclogues 牧歌<BR>Georgics 农事诗<BR>• Lucan 卢坎<BR>Pharsalia 内战记<BR>• Ovid 奥维德<BR>Metamorphoses 变形记<BR>The Art of Love 爱经<BR>Heroides 情书<BR>• Juvenal 玉外纳<BR>Satires讽刺诗集<BR>• Martial 马提雅尔<BR>Epigrams 铭词集<BR>• Seneca 塞涅卡<BR>Tragedies, particularly Medea and Hercules Furens 悲剧集,尤其是 美狄亚 和 发疯的赫拉克勒斯<BR>• Petronius 佩特罗尼乌斯<BR>Satyricon 萨蒂里孔<BR>• Apuleius 阿普列尤斯<BR>The Golden Ass 金驴记<BR><STRONG>The Middle Ages: Latin, Arabic, and the Vernacular Before Dante中世纪:但丁之前的拉丁语、阿拉伯语及方言作品<BR></STRONG>• Saint Augustine 圣奥古斯丁<BR>City of God 上帝之城<BR>Confessions 忏悔录<BR>• The Koran (Al-Qur\'an) 古兰经<BR>• The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night 一千零一夜<BR>• The Poetic Edda 诗体埃达<BR>• Snorri Sturluson斯诺里•斯图鲁松<BR>The Prose Edda 散文埃达<BR>• The Nibelungen Lied 尼伯龙根之歌<BR>• Wolfram von Eschenbach沃尔夫拉姆•封•埃申巴赫<BR>Parzival 帕西法尔<BR>• Chrétien de Troyes克雷蒂安•德•特罗亚<BR>Yvain: The Knight of the Lion伊文或猎狮骑士<BR>• Beowulf 贝奥武甫<BR>• The Poem of the Cid 熙德之歌<BR>• Christine de Pisan克里斯蒂娜•德•皮桑<BR>The Book of the City of Ladies 女性之城<BR>• Diego de San Pedro 迭戈•德•圣佩德罗<BR>Prison of Love 爱之牢笼</P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
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hum IMBA

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-4 13:37:51 |只看该作者
<DIV><STRONG>B. The Aristocratic Age贵族时代</STRONG><BR>"It is a span of five hundred years from Dante\'s Divine Comedy through Goethe\'s Faust, Part Two [1321-1832], an era that gives us a huge body of reading in five major literatures: Italian, Spanish, English, French, and German. In this and in the remaining lists, I sometimes do not mention individual works by a canonical master, and in other instances I attempt to call attention to authors and books that I consider canonical but rather neglected. From this list onward, many good writers who are not quite central are omitted...." (Bloom, p. 534)<BR>“从但丁的《神曲》到歌德的《浮士德》第二部[1321-1832],长达500年的时间内出现了大量以5种主要语言写成的文学:意大利语、西班牙语、英语、法语、德语。在这张以及接下来的单子中,有时经典大师的某些私人化作品并未提及,相反,我尝试着去唤起对一些我认为是经典的但相当被忽略的作家和作品的注意。从这张单子开始,有许多优秀的但不是很重要的作家将被略去….”<BR><STRONG>Italy意大利</STRONG><BR>• Dante 但丁<BR>The Divine Comedy 神曲<BR>The New Life 新生<BR>• Petrarch 彼特拉克<BR>Lyric Poems 歌集<BR>Selections 选集<BR>• Giovanni Boccaccio薄迦丘<BR>The Decameron 十日谈<BR>• Matteo Maria Boiardo博亚尔多<BR>Orlando Innamorato 热恋的罗兰<BR>• Ludovico Ariosto阿里奥斯托<BR>Orlando Furioso 疯狂的奥兰多<BR>• Michelangelo Buonarroti 米开朗琪罗<BR>Sonnets and Madrigals 诗集<BR>• Niccolò Machiavelli马基雅维利<BR>The Prince 君主论<BR>The Mandrake, a Comedy 曼陀罗花<BR>• Leonardo da Vinci达芬奇<BR>Notebooks 笔记<BR>• Baldassare Castiglione 卡斯蒂廖内<BR>The Book of the Courtier 侍臣论<BR>• Gaspara Stampa迦丝芭拉•丝塔姆芭<BR>Sonnets and Madrigals 十四行诗与情诗<BR>• Giorgio Vasari瓦萨里<BR>Lives of the Painters 艺苑名人传/ 著名画家、雕塑家、建筑家传<BR>• Benvenuto Cellini切里尼<BR>Autobiography 自传<BR>• Torquato Tasso塔索<BR>Jerusalem Delivered 被解放的耶路撒冷<BR>• Giordano Bruno布鲁诺<BR>The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast 驱逐趾高气扬的野兽<BR>• Tommaso Campanella康帕内拉<BR>oems 诗集<BR>The City of the Sun 太阳城<BR>• Giambattista Vico维科<BR>rinciples of a New Science 新科学<BR>• Carlo Goldoni哥尔多尼<BR>The Servant of Two Masters 一仆二主<BR>• Vittorio Alfieri阿尔菲耶里<BR>Saul 扫罗<BR>ortugal葡萄牙<BR>• Luis de Camo&euml;ns卡蒙斯<BR>The Lusiads卢济塔尼亚人之歌<BR>• Antònio Ferreira费雷拉<BR>Poetry 诗歌<BR><STRONG>Spain西班牙</STRONG><BR>• Jorge Manrique曼莱克<BR>Coplas悼亡父诗<BR>• Fernando de Rojas罗哈斯<BR>La Celestina塞莱丝蒂娜<BR>• Lazarillo de Tormes 小癞子<BR>• Francisco de Quevedo克维多<BR>Visions 梦<BR>Satirical Letter of Censure 讽刺信札<BR>• Fray Luis de León路易丝•雷昂修士<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• St. John of the Cross圣十字若望<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Luis de Góngora贡戈拉<BR>Sonnets 十四行诗集<BR>Soledades 孤独<BR>• Miguel de Cervantes塞万提斯<BR>Don Quixote 堂吉诃德<BR>Exemplary Stories 训诫小说<BR>• Lope de Vega 洛佩•德•维加<BR>La Dorotea拉•多罗特亚<BR>Fuente Ovejuna 羊泉村<BR>Lost in a Mirror 迷失在镜中<BR>The Knight of Olmedo 奥尔梅多骑士<BR>• Tirso de Molina莫利纳<BR>The Trickster of Seville 塞维利亚的骗子<BR>• Pedro Calderón de la Barca卡尔德隆<BR>Life is a Dream 人生如梦<BR>The Mayor of Zalamea萨拉梅雅市长<BR>The Mighty Magician 万能的魔术师<BR>The Doctor of His Own Honor 医生的荣誉<BR>• Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 修女胡安娜•伊内斯<BR>Poems 诗集<BR><STRONG>England and Scotland英格兰与苏格兰<BR></STRONG>• Geoffrey Chaucer乔叟 <BR>The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷故事<BR>Troilus and Criseyde特罗勒斯与克丽西德<BR>• Sir Thomas Malory马洛礼<BR>Le Morte D\'Arthur 亚瑟王之死<BR>• William Dunbar邓巴<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• John Skelton 约翰•斯凯尔顿<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Sir Thomas More 托马斯•莫尔<BR>Utopia 乌托邦<BR>• Sir Thomas Wyatt 托马斯•威亚特<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey 亨利•霍华德,萨里子爵<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Sir Philip Sidney锡德尼<BR>The Countess of Pembroke\'s Arcadia 阿卡迪亚<BR>Astrophel and Stella 爱星者和星星<BR>An Apology for Poetry 诗辩<BR>• Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke 法尔克•格雷维尔,布鲁克勋爵<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Edmund Spenser斯宾塞<BR>The Faerie Queene 仙后<BR>The Minor Poems 短诗集<BR>• Sir Walter Ralegh 沃尔特•雷利爵士<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Christopher Marlowe马洛<BR>Poems and Plays 诗集与戏剧集<BR>• Michael Drayton德雷顿<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Samuel Daniel 塞缪尔•丹尼尔<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>A Defence of Ryme 捍卫韵文<BR>• Thomas Nashe 托马斯•纳什<BR>The Unfortunate Traveller不幸的旅客<BR>• Thomas Kyd 托马斯•基德<BR>The Spanish Tragedy 西班牙悲剧<BR>• William Shakespeare莎士比亚<BR>Plays and Poems 戏剧集与诗集<BR>• Thomas Campion 托马斯•坎皮恩<BR>Songs 歌集<BR>• John Donne 约翰•多恩<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>Sermons 布道辞<BR>• Ben Jonson 本•琼生<BR>Poems, Plays, and Masques 诗集,戏剧集<BR>• Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯•培根<BR>Essays 随笔<BR>• Robert Burton 罗伯特•伯顿<BR>The Anatomy of Melancholy忧郁的剖析<BR>• Sir Thomas Browne 托马斯•布朗爵士<BR>Religio Medici 一个医生的宗教信仰<BR>Hydriotaphia, or Urne-Buriall 瓮葬<BR>The Garden of Cyrus 居鲁斯的花园<BR>• Thomas Hobbes托马斯•霍布斯<BR>Leviathan 利维坦<BR>• Robert Herrick 罗伯特•赫里克<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Thomas Carew 托马斯•卡鲁<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Richard Lovelace 理查德•洛夫莱斯<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Andrew Marvell 安德鲁•马维尔<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• George Herbert 乔治•赫伯特<BR>The Temple 圣殿<BR>• Thomas Traherne 托马斯•特拉赫恩<BR>Centuries, Poems, and Thanksgivings 世纪,诗集,感恩<BR>• Henry Vaughan 亨利•沃恩<BR>Poetry 诗歌<BR>• John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester 约翰•维尔默,罗切斯特伯爵<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Richard Crashaw 理查德•克拉肖<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher 博蒙特和弗莱彻<BR>Plays 戏剧集<BR>• George Chapman 乔治•查普曼<BR>Comedies, Tragedies, Poems 喜剧,悲剧,诗集<BR>• John Ford 约翰•福特<BR>\'Tis Pity She\'s a Whore 惜为风尘女<BR>• John Marston约翰•马斯顿<BR>The Malcontent 愤世者<BR>• John Webster 约翰•韦伯斯特<BR>The White Devil 白魔<BR>The Duchess of Malfi 马尔菲公爵夫人<BR>• Thomas Middleton and William Rowley 米德尔顿和罗利<BR>The Changeling 被偷换的孩子<BR>• Cyril Tourneur 图尔纳<BR>The Revenger\'s Tragedy 复仇者的悲剧<BR>• Philip Massinger 菲利普•马辛格<BR>A New Way to Pay Old Debts 旧债新还<BR>• John Bunyan 约翰•班扬<BR>The Pilgrim\'s Progress 天路历程<BR>• Izaak Walton 艾萨克•沃尔顿<BR>The Compleat Angler 钓客清话<BR>• John Milton弥尔顿<BR>Paradise Lost 失乐园<BR>Paradise Regained 复乐园<BR>Lycidas, Comus, and the Minor Poems 利西达斯,酒神,短诗集<BR>Samson Agonistes 力士参孙<BR>Areopagitica 论出版自由<BR>• John Aubrey 约翰•奥布里<BR>Brief Lives 短暂的生命/小传集<BR>• Jeremy Taylor 杰里米•泰勒<BR>Holy Dying 圣洁的死亡<BR>• Samuel Butler 萨缪尔•巴特勒<BR>Hudibras 休迪布拉斯<BR>• John Dryden 约翰•德莱顿<BR>Poetry and Plays 诗歌和戏剧<BR>Critical Essays 评论集<BR>• Thomas Otway 托马斯•奥特威<BR>Venice Preserv\'d 得救的威尼斯<BR>• William Congreve 威廉•康格里夫<BR>The Way of the World 如此世道<BR>Love for Love 以爱还爱<BR>• Jonathan Swift 斯威夫特<BR>A Tale of a Tub 澡盆的故事<BR>Gulliver\'s Travels 格列佛游记<BR>Shorter Prose Works 散文集<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Sir George Etherege 乔治•艾特利吉<BR>The Man of Mode 摩登人物<BR>• Alexander Pope 亚历山大•蒲柏<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• John Gay 约翰•盖伊<BR>The Beggar\'s Opera 乞丐歌剧<BR>• James Boswell 詹姆斯•包斯威尔<BR>Life of Johnson 约翰生传<BR>Journals 游记<BR>• Samuel Johnson 萨缪尔•约翰逊<BR>Works 文集<BR>• Edward Gibbon 爱德华•吉本<BR>The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 罗马帝国衰亡史<BR>• Edmund Burke 爱德蒙•柏克<BR>A Philosophical Enquiry into...the Sublime and Beautiful关于崇高与美的观念起源之哲学探讨<BR>Reflections on the Revolution in France法国革命论<BR>• Maurice Morgann 莫里斯•摩根<BR>An Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff 论戏剧人物约翰•福斯塔夫爵士<BR>• William Collins 威廉•柯林斯<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• George Farquhar 乔治•法夸尔<BR>The Beaux\' Strategem扮成风流潇洒者的计谋<BR>The Recruiting Officer 招兵官<BR>• William Wycherley 威廉•威彻利<BR>The Country Wife 乡下女人<BR>The Plain Dealer 光明磊落者<BR>• Christopher Smart 克里斯托弗•斯马特<BR>Jubilate Agno 羔羊颂<BR>A Song to David 献给大卫的一支歌<BR>• Oliver Goldsmith 哥德史密斯<BR>The Vicar of Wakefield 威克菲尔德的牧师<BR>She Stoops to Conquer 屈身求爱<BR>The Traveller 旅行者<BR>The Deserted Village 荒村<BR>• Richard Brinsley Sheridan 谢立丹<BR>The School of Scandal 造谣学校<BR>The Rivals 情敌<BR>• William Cowper 威廉•考伯<BR>Poetical Works 诗作<BR>• George Crabbe 乔治•克雷布<BR>Poetical Works 诗作<BR>• Daniel Defoe 笛福<BR>Moll Flanders 摩尔•弗兰德斯<BR>Robinson Crusoe 鲁滨逊漂流记<BR>A Journal of the Plague Year瘟疫年记事<BR>• Samuel Richardson 萨缪尔•理查森<BR>Clarissa 克拉丽莎<BR>Pamela 帕梅拉<BR>Sir Charles Grandison查尔斯•格兰迪森爵士的历史<BR>• Henry Fielding 菲尔丁<BR>Joseph Andrews 约瑟夫•安德鲁斯<BR>The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling 弃儿汤姆•琼斯的故事<BR>• Tobias Smollett 托比亚斯•斯摩莱特<BR>The Expedition of Humphry Clinker 亨佛利•克林克<BR>The Adventures of Roderick Random 兰登传<BR>• Laurence Sterne 斯特恩<BR>The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman 项狄传<BR>A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy 感伤的旅程<BR>• Fanny Burney 范妮•伯尼<BR>Evelina 埃维莉娜<BR>• Joseph Addison and Richard Steele 艾迪生和斯梯尔<BR>The Spectator 旁观者<BR><STRONG>France法国<BR></STRONG>• Jean Froissart 傅华萨<BR>Chronicles 闻见录<BR>• The Song of Roland 罗兰之歌<BR>• Fran&ccedil;ois Villon 维庸<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Michel de Montaigne 蒙田<BR>Essays 随笔集<BR>• Fran&ccedil;ois Rabelais 拉伯雷<BR>Gargantua and Pantagruel 巨人传<BR>• Marguerite de Navarre 玛格丽特•德•纳瓦尔<BR>The Heptameron 七日谈<BR>• Joachim Du Bellay 杜贝莱<BR>The Regrets 悔恨集<BR>• Maurice Scève 莫里斯•塞弗<BR>Délie 黛丽<BR>• Pierre Ronsard龙萨<BR>Odes, Elegies, Sonnets 颂诗,挽歌,十四行诗<BR>• Philippe de Commynes 菲利普•德•科明尼斯<BR>Memoirs 回忆录<BR>• Agrippa d\'Aubigné 阿格里帕•多比涅<BR>Les Tragiques 悲歌集<BR>• Robert Garnier 罗伯特•加尼耶<BR>Mark Antony 马克•安东尼<BR>The Jewesses 犹太姑娘<BR>• Pierre Corneille 高乃依<BR>The Cid 熙德<BR>Polyeucte 波利耶克特<BR>Nicomède 尼高梅德<BR>Horace 贺拉斯<BR>Cinna 西拿<BR>Rodogune罗多赓<BR>• Fran&ccedil;ois de La Rochefoucauld 拉罗什福科<BR>Maxims 箴言集<BR>• Jean de La Fontaine 拉封丹<BR>Fables 寓言<BR>• Molière 莫里哀<BR>The Misanthrope 愤世嫉俗<BR>Tartuffe 伪君子<BR>The School for Wives 太太学堂<BR>The Learned Ladies 女学者<BR>Don Juan 唐璜<BR>School for Husbands 丈夫学堂<BR>Ridiculous Precieuses 可笑的女才子<BR>The Would-Be Gentleman 贵人迷<BR>The Miser 吝啬鬼/悭吝人<BR>The Imaginary Invalid 没病找病<BR>• Blaise Pascal 帕斯卡<BR>Pensées 沉思录<BR>• Jacques-Bénigne Bosuet博叙埃<BR>Funerary Orations 追悼词<BR>• Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux 布瓦洛<BR>The Art of Poetry 诗艺<BR>Lutrin 经台吟<BR>• Jean Racine 拉辛<BR>Phaedra 淮德拉<BR>Andromache 安德洛玛克<BR>Britannicus 布列塔尼库斯<BR>Athaliah 阿达莉<BR>• Pierre Carlet de Marivaux 马里沃<BR>Seven Comedies 喜剧七部<BR>• Jean-Jacques Rousseau 卢梭<BR>The Confessions 忏悔录<BR>&Eacute;mile 爱弥尔<BR>La Nouvelle Hélo&iuml;se 新爱洛漪丝<BR>• Voltaire 伏尔泰<BR>Zadig 查第格<BR>Candide 老实人<BR>Letters on England 哲学书简<BR>The Lisbon Earthquake 里斯本地震<BR>• Abbé Prévost 普雷沃神甫<BR>Manon Lescaut 曼侬•莱斯科<BR>• Madame de La Fayette 拉法耶特夫人<BR>The Princess of Cleves 克莱夫王妃<BR>• Sébastien-Roch Nicolas de Chamfort 尚福尔<BR>Products of the Perfected Civilization 完美文明的产物<BR>• Denis Diderot 狄德罗<BR>Rameau\'s Nephew 拉摩的侄儿<BR>• Choderlos de Laclos 拉克洛<BR>Dangerous Liaisons 危险的关系<BR><STRONG>Germany德国<BR></STRONG>• Erasmus 伊拉斯谟<BR>In Praise of Folly 愚人颂<BR>• Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 歌德<BR>Faust, Parts One and Two 浮士德<BR>Dichtung und Wahrheit 诗与真<BR>Egmont 哀格蒙特<BR>Elective Affinities 亲和力<BR>The Sorrows of Young Werther 少年维特之烦恼<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>Wilhelm Meister\'s Apprenticeship 威廉•迈斯特的学习时代<BR>Wilhelm Meister\'s Years of Wandering 威廉•迈斯特的漫游时代<BR>Italian Journey 意大利游记<BR>Verse Plays 诗剧<BR>Hermann and Dorothea 赫尔曼与多罗泰<BR>Roman Elegies 罗马哀歌<BR>Venetian Epigrams 威尼斯铭语<BR>West-Eastern Divan 西东合集<BR>• Friedrich Schiller 席勒<BR>The Robbers 强盗<BR>Mary Stuart 玛丽•斯图亚特<BR>Wallenstein 华伦斯坦<BR>Don Carlos 唐•卡洛斯<BR>On the Na&iuml;ve and Sentimental in Literature论素朴的诗与感伤的诗<BR>• Gotthold Lessing 莱辛<BR>Laoco&ouml;n 拉奥孔<BR>Nathan the Wise <BR>• Freidrich H&ouml;lderlin 荷尔德林<BR>Hymns and Fragments 赞美诗与片段<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Heinrich von Kleist 克莱斯特<BR>Five Plays 戏剧五部<BR>Stories 故事集</DIV></DIV>

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<DIV><STRONG>C. The Democratic Age民主时代</STRONG><BR>"I have located Vico\'s Democratic Age in the post-Goethean nineteenth century, when the literature of Italy and Spain ebbs, yielding eminence to England with its renaissance of the Renaissance in Romanticism, and to a lesser degree to France and Germany. This is also the era where the strength of both Russian and American literature begins."(Bloom, p. 540)<BR>“我认为维科所说的民主时代就是十九世纪的后歌德时代,此时,意大利文学和西班牙文学已走向衰落,而随着英国文艺复兴在浪漫主义中的兴起,英国文学开始走向辉煌,紧随其后的是法国文学和德国文学。这也是一个俄罗斯文学和美国文学兴起的时代。”<BR><STRONG>Italy意大利</STRONG><BR>• Ugo Foscolo 乌戈•福斯克洛<BR>On Sepulchres墓地哀思<BR>Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis雅科波•奥尔蒂斯的最后书简<BR>Odes and The Graces 颂诗与恩典<BR>• Alessandro Manzoni 亚历山大•曼佐尼<BR>The Betrothed 约婚夫妇<BR>On the Historical Novel 论历史小说<BR>• Giacomo Leopardi 莱奥帕尔迪<BR>Essays and Dialogues 随笔和对话录<BR>oems 诗集<BR>The Moral Essays 道德小品集<BR>• Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli 贝利<BR>Roman Sonnets现代罗马十四行诗集<BR>• Giosué Carducci卡尔杜齐<BR>Hymn to Satan撒旦颂<BR>Barbarian Odes野蛮颂歌<BR>Rhymes and Rhythms有韵的诗与有节奏的诗<BR>• Giovanni Verga维尔加<BR>Little Novels of Sicily 西西里短篇故事<BR>Mastro-Don Gesualdo堂•杰苏阿多师傅<BR>The House by the Medlar Tree 楂树旁的屋子<BR>The She-Wolf and Other Stories 母狼和其他故事<BR><STRONG>Spain and Portugal西班牙与葡萄牙<BR></STRONG>• Gustavo Adolpho Bécquer 贝克尔<BR>oems诗韵集<BR>• Benito Pérez Galdós 加尔多斯<BR>Fortunata and Jacinta福尔图纳达和哈辛达<BR>• Leopoldo Alas (Clarín) 克拉林<BR>La Regenta 庭长夫人<BR>• José Maria de E&ccedil;a de Queirós 埃萨•德•克罗兹<BR>The Maias马伊亚一家<BR><STRONG>France法国</STRONG><BR>• Benjamin Constant 贡斯当<BR>Adolphe 阿道尔夫<BR>The Red Notebook 红色笔记<BR>• Fran&ccedil;ois-Auguste-René de Chateaubriand 夏多布里昂<BR>Attala 阿达拉<BR>René 勒内<BR>The Genius of Christianity 基督教真谛<BR>• Alphonse de Lamartine 拉马丁<BR>Meditations 沉思录<BR>• Alfred de Vigny 维尼<BR>Chatterton 查铁顿<BR>oems 诗集<BR>• Victor Hugo 雨果<BR>The Distance, the Shadows: Selected Poems 光与影:诗选集<BR>Les Misérables 悲惨世界<BR>Notre-Dame of Paris 巴黎圣母院<BR>William Shakespeare 威廉•莎士比亚<BR>The Toilers of the Sea 海上劳工<BR>The End of Satan 撒旦的末日<BR>God 上帝<BR>• Alfred de Musset 缪塞<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>Lorenzaccio罗朗札齐奥<BR>• Gérard de Nerval 纳瓦尔<BR>The Chimeras 幻象集<BR>Sylvie 茜尔葳<BR>Aurelia 奥蕾丽亚<BR>• Théophile Gautier 戈蒂耶<BR>Mademoiselle de Maupin 莫班小姐<BR>Enamels and Cameos珐琅与雕玉<BR>• Honoré de Balzac 巴尔扎克<BR>The Girl with the Golden Eyes金目少女<BR>Louis Lambert路易•朗培尔<BR>The Wild Ass\'s Skin 驴皮记<BR>Old Goriot 高老头<BR>Cousin Bette 贝姨<BR>A Harlot High and Low 交际花盛衰记<BR>Eugénie Grandet 欧也妮•葛朗台<BR>Ursule Mirouet 于絮尔•弥罗埃<BR>• Stendhal 司汤达<BR>On Love 论爱情<BR>The Red and the Black 红与黑<BR>The Charterhouse of Parma 巴马修道院<BR>• Gustave Flaubert 福楼拜<BR>Madame Bovary 包法利夫人<BR>Sentimental Education 情感教育<BR>Salammb&ocirc; 萨朗波<BR>A Simple Soul 一颗单纯的心<BR>• George Sand 乔治•桑<BR>The Haunted Pool 魔沼<BR>• Charles Baudelaire 波德莱尔<BR>Flowers of Evil 恶之花<BR>Paris Spleen 巴黎的忧郁<BR>• Stéphane Mallarmé 马拉美<BR>Selected Poetry and Prose 诗与散文选<BR>• Paul Verlaine 魏尔兰<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Arthur Rimbaud 兰波<BR>Complete Works 全集<BR>• Tristan Corbière 高尔比耶<BR>Les Armours Jaunes 黄色的爱<BR>• Jules Laforgue 拉福格<BR>Selected Writings 作品选<BR>• Guy de Maupassant 莫泊桑<BR>Selected Short Stories 短篇小说选<BR>• &Eacute;mile Zola 左拉<BR>Germinal 萌芽<BR>L\'Assommoir 小酒店<BR>Nana 娜娜<BR><STRONG>Scandinavia斯堪的纳维亚</STRONG><BR>• Henrik Ibsen 易卜生<BR>Brand 布朗德<BR>Peer Gynt 彼尔•京特<BR>Emperor and Galilean 皇帝与加利利人<BR>Hedda Gabler海达•高布乐<BR>The Master Builder 社会支柱<BR>The Lady from the Sea 海上夫人<BR>When We Dead Awaken 当我们死而复苏时<BR>• August Strindberg 斯特林堡<BR>To Damascus 到大马士革去<BR>Miss Julie茱丽小姐<BR>The Father父亲<BR>The Dance of Death 死魂舞<BR>The Ghost Sonata 鬼混奏鸣曲<BR>A Dream Play一出梦的戏剧<BR><STRONG>Great Britain英国</STRONG><BR>• Robert Burns 彭斯<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• William Blake 布莱克<BR>Complete Poetry and Prose 诗歌与散文全集<BR>• William Wordsworth 华兹华斯<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>The Prelude 序曲<BR>• Sir Walter Scott 司各特<BR>Waverley 威弗里<BR>The Heart of Midlothian密得罗西恩监狱<BR>Redgauntlet雷德冈脱利特<BR>Old Mortality 清教徒<BR>• Jane Austen 简•奥斯汀<BR>Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见<BR>Emma 爱玛<BR>Mansfield Park 曼斯菲尔德庄园<BR>Persuasion 劝导<BR>• Samuel Taylor Coleridge 柯勒律治<BR>Poems and Prose 诗歌与散文<BR>• Dorothy Wordsworth 多萝西•华兹华斯<BR>The Grasmere Journal 格拉斯米尔日记<BR>• William Hazlitt 威廉•黑兹利特<BR>Essays and Criticism 随笔与批评<BR>• Lord Byron 拜伦<BR>Don Juan 唐璜<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• William Savage Landor 兰道<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>Imaginary Conversations文人与政客的对话<BR>• Thomas De Quincey 托马斯•德•昆西<BR>Confessions of an English Opium Eater 一个吸食鸦片者的自白<BR>Selected Prose 散文选集<BR>• Charles Lamb 查尔斯•兰姆<BR>Essays 随笔<BR>• Maria Edgeworth 玛利亚•埃奇沃思<BR>Castle Rackrent 拉克伦特堡<BR>• John Galt 约翰•高尔特<BR>The Entail 遗赠<BR>• Elizabeth Gaskell 盖斯凯尔夫人<BR>Cranford 克兰福德<BR>Mary Barton 玛丽•巴顿<BR>North and South 北方与南方<BR>• James Hogg 霍格<BR>The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner 一个清白罪人的忏悔<BR>• Charles Maturin 梅图林<BR>Melmoth the Wanderer 漫游者梅尔莫斯/流浪的人<BR>• Percy Bysshe Shelley 雪莱<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>A Defence of Poetry 诗辩<BR>• Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 玛丽•雪莱<BR>Frankenstein 弗兰肯斯坦<BR>• John Clare 约翰•克莱尔<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• John Keats 济慈<BR>Poems and Letters 诗歌与书信<BR>• Thomas Lovell Beddoes 贝多斯<BR>Death\'s Jest-Book 死亡的笑话<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• George Darley 乔治•达利<BR>Nepenthe 忘忧药<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Thomas Hood 托马斯•胡德<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Thomas Wade 托马斯•韦德<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Robert Browning 罗伯特•勃朗宁<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>The Ring and the Book 指环与书<BR>• Charles Dickens 狄更斯<BR>The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club 匹克威克外传<BR>David Copperfield 大卫•科波菲尔<BR>The Adventures of Oliver Twist 孤星血泪<BR>A Tale of Two Cities 双城记<BR>Bleak House 荒凉山庄<BR>Hard Times 艰难时世<BR>Nicholas Nickleby 尼古拉斯•尼柯尔贝<BR>Dombey and Son 董贝父子<BR>Great Expectations远大前程<BR>Martin Chuzzlewit马丁•翟述伟<BR>Christmas Stories 圣诞故事集<BR>Little Dorrit 小杜丽<BR>Our Mutual Friend 我们共同的朋友<BR>The Mystery of Edwin Drood艾德温•德鲁德之谜<BR>• Alfred, Lord Tennyson 丁尼生<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Dante Gabriel Rossetti 罗塞蒂<BR>Poems and Translations 诗集与译作<BR>• Matthew Arnold 马修•阿诺德<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>Essays 评论集<BR>• Arthur Hugh Clough 亚瑟•休•克拉夫<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Christina Rossetti 克里斯蒂娜•罗塞蒂<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Thomas Love Peacock 皮科克<BR>Nightmare Abbey 噩梦修道院<BR>Gryll Grange 格里尔•格兰治<BR>• Gerald Manley Hopkins 霍普金斯<BR>Poems and Prose 诗歌与散文<BR>• Thomas Carlyle 卡莱尔<BR>Selected Prose 散文选集<BR>Sartor Resartus拼凑的裁缝/衣裳哲学<BR>• John Ruskin 罗斯金<BR>Modern Painters 现代画家<BR>The Stones of Venice威尼斯之石<BR>Unto This Last给那后来的<BR>The Queen of the Air 空气女皇<BR>• Walter Pater 佩特<BR>Studies in the History of the Renaissance文艺复兴:诗与艺术的研究<BR>Appreciations鉴赏集<BR>Imaginary Portraits想像肖像<BR>Marius the Epicurean享乐主义者马利乌斯<BR>• Edward FitzGerald 爱德华•菲茨杰拉德<BR>The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam 鲁拜集<BR>• John Stuart Mill 穆勒<BR>On Liberty 论自由<BR>Autobiography 自传<BR>• John Henry Newman纽曼主教<BR>Apologia pro Vita Sua生命之歌/为己申辩<BR>A Grammar of Assent赞同的规律<BR>The Idea of a University 大学理念<BR>• Anthony Trollope 特罗洛普<BR>The Barsetshire Novels 巴塞特郡小说<BR>The Palliser Novels帕利泽小说<BR>Orley Farm 奥利农庄<BR>The Way We Live Now 我们现在的生活方式<BR>• Lewis Carroll 刘易斯•卡罗尔<BR>Complete Works 全集<BR>• Edward Lear 爱德华•李尔<BR>Complete Nonsense 胡话诗全集<BR>• George Gissing 乔治•吉辛<BR>New Grub Street新寒士街<BR>• Algernon Charles Swinburne 史文朋/斯温伯恩<BR>Poems and Letters 诗歌与书信<BR>• Charlotte Bront&euml; 夏洛特•勃朗特<BR>Jane Eyre 简•爱<BR>Villette 维莱特<BR>• Emily Bront&euml; 艾米莉•勃朗特<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>Wuthering Heights 呼啸山庄<BR>• William Makepeace Thackeray 萨克雷<BR>Vanity Fair 名利场<BR>The History of Henry Esmond亨利•埃斯蒙德<BR>• George Meredith 乔治•梅瑞狄斯<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>The Egoist 利己主义者<BR>• Francis Thompson汤朴生<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Lionel Johnson 莱昂内尔•约翰逊<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Robert Bridges罗伯特•布瑞吉斯<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Gilbert Keith Chesterton 切斯特顿<BR>Collected Poems 诗选<BR>The Man Who Was Thursday 名叫星期四的人<BR>• Samuel Butler 萨缪尔•巴特勒<BR>Erewhon埃瑞洪<BR>The Way of All Flesh 众生之路<BR>• W. S. Gilbert 吉尔伯特<BR>Complete Plays of Gilbert and Sullivan 吉尔伯特与沙利文戏剧全集<BR>Bab Ballads 巴布民谣<BR>• Wilkie Collins 威尔基•柯林斯<BR>The Moonstone 月亮宝石<BR>The Woman in White 白衣女人<BR>No Name 无名<BR>• Coventry Patmore 帕特莫尔<BR>Odes 颂歌<BR>• James Thomson (Bysshe Vanolis) 詹姆斯•汤姆森<BR>The City of the Dreadful Night 恐怖之夜的城市<BR>• Oscar Wilde 王尔德<BR>Plays 戏剧集<BR>The Picture of Dorian Gray 道林•格雷的画像<BR>The Artist as Critic 作为批评家的艺术家<BR>Letters 书信集<BR>• John Davidson 约翰•戴维森<BR>Ballads and Songs 歌谣集<BR>• Ernest Dowson 道森<BR>Complete Poems 诗歌全集<BR>• George Eliot 乔治•艾略特<BR>Adam Bede 亚当•贝德<BR>Silas Marner 织工马南<BR>The Mill on the Floss 弗罗斯河上的磨房<BR>Middlemarch 米德尔马契<BR>Daniel Deronda丹尼尔•德隆达<BR>• Robert Louis Stevenson 斯蒂文生<BR>Essays 随笔<BR>Kidnapped 绑架<BR>Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 化身博士<BR>Treasure Island 金银岛<BR>The New Arabian Nights 新天方夜谭<BR>The Master of Ballantrae图勒世家/巴兰特里的主人<BR>Weir of Hermiston赫米斯顿的魏尔<BR>• William Morris 威廉•莫里斯<BR>Early Romances 早期小说<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>The Earthly Paradise 地上乐园<BR>The Well at the World\'s End 世界尽头的井<BR>News from Nowhere 乌有乡消息<BR>• Bram Stoker 布莱姆•斯托克<BR>Dracula 德古拉伯爵<BR>• George Macdonald 乔治•麦克唐纳<BR>Lilith 莉莉丝<BR>At the Back of the North Wind 北风的背后<BR><STRONG>Germany德国</STRONG><BR>• Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenburg) 诺瓦利斯<BR>Hymns to the Night夜颂<BR>Aphorisms 格言<BR>• Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm 格林兄弟<BR>Fairy Tales 格林童话<BR>• Eduard M&ouml;rike 莫里克<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>Mozart on His Way to Prague莫扎特赴布拉格途中<BR>• Theodor Storm 施笃姆<BR>Immensee 茵梦湖<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Gottfried Keller 凯勒<BR>Green Henry 绿衣亨利<BR>Tales 故事集<BR>• E. T. A. Hoffmann 霍夫曼<BR>The Devil\'s Elixir 魔鬼的长生不老药<BR>Tales 故事集<BR>• Jeremias Gotthelf戈特赫尔夫<BR>The Black Spider 黑蜘蛛<BR>• Adalbert Stifter施蒂弗特<BR>Indian Summer晚来的夏日<BR>Tales 故事集<BR>• Friedrich Schlegel施莱格尔<BR>Criticism and Aphorisms 批评与格言<BR>• Georg Büchner 毕希纳<BR>Danton\'s Death 丹东之死<BR>Woyzeck 沃依采克<BR>• Heinrich Heine 海涅<BR>Complete Poems 诗歌全集<BR>• Richard Wagner瓦格纳<BR>The Ring of the Nibelung 尼伯龙根的指环<BR>• Friedrich Nietzsche 尼采<BR>The Birth of Tragedy 悲剧的诞生<BR>Beyond Good and Evil善恶的彼岸<BR>On the Genealogy of Morals 论道德的谱系<BR>The Will to Power 权力意志<BR>• Theodor Fontane 冯塔纳<BR>Effi Briest 埃菲•布里斯特<BR>• Stefan George 格奥尔格<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR><STRONG>Russia俄罗斯</STRONG><BR>• Aleksandr Pushkin 普希金<BR>Complete Prose Tales 散文体故事全集<BR>Complete Poetry 诗歌全集<BR>Eugene Onegin 叶甫盖尼•奥涅金<BR>Narrative Poems 叙事诗集<BR>Boris Godunov 鲍里斯•戈东诺夫<BR>• Nikolay Gogol 果戈理<BR>The Complete Tales 故事全集<BR>Dead Souls 死魂灵<BR>The Government Inspector 钦差大臣<BR>• Mikhail Lermontov 莱蒙诺夫<BR>Narrative Poems 叙事诗集<BR>A Hero of Our Time 当代英雄<BR>• Segey Aksakov 阿克萨科夫<BR>A Family Chronicle 家庭纪事<BR>• Aleksandr Herzen 赫尔岑<BR>My Past and Thoughts 往事与随想<BR>From the Other Shore 来自彼岸<BR>• Ivan Goncharov 冈察洛夫<BR>The Frigate Pallada战舰巴拉达号<BR>Oblomov 奥勃洛莫夫<BR>• Ivan Turgenev 屠格涅夫<BR>A Sportsman\'s Notebook 猎人笔记<BR>A Month in the Country 乡居一月<BR>Fathers and Sons 父与子<BR>On the Eve 前夜<BR>First Love 初恋<BR>• Fyodor Dostoevsky 陀思妥耶夫斯基<BR>Notes from the Underground 地下室手记<BR>Crime and Punishment 罪与罚<BR>The Idiot 白痴<BR>The Possessed (The Devils) 群魔<BR>The Brothers Karamazov 卡拉马佐夫兄弟<BR>Short Novels 短篇小说集<BR>• Leo Tolstoy 托尔斯泰<BR>The Cossacks 哥萨克<BR>War and Peace 战争与和平<BR>Anna Karenina 安娜•卡列尼娜<BR>A Confession 忏悔录<BR>The Power of Darkness黑暗的势力<BR>Short Novels 短篇小说集<BR>• Nikolay Leskov 列斯科夫<BR>Tales 故事集<BR>• Aleksandr Ostrovsky 亚历山大•奥斯特托夫斯基<BR>The Storm 大雷雨<BR>• Nikolay Chernyshevsky 车尔尼雪夫斯基<BR>What is to Be Done? 怎么办?<BR>• Aleksandr Blok 勃洛克<BR>The Twelve and Other Poems 十二个及其他诗歌<BR>• Anton Chekhov 契诃夫<BR>The Tales 故事集<BR>The Major Plays 主要戏剧集<BR><STRONG>The United States美国<BR></STRONG>• Washington Irving 华盛顿•欧文<BR>The Sketch Book 见闻札记<BR>• William Cullen Bryant 威廉•卡伦•布莱恩特<BR>Collected Poems 诗选<BR>• James Fenimore Cooper 詹姆斯•费尼莫尔•库珀<BR>The Deerslayers 杀鹿者<BR>• John Greenleaf Whittier约翰•格林里夫•惠蒂埃<BR>Collected Poems 诗选<BR>• Ralph Waldo Emerson 爱默生<BR>Nature 论自然<BR>Essays, first and second series 随笔,第一辑和第二辑<BR>Representative Men 代表人物<BR>The Conduct of Life 生活行为<BR>Journals 日记<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Emily Dickinson 艾米莉•狄金森<BR>Complete Poems 诗歌全集<BR>• Walt Whitman 惠特曼<BR>Leaves of Grass, first edition 草叶集,第一版<BR>Leaves of Grass, third edition 草叶集,第二版<BR>The Complete Poems 诗歌全集<BR>Specimen Days 典型的日子<BR>• Nathaniel Hawthorne 霍桑<BR>The Scarlet Letter 红字<BR>Tales and Sketches 故事与小品<BR>The Marble Faun玉石雕像<BR>Notebooks 笔记<BR>• Herman Melville 麦尔维尔<BR>Moby-Dick 白鲸<BR>The Piazza Tales广场故事<BR>Billy Budd 比利•巴德<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>Clarel 克拉瑞尔<BR>• Edgar Allan Poe 爱伦•坡<BR>Poetry and Tales 诗歌与故事集<BR>Essays and Reviews 随笔和评论集<BR>The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym 亚瑟•戈登•皮姆的故事<BR>Eureka 尤莱卡/我找到了!<BR>• Jones Very 琼斯•维瑞<BR>Essays and Poems 随笔和诗集<BR>• Frederick Goddard Tuckerman 弗里德里克•戈达德•塔克曼<BR>The Cricket and Other Poems 蟋蟀和其他诗歌<BR>• Henry David Thoreau 梭罗<BR>Walden 瓦尔登湖<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>Essays 随笔集<BR>• Richard Henry Dana, Jr. 小理查德•亨利•达纳<BR>Two Years Before the Mast 航海两年<BR>• Frederick Douglass 弗里德里克•道格拉斯<BR>Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave 弗里德里克•道格拉斯的生平<BR>• Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 朗费罗<BR>Selected Poems 诗集<BR>• Sidney Lanier 西德尼•拉尼尔<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Francis Parkman 弗朗西斯•帕克曼<BR>France and England in North America 北美的法国和英国<BR>The California and Oregon Trail 加利福尼亚 和 草原千里<BR>• Henry Adams 亨利•亚当斯<BR>The Education of Henry Adams 亨利•亚当斯的教育<BR>Mont Saint-Michel and Chartres圣米塞尔山和沙德教堂<BR>• Ambrose Bierce 安布罗斯•比尔斯<BR>Collected Writings 作品选<BR>• Louisa May Alcott 路易莎•梅•奥尔科特<BR>Little Women 小妇人<BR>• Charles W. Chesnutt 查尔斯•W•切斯奈特<BR>The Short Fiction 短篇小说<BR>• Kate Chopin 凯特•肖邦<BR>The Awakening 觉醒<BR>• William Dean Howells 威廉•豪威尔斯<BR>The Rise of Silas Lapham 塞拉斯•拉帕姆的发迹<BR>A Modern Instance 现代婚姻<BR>• Stephen Crane 斯蒂芬•克莱恩<BR>The Red Badge of Courage 红色英勇勋章<BR>Stories and Poems 故事集与诗集<BR>• Henry James 亨利•詹姆斯<BR>The Portrait of a Lady 贵妇肖像<BR>The Bostonians 波士顿人<BR>The Princess Casamassima 卡萨玛希玛公主<BR>The Awkward Age 尴尬年代<BR>Short Novels and Tales 短篇小说和故事集<BR>The Ambassadors 大使/奉使记<BR>The Wings of the Dove 鸽翼<BR>The Golden Bowl 金碗<BR>• Harold Frederic 哈罗德•弗里德里克<BR>The Damnation of Theron Ware塞伦•威尔的毁灭/西伦•韦尔的堕落<BR>• Mark Twain 马克•吐温<BR>Complete Short Stories 短篇故事全集<BR>The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 哈克贝利•芬历险记<BR>The Devil\'s Racetrack 魔鬼的跑道<BR>Number Forty-Four: The Mysterious Stranger 四十四号:神秘的陌生人<BR>Pudd\'nhead Wilson 傻瓜威尔逊<BR>A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur\'s Court亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格州美国人<BR>• William James 威廉•詹姆斯<BR>The Varieties of Religious Experience 宗教经验种种<BR>Pragmatism 实用主义<BR>• Frank Norris 弗兰克•诺里斯<BR>The Octopus 章鱼<BR>• Sarah Orne Jewett萨拉•奥恩•朱厄特<BR>The Country of the Pointed Firs and Other Stories针枞之乡和其他故事<BR>• Trumbull Stickney 特兰布尔•斯蒂克尼<BR>Poems 诗集</DIV>

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<DIV><STRONG>D. The Chaotic Age: A Canonical Prophecy混乱时代:预言经典<BR></STRONG>"I am not as confident about this list as the first three. Cultural prophecy is always a mug\'s game. Not all of the works here can prove to be canonical; literary overpopulation is a hazard to many among them. But I have neither excluded nor included on the basis of cultural politics of any kind."(Bloom, p. 548)<BR>“这张单子我不像前三张那么有把握。对文化进行预言经常是一个危险的游戏。并不是这张单子里的所有作品都能成为经典。文学作品的过剩对其中的多数是一个危险。但我的取舍既不排斥也不包含任何形式的文化政治。”<BR><STRONG>Italy意大利</STRONG><BR>• Luigi Pirandello 皮兰德娄<BR>Naked Masks: Five Plays 赤裸的面具<BR>• Gabriele D\'Annunzio 邓南遮<BR>Maia: In Praise of Life 迈亚:生命颂<BR>• Dino Campana坎帕纳<BR>Orphic Songs 俄耳甫斯的歌<BR>• Umberto Saba萨巴<BR>Stories and Recollections 故事与回忆<BR>oems 诗集<BR>• Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa托马齐•迪•兰佩杜萨<BR>The Leopard 豹<BR>• Giuseppe Ungaretti 翁加雷蒂<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>The Buried Harbour: Selected Poems被埋葬的港口:诗选<BR>• Eugenio Montale 蒙塔莱<BR>The Storm and Other Things: Poems暴风雨和其他<BR>The Occasions: Poems境遇<BR>Cuttlefish Bones: Poems 乌贼骨<BR>Otherwise: Last and First Poems 别样:最后和最初的诗<BR>The Second Life of Art: Selected Essays 艺术的第二生命:散文选<BR>• Salvatore Quasimodo 夸西莫多<BR>Selected Writings: Poems and Discourse on Poetry 文选:诗歌与诗评<BR>• Tommaso Landolfi兰多尔菲<BR>Gogol\'s Wife and Other Stories 果戈理的妻子及其他故事<BR>• Leonardo Sciascia夏侠<BR>Day of the Owl 白天的猫头鹰<BR>Equal Danger 同样危险<BR>The Wine-Dark Sea: Thirteen Stories 酒暗海<BR>• Pier Paolo Pasolini 帕索里尼<BR>oems 诗集<BR>• Cesare Pavese 帕韦泽<BR>Hard Labor: Poems 苦役<BR>Dialogues with Leucò 与雷乌库的谈话<BR>• Primo Levi普里莫•莱维<BR>If Not Now, When? 若非此时更待何时?<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>The Periodic Table 元素周期表<BR>• Italo Svevo 斯韦沃<BR>The Confession of Zeno塞诺的意识<BR>As a Man Grows Older暮年<BR>• Giorgio Bassani巴萨尼<BR>The Heron苍鹭<BR>• Natalia Ginzburg娜塔丽亚•金兹伯格<BR>Family 家庭絮语<BR>• Elio Vittorini维多里尼<BR>Women of Messina墨西拿的妇女<BR>• Alberto Moravia 莫拉维亚<BR>1934  1934<BR>• Andrea Zanzotto赞佐多<BR>Selected Poetry 诗选<BR>• Italo Calvino 卡尔维诺<BR>Invisible Cities 看不见的城市<BR>The Baron in the Trees 树上的男爵<BR>If on a Winter\'s Night a Traveler 寒冬夜行人<BR>t zero零时间<BR>• Antonio Porta 波尔塔<BR>Kisses from Another Dream: Poems 另一个梦中的吻<BR><STRONG>Spain西班牙<BR></STRONG>• Miguel de Unamuno 乌纳穆诺<BR>Three Exemplary Novels 三部典范小说<BR>Our Lord Don Quixote堂吉诃德和桑丘的生活<BR>• Antonio Machado 马查多<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Juan Ramón Jiménez 希门内斯<BR>Invisible Reality: Poems 看不见的实在<BR>• Pedro Salinas萨利纳斯<BR>My Voice Because of You: Poems向你倾诉<BR>• Jorge Guillén 纪廉<BR>Guillén on Guillén: The Poetry and the Poet 纪廉论纪廉:诗歌与诗人<BR>• Vicente Aleixandre阿莱桑德雷<BR>A Longing for the Light: Selected Poems 渴望光明:诗选<BR>• Federico Garcia Lorca 加西亚•洛尔卡<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>Three Tragedies: Blood Wedding, Yerma, The House of Bernardo Alba 三部悲剧:血的婚礼,叶尔玛,贝尔纳达•阿尔瓦的家<BR>• Rafael Alberti 阿尔贝蒂<BR>The Owl\'s Insomnia: Poems 猫头鹰的失眠<BR>• Luis Cernuda塞尔努达<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Miguel Hernández 埃尔南德斯<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Blas de Otero奥特罗<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Camilo José Cela 塞拉<BR>The Hive 蜂房<BR>• Juan Goytisolo戈伊蒂索洛<BR>Space in Motion 移动的空间<BR><STRONG>Catalonia加泰罗尼亚</STRONG><BR>• Carles Ribá 里瓦<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• J. V. Foix 福依克斯<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Joan Perucho胡安•贝鲁丘<BR>Natural History 自然史<BR>• Merce Rodoreda梅尔丝•罗多雷达<BR>The Time of the Doves 鸽群时代<BR>• Pere Gimferrer贝雷•希菲雷<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Salvador Espríu 埃斯普利乌<BR>La Pell de Brau: Poems 牛皮:诗篇<BR><STRONG>ortugal葡萄牙</STRONG><BR>• Fernando Pessoa 佩索阿<BR>The Keeper of Sheep 羊主<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>Always Astonished: Selected Poems 总是惊讶:诗选<BR>The Book of Disquiet 惶然录<BR>• Jorge de Sena 塞纳<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• José Saramago 萨拉马戈<BR>Baltasar and Blimunda 修道院纪事<BR>• José Cardoso Pires荷西•卡多索•毕雷斯<BR>Ballad of Dogs\' Beach 群狗海滩民谣<BR>• Sophia de Mello Breyner索菲娅•安德雷森<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Eugénio de Andrade 安德拉德<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR><STRONG>France法国<BR></STRONG>• Anatole France 法朗士<BR>Penguin Island 企鹅岛<BR>Tha&iuml;s 黛依丝/苔依丝<BR>• Alain-Fournier 阿兰-傅尼耶<BR>Le Grand Meaulnes 大个子莫尔纳/大摩尔纳/故梦<BR>• Marcel Proust 普鲁斯特<BR>Remembrance of Things Past (In Search of Lost Time) 追忆似水年华<BR>• Andre Gide 纪德<BR>The Immoralist 背德者<BR>Corydon柯希唐医生/考列顿<BR>Lafcadio\'s Adventure (The Caves of the Vatican) 梵蒂冈的地窖<BR>The Counterfeiters 伪币制造者<BR>The Journals 日记<BR>• Colette 科莱特<BR>Collected Stories 故事集<BR>Retreat from Love 爱情的终结<BR>• Georges Bataille 乔治•巴塔耶<BR>Blue of Noon 正午的蓝色<BR>• Louis-Ferdinand Céline 塞利纳<BR>Journey to the End of Night 长夜行<BR>• René Daumal 勒内•多马尔<BR>Mount Analogue 相似的山<BR>• Jean Genet 热内<BR>Our Lady of the Flowers 百花圣母/鲜花圣母<BR>The Thief\'s Journal 小偷日记<BR>The Balcony 阳台<BR>• Jean Giraudoux 季洛杜<BR>Four Plays 戏剧四种<BR>• Alfred Jarry 阿尔弗雷德•雅里<BR>Selected Works 作品选<BR>• Jean Cocteau 让•科克托<BR>The Infernal Machine and Other Works 地狱的机器和其他作品<BR>• Guillaume Apollinaire 阿波利奈尔<BR>Selected Writings 作品选<BR>• André Breton 布勒东<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>Manifestoes of Surrealism 超现实主义宣言<BR>• Paul Valéry 瓦莱里/梵乐希<BR>The Art of Poetry 诗的艺术<BR>Selected Writings 作品选<BR>• René Char 勒内•夏尔<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Paul &Eacute;luard 艾吕雅<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Louis Aragon 阿拉贡<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Jean Giono 齐奥诺<BR>The Horseman 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Mystery of the Charity of Joan of Arc贞德<BR>• Bejamin Péret邦雅曼•佩雷<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Andé Malraux 安德烈•马尔罗<BR>The Conquerors 征服者<BR>The Royal Way 王家大道<BR>Man\'s Fate 人的命运<BR>Man\'s Hope 希望<BR>The Voices of Silence 沉默的声音<BR>• Fran&ccedil;ois Mauriac 弗朗索瓦•莫里亚克<BR>Therese 黛蕾丝<BR>The Desert of Love 爱的荒漠<BR>The Woman of the Pharisees 伪善的女人<BR>• Jean Anouilh让•阿努伊<BR>Becket 贝克特<BR>Antigone 安提戈涅<BR>Eurydice 欧律狄刻<BR>The Rehearsal 排练<BR>• Eugène Ionesco 尤内斯库<BR>The Bald Soprano 秃头歌女<BR>The Chairs 椅子<BR>The Lesson 教训<BR>Amédée 阿梅代<BR>Victims of Duty 责任的牺牲者<BR>Rhinoceros 犀牛<BR>• Maurice Blanchot 布朗肖<BR>Thomas the Obscure默默无闻的托马斯/黑暗的托马斯<BR>• Pierre Klossowski克洛索斯基<BR>The Laws of Hospitality 食宿规则<BR>The Baphomet 巴风特<BR>• Raymond Roussel 雷蒙•鲁塞尔/胡塞尔<BR>Locus Solus洛克斯•索罗斯<BR>• Antonin Artaud 安托南•阿尔托<BR>Selected Writings 作品选<BR>• Claude Lévi-Strauss 列维-斯特劳斯<BR>Tristes Tropiques 忧郁的热带<BR>• Alain Robbe-Grillet 罗伯-格里耶<BR>The Voyeur 窥视者<BR>Jealousy 嫉妒<BR>In the Labyrinth 迷宫<BR>The Erasers 橡皮<BR>Project for a Revolution in New York 纽约的革命时代<BR>For a New Novel 一部新小说<BR>• Nathalie Sarraute 娜塔莉•萨洛特<BR>The Use of Speech 演说的功用<BR>The Planetarium 天象仪<BR>• Claude Simon 克洛德•西蒙<BR>The Grass 草<BR>The Wind 风<BR>The Flanders Road 佛兰德公路<BR>• Marguerite Duras 杜拉斯<BR>The Lover 情人<BR>Four Novels 小说四部<BR>• Robert Pinget 潘热<BR>Fable 寓言<BR>The Libera Me Domine 主啊,解救我<BR>That Voice 声音<BR>• Michel Tournier 图尼埃<BR>The Ogre 桤木王<BR>Friday 礼拜五<BR>• Marguerite Yourcenar 尤瑟纳尔<BR>Coup de Grace 死刑/一弹解千愁<BR>Memoirs of Hadrian 哈德良回忆录<BR>• Jean Follain 让•福兰<BR>Transparence of the World: Poems 透明世界:诗篇<BR>• Yves Bonnefoy 博纳富瓦<BR>Words in Stone写字石<BR><STRONG>Great Britain and Ireland英国与爱尔兰</STRONG><BR>• William Butler Yeats 叶芝<BR>The Collected Poems 诗集<BR>Collected Plays 剧作集<BR>A Vision幻象<BR>Mythologies 神话<BR>• George Bernard Shaw 萧伯纳<BR>Major Critical Essays 主要批评文选<BR>Heartbreak House心碎之家<BR>Pygmalion 皮格马利翁/卖花女<BR>Saint Joan 圣女贞德<BR>Major Barbara 芭芭拉少校<BR>Back to Methuselah 长生/回到玛土撒拉/回复到密福沙勒的时代<BR>• John Millington Synge 辛格<BR>Collected Plays 剧作集<BR>• Sean O\'Casey 奥凯西<BR>Juno and the Paycock 朱诺和孔雀<BR>The Plough and the Stars犁与星<BR>The Shadow of a Gunman枪手的影子<BR>• George Douglas Brown 乔治•道格拉斯•布朗<BR>House with the Green Shutters 带绿色百叶窗的房子<BR>• Thomas Hardy 哈代<BR>The Well-Beloved意中人<BR>The Woodlanders林地居民<BR>The Return of the Native 还乡<BR>The Mayor of Casterbridge 卡斯特桥市长<BR>Far From the Madding Crowd 远离尘嚣<BR>Tess of the D\'Urbervilles 苔丝/德伯家的苔丝<BR>Jude the Obscure 无名的裘德<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Rudyard Kipling 吉卜林<BR>Kim 基姆<BR>Collected Stories 故事集<BR>Puck of Pook\'s Hill波克山中的小精灵<BR>Complete Verse 诗全集<BR>• A. E. Housman A.E.豪斯曼<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Max Beerbohm 马克斯•比尔博姆<BR>Zuleika Dobson朱莱卡•多卜森<BR>Seven Men and Two Others 七个男人和两个外人<BR>• Joseph Conrad 康拉德<BR>Lord Jim 吉姆爷<BR>The Secret Agent 间谍<BR>Nostromo 诺斯特拉莫<BR>Under Western Eyes在西方的注视下<BR>Victory 胜利<BR>• Ronald Firbank 罗纳德•菲尔班克<BR>Five Novels 小说五部<BR>• Ford Madox Ford 福特•麦多克斯•福特<BR>Parade\'s End行进的目的<BR>The Good Soldier 好兵<BR>• W. Somerset Maugham 毛姆<BR>Collected Short Stories 短篇小说集<BR>The Moon and Sixpence 月亮与六便士<BR>• John Cowper Powys约翰•考柏•波伊斯<BR>Wolf Solent 索隆特狼<BR>A Glastonbury Romance 格拉斯顿伯里传奇<BR>• Saki (H. H. Munro) 萨基<BR>The Short Stories 短篇故事集<BR>• H. G. Wells H.G.威尔斯<BR>The Science Fiction Novels 科幻小说集<BR>• David Lindsay 大卫•林赛<BR>A Voyage to Arcturus 大角星之旅<BR>• Arnold Bennett 阿诺德•班奈特<BR>The Old Wives\' Tale 老妇人的故事<BR>• Walter De la Mare 沃尔特•德拉梅尔<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>Memoirs of a Midget 侏儒回忆录<BR>• Wilfred Owen 威尔弗里德•欧文<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Isaac Rosenberg 艾萨克•罗森伯格<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Edward Thomas 爱德华•托马斯<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Robert Graves 罗伯特•格雷夫斯<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>King Jesus 耶稣王<BR>• Edwin Muir 埃德温•缪尔<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• David Jones 大卫•琼斯<BR>In Parenthesis 括号<BR>The Anathemata 咒逐<BR>• John Galsworthy 高尔斯华绥<BR>The Forsyte Saga 福尔赛世家<BR>• E. M. Forster E.M.福斯特<BR>Howards End 霍华德别业<BR>A Passage to India 印度之行<BR>• Frank O\'Connor 弗兰克•奥康纳<BR>Collected Stories 故事集<BR>• D. H. Lawrence D.H.劳伦斯<BR>Complete Poems 诗歌全集<BR>Studies in Classic American Literature 美国古典文学研究<BR>Complete Short Stories 短篇小说全集<BR>Sons and Lovers 儿子与情人<BR>The Rainbow 虹<BR>Women in Love 恋爱中的女人<BR>• Virginia Woolf 伍尔芙<BR>Mrs. Dalloway 达洛维夫人<BR>To the Lighthouse 到灯塔去<BR>Orlando: A Biography 奥兰多<BR>The Waves 海浪<BR>Between the Acts 幕间<BR>• James Joyce 乔伊斯<BR>Dubliners 都柏林人<BR>Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 一个青年艺术家的肖像<BR>Ulysses 尤利西斯<BR>Finnegans Wake 芬尼根的苏醒/为芬尼根守灵<BR>• Samuel Beckett 贝克特<BR>Murphy 莫非<BR>Watt 瓦特<BR>Three Novels: Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnameable 小说三部曲:莫洛伊,马洛纳之死,难以命名者<BR>Waiting for Godot 等待戈多<BR>Endgame 终局<BR>Krapp\'s Last Game 克拉普的最后磁带<BR>How It Is 如此情况<BR>• Elizabeth Bowen 伊丽莎白•鲍恩<BR>Collected Stories 故事集<BR>• J. G. Farrell J. G.法雷尔<BR>The Siege of Krishnapur 克里希普纳围城<BR>• Henry Green 亨利•格林<BR>Nothing 虚无<BR>Loving 爱着<BR>Party Going 赴宴<BR>• Evelyn Waugh 伊夫林•沃<BR>A Handful of Dust 一抔尘土<BR>Scoop 独家新闻<BR>Vile Bodies 邪恶的躯体<BR>Put Out More Flags 多升几面旗<BR>• Anthony Burgess 安东尼•伯吉斯<BR>Nothing Like the Sun 唯一的太阳<BR>• G. B. Edwards G. B.爱德华兹<BR>The Book of Ebenezer Le Page 埃比尼泽•勒•佩奇之书<BR>• Iris Murdoch 爱丽丝•默多克<BR>The Good Apprentice 好徒弟<BR>Bruno\'s Dream 布鲁诺的梦<BR>• Graham Greene 格雷厄姆•格林<BR>Brighton Rock 布莱顿硬糖<BR>The Heart of the Matter 问题的核心<BR>The Power and the Glory 权利与荣耀<BR>• Christopher Isherwood 克里斯托弗•衣修伍德<BR>The Berlin Stories 柏林故事<BR>• Norman Douglas 诺曼•道格拉斯<BR>South Wind 南风<BR>• Aldous Huxley 阿道斯•赫胥黎<BR>Collected Essays 散文选<BR>Antic Hay滑稽的环舞<BR>Point Counter Point旋律和对立<BR>Brave New World 美丽新世界<BR>• Lawrence Durrell 劳伦斯•达雷尔<BR>Alexandria Quartet 亚历山大四部曲<BR>• William Golding 威廉•戈尔丁<BR>Pincher Martin 品彻•马丁<BR>• Doris Lessing 多丽丝•莱辛<BR>The Golden Notebook 金色笔记<BR>• Mervyn Peake 马文•匹克<BR>The Gormenghast Trilogy 歌门鬼城三部曲<BR>• Jeanette Winterson珍妮特•温特森<BR>The Passion 激情<BR>• W. H. Auden W. H.奥登<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>The Dyer\'s Hand染匠之手<BR>• Roy Fuller 罗伊•富勒<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Gavin Ewart 加文•艾瓦特<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Basil Bunting 邦廷<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• William Empson 燕卜荪<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>Milton\'s God 弥尔顿的上帝<BR>Some Versions of Pastoral 田园诗的几种变体<BR>• George Wilson Knight 乔治•威尔森•奈特<BR>The Wheel of Fire 火轮<BR>The Burning Oracle 燃烧的神谕<BR>• R. S. Thomas R. S.托马斯<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Frank Kermode 弗兰克•柯莫德<BR>The Sense of an Ending 结尾的意义<BR>• Stevie Smith 史蒂夫•史密斯<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• F. T. Prince F. T.普林斯<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Philip Larkin 菲利普•拉金<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Donald Davie 唐纳德•戴维<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Geoffrey Hill 杰弗里•希尔<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Jonathan Spence 史景迁<BR>The Death of Woman Wang 王氏之死<BR>The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci 利玛窦的记忆迷宫<BR>• Elizabeth Jennings 伊丽莎白•詹宁斯<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Keith Douglas 基思•道格拉斯<BR>The Complete Poems 诗歌全集<BR>• Hugh MacDiarmid 休•麦克迪尔米德<BR>Complete Poems 诗歌全集<BR>• Louis MacNeice 刘易斯•麦克尼斯<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Dylan Thomas 迪伦•托马斯<BR>The Poems 诗集<BR>• Nigel Dennis 奈杰尔•丹尼斯<BR>Cards of Identity 身份证<BR>• Seamus Heaney 希尼<BR>Selected Poems: 1969-1987 诗选:1969-1987<BR>Field Work 农活<BR>Station Island史泰逊岛<BR>• Thomas Kinsella 托马斯•金塞拉<BR>Peppercanister Poems 胡椒罐诗集<BR>• Paul Muldoon 保罗•马尔登<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• John Montague 约翰•蒙塔古<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• John Arden 约翰•阿登<BR>Plays 戏剧集<BR>• Joe Orton 乔•奥顿<BR>The Complete Plays 戏剧全集<BR>• Flann O\'Brien 弗莱恩•奥布莱恩<BR>The Dalkey Archive 道尔基档案<BR>The Third Policeman 第三个警察<BR>• Tom Stoppard 汤姆•斯托帕德<BR>Travesties 滑稽模仿<BR>• Harold Pinter 哈罗德•品特<BR>The Caretaker 看门人<BR>The Homecoming 归家<BR>• Edward Bond 爱德华•邦德<BR>The Fool 愚人<BR>Saved 获救<BR>• George Orwell 乔治•奥威尔<BR>Collected Essays 散文集<BR>1984  1984<BR>• Edna O\'Brien 爱德娜•奥布莱恩<BR>A Fanatic Heart 狂热的心<BR><STRONG>Germany德国</STRONG><BR>• Hugo von Hofmannsthal 霍夫曼斯塔尔<BR>Poems and Verse Plays 诗歌和诗剧<BR>Selected Prose 散文选<BR>Selected Plays and Libretti 戏剧和歌词选<BR>• Rainer Maria Rilke 里尔克<BR>Selected Poetry (including the Duino Elegies) 诗选(包括《杜伊诺哀歌》)<BR>The Sonnets to Orpheus致俄耳甫斯十四行<BR>The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge马尔特•劳里茨•布里格笔记<BR>New Poems: First Part and Other Part <BR>• Hermann Broch 布洛赫/布洛克<BR>The Sleepwalkers 梦游者<BR>The Death of Virgil 维吉尔之死<BR>Hugo von Hofmannsthal and His Time 霍夫曼斯塔尔和他的时代<BR>• Georg Trakl 特拉克尔<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Gottfried Benn戈特弗里德•本<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Franz Kafka 卡夫卡<BR>Amerika 美国<BR>The Complete Stories 短篇小说全集<BR>The Blue Octavo Notebook 蓝色八开本笔记<BR>The Trial 审判<BR>The Diaries 日记<BR>The Castle 城堡<BR>Parables, Fragments, Aphorisms 寓言,片段,格言<BR>• Bertolt Brecht 布莱希特<BR>Poems, 1913-1956 诗集,1913-1956<BR>The Threepenny Opera 三毛钱歌剧<BR>The Good Woman of Setzuan四川好人<BR>Mother Courage and Her Children大胆妈妈和她的孩子们<BR>Galileo 伽利略<BR>The Caucasian Chalk Circle高加索灰阑记<BR>• Arthur Schnitzler阿尔图尔•施尼茨勒<BR>Plays and Stories 戏剧和故事<BR>• Frank Wedekind 魏特金<BR>Lulu Plays 露露<BR>Spring Awakening 春之醒<BR>• Karl Krauss卡尔•克劳斯<BR>The Last Days of Mankind 人类的末日<BR>• Günter Eich君特•艾希<BR>Moles 鼹鼠<BR>• Thomas Mann 托马斯•曼<BR>The Magic Mountain 魔山<BR>Stories of Three Decades 三十年间小说集<BR>Joseph and His Brothers约瑟和他的兄弟们<BR>Doctor Faustus 浮士德<BR>Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man大骗子菲利克斯•克鲁尔的自白<BR>• Alfred D&ouml;blin 德布林<BR>Berlin Alexanderplatz 柏林亚历山大广场<BR>• Hermann Hesse 黑塞<BR>The Glass Bead Game (Magister Ludi) 玻璃球游戏<BR>Narcissus and Goldmund纳尔齐斯和歌尔德蒙<BR>• Robert Musil 罗伯特•穆齐尔<BR>Young T&ouml;rless青年特尔勒斯<BR>The Man Without Qualities 没有个性的人<BR>• Joseph Roth约瑟夫•洛特<BR>The Radetzky March 拉德茨基进行曲<BR>• Paul Celan 保罗•策兰<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Thomas Bernhard 托马斯•伯恩哈特<BR>Woodcutters 木刻家<BR>• Heinrich B&ouml;ll海因里希•伯尔<BR>Billiards at Half-Past Nine九点半钟的台球<BR>• Ingeborg Bachmann英格褒•巴赫曼<BR>In the Storm of Roses 玫瑰风暴<BR>• Hans Magnus Enzensberger恩岑斯贝格<BR>Poems for People Who Don\'t Read Poems 给不读诗者的诗<BR>• Walter Benjamin 本雅明<BR>Illuminations 启迪<BR>• Robert Walser 罗伯特•瓦尔泽<BR>Selected Stories 故事选<BR>• Christa Wolf克里斯蒂•沃尔夫<BR>Cassandra 卡桑德拉<BR>• Peter Handke彼得•汉特克<BR>Slow Homecoming 迟归<BR>• Max Frisch马克斯•费里施<BR>I\'m Not Stiller 我不是斯蒂勒<BR>Man in the Holocene 全新世的人类<BR>• Günter Grass 君特•格拉斯<BR>The Tin Drum 铁皮鼓<BR>The Flounder 比目鱼<BR>• Friedrich Dürrenmatt 迪伦马特<BR>The Visit 老妇还乡<BR>• Johannes Bobrowski约翰内斯•波勃罗夫斯基<BR>Shadow Lands 阴影大地<BR><STRONG>Russia俄罗斯<BR></STRONG>• Anna Akhmatova 阿赫玛托娃<BR>Poems 诗集<BR>• Leonid Andreyev 安德烈耶夫<BR>Selected Tales 故事选<BR>• Andrey Bely 别雷<BR>Petersburg 彼得堡<BR>• Osip Mandelshtam 曼德尔斯塔姆<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Velimir Khlebnikov赫列勃尼科夫<BR>The King of Time 时间之王<BR>• Vladimir Mayakovsky 马雅可夫斯基<BR>The Bedbug and Selected Poetry 臭虫及诗选<BR>• Mikhail Bulgakov 布尔加科夫<BR>The Master and the Margarita 大师与玛格丽特<BR>• Mikhail Kuzmin 库兹明<BR>Alexandrian Songs 亚历山大之歌<BR>• Maksim Gorky 高尔基<BR>Reminiscences of Tolstoy, Chekhov, and Andreev 回忆托尔斯泰,契诃夫和安德烈耶夫<BR>Autobiography 自传<BR>• Ivan Bunin 蒲宁<BR>Selected Stories 故事选<BR>• Isaac Babel 巴别尔<BR>Collected Stories 故事集<BR>• Boris Pasternak 帕斯捷尔纳克<BR>Doctor Zhivago 日瓦戈医生<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Yury Olesha 阿廖莎<BR>Envy 嫉妒<BR>• Marina Tsvetayeva 茨维塔耶娃<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Mikhail Zoshchenko 左琴科<BR>Nervous People and Other Satires 紧张的人和其他讽刺故事<BR>• Andrei Platonov 普拉东诺夫<BR>The Foundation Pit 地坑<BR>• Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 索尔仁尼琴<BR>One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich 伊凡•杰尼索维奇的一天<BR>The Cancer Ward 癌症楼<BR>The Gulag Archipelago 古拉格群岛<BR>August 1914 1914年8月<BR>• Joesph Brodsky 布洛茨基<BR>A Part of Speech: Poems 言语的一部分:诗歌<BR><STRONG>Scandinavia斯堪的纳维亚<BR></STRONG>• Isak Dinesen 迪内森<BR>Winter\'s Tales 冬天的故事<BR>Seven Gothic Tales 7个哥特故事<BR>• Martin Andersen Nex&oslash; 尼克索<BR>Pelle the Conqueror 征服者贝莱<BR>• Knut Hamsun 哈姆生<BR>Hunger 饥饿<BR>Pan 潘<BR>• Sigrid Undset西格丽德•温塞特<BR>Kristin Lavransdatter克丽丝汀•拉芙兰斯达忒<BR>• Gunnar Ekel&ouml;f 埃盖洛夫<BR>Guide to the Underworld阴间指南<BR>• Tomas Transtr&ouml;mer 特朗斯特罗姆<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• P&auml;r Lagerkvist拉格奎斯特/拉格尔克维斯特<BR>Barabbas大盗巴拉巴<BR>• Lars Gustafsson 古斯塔夫森<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR><STRONG>Serbo-Croat塞尔维亚-克罗地亚<BR></STRONG>• Ivo Andric伊沃•安德里奇<BR>The Bridge on the Drina德里纳河上的桥<BR>• Vasko Popa瓦斯科•波帕<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Danilo Kis达尼洛•基什<BR>A Tomb for Boris Davidovich 鲍里斯•达维多维奇的坟墓<BR>Czech捷克<BR>• Karel Capek 恰佩克<BR>War with the Newts 鱿鱼之乱<BR>R.U.R. R.U.R<BR>• Vaclav Havel 哈维尔<BR>Largo Desolato悲情声声慢<BR>• Milan Kundera 昆德拉<BR>The Unbearable Lightness of Being 生命中不能承受之轻<BR>• Jaroslav Seifert雅罗斯拉夫•塞弗尔特<BR>Selected Poetry 诗选<BR>• Miroslav Holub米洛斯拉夫•赫鲁伯 <BR>The Fly 苍蝇<BR><STRONG>Polish波兰</STRONG><BR>• Bruno Schulz布鲁诺•舒尔茨<BR>The Street of Crocodiles 鳄鱼街<BR>Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass 砂制时镜下的疗养院<BR>• Czeslaw Milosz 米沃什<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Witold Gombrowicz 贡布罗维奇<BR>Three Novels 小说三种<BR>• Stanislaw Lem斯坦尼斯拉夫•莱姆<BR>The Investigation 调查<BR>Solaris飞向太空/索拉里斯星/太阳系<BR>• Zbigniew Herbert齐别根纽•赫伯特<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Adam Zagajewski亚当•扎加耶夫斯基<BR>Tremor 战栗<BR><STRONG>Hungarian匈牙利<BR></STRONG>• Attila József 约瑟夫<BR>Perched on Nothing\'s Branch 栖息在乌有之枝<BR>• Ferenc Juhasz菲兰克•茱哈兹<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Laszlo Németh 内迈特<BR>Guilt 有罪<BR><STRONG>Modern Greek当代希腊</STRONG><BR>• C. P. Cavafy 卡瓦菲<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• George Seferis 塞弗里斯<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Nikos Kazantzakis 卡赞扎基斯<BR>The Greek Passion 希腊激情<BR>The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel 奥德赛:现代续篇<BR>• Yannis Ritsos扬尼斯•里索斯<BR>Exile and Return 放逐与回归<BR>• Odysseas Elytis埃利蒂斯<BR>What I Love: Selected Poems 我所爱:诗选<BR>• Angelos Sikelianos西凯里阿诺斯<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR><STRONG>Yiddish意第绪语</STRONG><BR>• Sholem Aleichem肖洛姆•阿莱赫姆<BR>Tevye the Dairyman and The Railroad Stories 记日记者特维与铁路故事<BR>The Nightingale 夜莺<BR>• Mendele Mokher Seforim 塞弗里姆<BR>The Travels and Adventures of Benjamin the Third 便雅悯三世的旅行与历险<BR>• I. L. Peretz 佩雷兹<BR>Selected Stories 诗选<BR>• Jacob Glatstein 雅各•格莱斯坦<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Moshe-Leib Halpern 哈尔佩尔恩<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• H. Leivick (Leivick Halpern) 莱维克<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Israel Joshua Singer 以色列•约书亚•辛格<BR>The Brothers Ashkenazi 亚实基拿兄弟们<BR>Yoshe Kalb 约瑟•卡尔布<BR>• Chaim Grade格拉达<BR>The Yeshiva经学院<BR>• S. Ansky S.安斯基<BR>The Dybbuk 附鬼<BR>• Mani Leib 莱布<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Sholem Asch 肖洛姆•阿施<BR>East River 东河<BR>• Isaac Bashevis Singer艾萨克•巴什维斯•辛格<BR>Collected Stories 故事集<BR>In My Father\'s Court 在我父亲的庭院里<BR>The Manor, the Estate, the Family Moskat 庄园,产业,莫斯卡特一家<BR>Satan in Goray撒旦在戈雷/撒旦在哥瑞<BR><STRONG>Hebrew希伯来语<BR></STRONG>• Hayyim Nahman Bialik比利亚克 <BR>Shirot Bialik: The Epic Poems 施罗特•比利亚克:史诗诗歌<BR>• S. Y. Agnon 艾格农<BR>In the Heart of the Seas 在海的心脏<BR>Twenty-One Stories 故事二十一篇<BR>• Aharon Appelfeld阿亥龙•阿佩菲尔德<BR>The Immortal Bartfuss 不朽的巴特法斯<BR>Badenheim 1939 1939年的巴登海姆 <BR>• Yaakov Shabtai雅可夫•萨巴泰<BR>Past Continuous 昔日绵绵<BR>• Yehuda Amichai 阿米亥<BR>Selected Poetry 诗选<BR>Travels 旅行<BR>• A. B. Yehoshua A. B.耶和舒华<BR>A Late Divorce 迟来的离婚<BR>• Amos Oz 阿摩斯•奥兹<BR>A Perfect Peace 完美的和平<BR>• T. Carmi T.卡尔米<BR>At the Stone of Losses 迷路石<BR>• Nathan Zach 扎克<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Dalia Ravikovitch 拉维科维奇<BR>A Dress of Fire 火装<BR>• Dan Pagis 丹•帕吉斯<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• David Shahar 大卫•沙哈尔<BR>The Palace of Shattered Vessels 破碎器皿之宫<BR>• David Grossman大卫•格罗斯曼<BR>See Under: Love徵之于:爱<BR>• Yoram Kaniuk 坎纽克<BR>His Daughter 他的女儿<BR><STRONG>Arabic阿拉伯语<BR></STRONG>• Najib Mahfuz 纳吉布•马哈福兹<BR>Midaq Alley麦达格巷<BR>Fountain and Tomb 喷泉与公寓<BR>Miramar米拉玛尔公寓<BR>• Adunis 阿杜尼斯<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Mahmud Darwish玛哈穆德•达维什<BR>The Music of Human Flesh 众生音乐<BR>• Taha Husayn 侯赛因<BR>An Egyptian Childhood 埃及童年<BR><STRONG>Latin America拉丁美洲<BR></STRONG>• Rubén Dário 鲁文•达里奥<BR>Selected Poetry 诗选<BR>• Jorge Luis Borges 博尔赫斯<BR>The Aleph and Other Stories 阿莱夫和其他故事<BR>Dreamtigers (The Maker) 梦虎<BR>Ficciones 杜撰集<BR>Labyrinths 迷宫<BR>A Personal Anthology 自选集<BR>• Alejo Carpentier 卡彭铁尔<BR>Explosion in a Cathedral 教堂大爆炸<BR>The Lost Steps 消失的足迹<BR>Reasons of State 国家的理由<BR>The Kingdom of This World人间王国/这个世界的王国<BR>• Guillermo Cabrera Infante吉列尔莫•卡夫雷拉•因方特<BR>Three Trapped Tigers三只忧伤的老虎<BR>View of Dawn in the Tropics 热带黎明景色<BR>• Severo Sarduy塞维洛•萨尔度<BR>Maitreya弥勒<BR>• Reinaldo Arenas雷纳尔多•阿里纳斯<BR>The Ill-Fated Peregrinations of Fray Servando 弗雷•塞尔万多的背运旅程<BR>• Pablo Neruda 聂鲁达<BR>Canto General 漫歌<BR>Residence on Earth 土地的居民<BR>Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair 二十首情诗和一支伤心的歌<BR>Fully Empowered 全权<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Nicolás Guillén 纪廉<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Octavio Paz 帕斯<BR>The Collected Poems 诗集<BR>The Labyrinth of Solitude 孤独的迷宫<BR>• César Vallejo 巴列霍<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>Spain, Take This Cup from Me 西班牙,为我拿开这杯苦酒<BR>• Miguel Angel Asturias 阿斯图里亚斯<BR>Men of Maize 玉米人<BR>• José Lezama Lima何西•雷萨马•利马<BR>Paradiso 天堂<BR>• José Donoso何西•多诺索<BR>The Obscene Bird of Night 淫秽的夜鸟<BR>• Julio Cortázar 科塔萨尔<BR>Hopscotch 跳房子<BR>All Fires the Fire万火归一火<BR>Blow-up and Other Stories 放大及其他小说<BR>• Gabriel García Márquez 加西亚•马尔克斯<BR>One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独<BR>Love in the Time of Cholera 霍乱时期的爱情<BR>• Mario Vargas Llosa 巴尔加斯•略萨<BR>The War of the End of the World世界末日之战<BR>• Carlos Fuentes 卡洛斯•富恩特斯<BR>A Change of Skin 换皮<BR>Terra Nostra 我们的土地<BR>• Carlos Drummond de Andrade卡洛斯•德拉蒙德•德•安德拉德<BR>Travelling in the Family 居家旅行<BR><STRONG>The West Indies西印度群岛<BR></STRONG>• C. L. R. James C. L. R.詹姆斯<BR>The Black Jacobins 黑色雅各宾派<BR>The Future in the Present 现在的未来<BR>• V. S. Naipaul 奈保尔<BR>A Bend in the River 河弯<BR>A House for Mr. Biswas 毕斯沃斯先生的房子<BR>• Derek Walcott德雷克•沃尔科特<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Wilson Harris 威尔逊•哈里斯<BR>The Guyana Quartet 圭亚那四重奏<BR>• Michael Thelwell 迈克尔•瑟尔维尔<BR>The Harder They Come 越爱越认真<BR>• Aimé Césaire埃梅•塞萨尔<BR>Collected Poetry 诗集<BR><STRONG>Africa非洲<BR></STRONG>• Chinua Achebe阿契贝<BR>Things Fall Apart 瓦解<BR>Arrow of God 神箭<BR>No Longer at Ease 动荡<BR>• Wole Soyinka 索因卡<BR>A Dance of the Forest 森林之舞<BR>• Amos Tutuola阿摩斯•图图欧拉<BR>The Palm-Wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-Wine Tapster in the Dead\'s Town棕榈酒鬼,以及他在死人镇的死酒保<BR>• Christopher Okigbo 克里斯托弗•奥基博<BR>Labyrinths, with Path of Thunder 迷宫,以及雷路<BR>• John Pepper Clark (-Bekederemo) 约翰•佩柏•克拉克<BR>Casualties: Poems 伤亡:诗篇<BR>• Ayi K. Armah 阿马<BR>The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born 美丽者还没有诞生<BR>• Wa Thiong\'o Ngugi 恩古吉<BR>A Grain of Wheat 一粒麦种<BR>• Gabriel Okara 加布里埃尔•奥卡拉<BR>The Fisherman\'s Invocation 渔夫的符咒<BR>• Nadine Gordimer 纳丁•戈迪默<BR>Collected Stories 小说集<BR>• J. M. Coetzee J. M.库切<BR>Foe 仇敌<BR>• Athol Fugard阿索尔•富加德<BR>A Lesson from Aloes 阿罗斯的教训<BR>• Léopold S. Senghor 莱奥波德•桑戈尔<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR><STRONG>India (in English)印度英语文学<BR></STRONG>• R. K. Narayan R. K.纳拉扬<BR>The Guide 向导<BR>• Salman Rushdie 拉什迪<BR>Midnight\'s Children 午夜的孩子<BR>• Ruth Prawer Jhabvala 杰布瓦拉<BR>Heat and Dust 热与灰<BR><STRONG>Canada加拿大<BR></STRONG>• Malcolm Lowry 马尔克姆•劳利<BR>Under the Volcano 在火山下<BR>• Robertson Davies 罗伯逊•戴维斯<BR>The Deptford Trilogy德普特福德三部曲<BR>The Rebel Angels 反叛的天使<BR>• Alice Munro 爱丽丝•芒罗<BR>Something I\'ve Been Meaning to Tell You有件事我一直想告诉你<BR>• Northrop Frye诺斯罗普•弗莱<BR>Fables of Identity同一的寓言<BR>• Anne Hébert 安娜•埃贝尔<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Jay Macpherson 杰伊•麦克弗森<BR>Poems Twice Told 两次讲述的诗篇<BR>• Margaret Atwood 玛格丽特•阿特伍德<BR>Surfacing 浮现<BR>• Daryl Hine戴瑞•海因<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR><STRONG>Australia and New Zealand澳大利亚和新西兰<BR></STRONG>• Miles (Stella) Franklin 迈尔斯•富兰克林<BR>My Brilliant Career 我的光辉生涯<BR>• Katherine Mansfield 凯瑟琳•曼斯菲尔德<BR>The Short Stories 短篇故事集<BR>• A. D. Hope A. D.霍普<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Patrick White 帕特里克•怀特<BR>Riders in the Chariot 四驾车/乘战车的人<BR>A Fringe of Leaves 树叶裙<BR>Voss 探险家沃斯<BR>• Christina Stead 克里斯蒂娜•斯特德<BR>The Man Who Loved Children一个热爱孩子的男人<BR>• Judith Wright 朱迪思•赖特<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Les A. Murray 默里<BR>The Rabbiter\'s Bounty: Collected Poems 猎兔者的奖赏:诗集<BR>• Thomas Keneally 托马斯•基尼利<BR>The Playmaker 剧作者<BR>Schindler\'s List 辛德勒的名单/辛德勒的方舟<BR>• David Malouf 大卫•马洛夫<BR>An Imaginary Life 一种想象的生活<BR>• Kevin Hart 凯文•哈特<BR>Peniel and Other Poems 便以利及其他诗作<BR>• Peter Carey 彼得•凯里<BR>Oscar and Lucinda 奥斯卡与露辛达<BR>Illywhacker 骗子/不完美的吹牛皮者<BR><STRONG>The United States美国<BR></STRONG>• Edwin Arlington Robinson 埃德温•阿灵顿•罗宾逊<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Robert Frost 罗伯特•弗洛斯特<BR>The Poetry 诗集<BR>• Edith Wharton 伊迪丝•华顿<BR>Collected Short Stories 短篇故事集<BR>The Age of Innocence 纯真年代<BR>Ethan Frome 伊坦•弗洛美<BR>The House of Mirth 欢乐之家<BR>The Custom of the Country 乡土风俗<BR>• Willa Cather 薇拉•凯瑟<BR>My &Aacute;ntonia 我的安东尼娅<BR>The Professor\'s House 教授的住宅<BR>A Lost Lady 一个沉沦的妇女<BR>• Gertrude Stein 格特鲁德•斯坦因<BR>Three Lives 三个女人<BR>The Geographical History of America 美国地理历史<BR>The Making of Americans 美国人的成长<BR>Tender Buttons 软纽扣<BR>• Wallace Stevens 华勒斯•斯蒂文斯<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>The Necessary Angel <BR>Opus Posthumous 遗作集<BR>The Palm at the End of the Mind 心底的棕榈<BR>• Vachel Lindsay 瓦切尔•林赛<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Edgar Lee Masters 埃德加•李•马斯特<BR>Spoon River Anthology 匙河集<BR>• Theodore Dreiser 德莱塞<BR>Sister Carrie 嘉丽妹妹<BR>An American Tragedy 美国悲剧<BR>• Sherwood Anderson 舍伍德•安德森<BR>Winesburg, Ohio小城畸人<BR>Death in the Woods and Other Stories 林中之死及其他短篇故事<BR>• Sinclair Lewis 辛克莱•刘易斯<BR>Babbitt 巴比特<BR>It Can\'t Happen Here 不可能在这里发生<BR>• Elinor Wylie 埃莉诺•怀利<BR>Last Poems 最后的诗篇<BR>• William Carlos Williams W.C.威廉斯<BR>Spring and All 春天和一切<BR>Paterson 佩特森<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Ezra Pound 庞德<BR>Personae: Collected Poems 人物:诗集<BR>The Cantos 诗章<BR>Literary Essays 文学论文集<BR>• Robinson Jeffers 罗宾逊•杰弗斯<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Marianne Moore 玛丽安娜•莫尔<BR>Complete Poems 诗歌全集<BR>• Hilda Doolittle (H.D.) 希尔达•杜特丽尔<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• John Crowe Ransom约翰•克娄•兰塞姆<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• T. S. Eliot T. S.艾略特<BR>The Complete Poems and Plays 诗歌与戏剧全集<BR>Selected Essays 散文选<BR>• Katherine Anne Porter 凯瑟琳•安•波特<BR>Collected Stories 故事集<BR>• Jean Toomer 让•图默<BR>Cane 甘蔗<BR>• John Dos Passos 约翰•多斯•帕索斯<BR>U.S.A. 美国<BR>• Conrad Aiken 康拉德•艾肯<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Eugene O\'Neill 尤金•奥尼尔<BR>Lazarus Laughed拉撤路笑了<BR>The Iceman Cometh卖冰人来了<BR>Long Day\'s Journey Into Night长夜漫漫路迢迢<BR>• e. e. cummings e. e.卡明斯<BR>Complete Poems 诗歌全集<BR>• John B. Wheelwright 约翰•威尔赖特<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Robert Fitzgerald 罗伯特•菲茨杰拉德<BR>Spring Shade: Poems 春色:诗篇<BR>• Louise Bogan 路易斯•布谨<BR>The Blue Estuaries: Selected Poems 蓝色的港湾:诗选<BR>• Léonie Adams 亚当斯<BR>Poems: A Selection 诗选<BR>• Hart Crane 哈特•克莱恩<BR>Complete Poems and Selected Letters and Prose 诗歌全集和书信与散文选<BR>• Allen Tate 爱伦•泰特<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• F. Scott Fitzgerald 斯科特•菲茨杰拉德<BR>Babylon Revisited and Other Stories 重访巴比伦和其他小说<BR>The Great Gatsby 伟大的盖茨比<BR>Tender is the Night 夜色温柔<BR>• William Faulkner 威廉•福克纳<BR>As I Lay Dying 我弥留之际<BR>Sanctuary 圣殿<BR>Light in August 八月之光<BR>Absalom, Absalom! 押沙龙,押沙龙!<BR>The Sound and the Fury 喧哗与骚动<BR>The Wild Palms 野棕榈<BR>The Collected Stories 故事集<BR>The Hamlet 村子<BR>• Ernest Hemingway 海明威<BR>Complete Short Stories 短篇小说全集<BR>A Farewell to Arms 永别了,武器<BR>The Sun Also Rises 太阳照样升起<BR>The Garden of Eden 伊甸园<BR>• John Steinbeck 约翰•斯坦贝克<BR>The Grapes of Wrath 愤怒的葡萄<BR>• Zora Neale Hurston 佐拉•尼尔•赫斯顿<BR>Their Eyes Were Watching God 凝望上帝/他们眼望上苍<BR>• Nathanael West 纳撒尼尔•韦斯特<BR>Miss Lonelyhearts 寂寞芳心小姐<BR>A Cool Million 整整一百万<BR>The Day of the Locust 灾难之日/蝗虫之日<BR>• Richard Wright 理查德•赖特<BR>Native Son 土生子<BR>Black Boy 黑人男孩<BR>• Eudora Welty 尤多拉•韦尔蒂<BR>Collected Stories 小说集<BR>Delta Wedding 三角洲婚礼<BR>The Robber Bridegroom 强盗新郎<BR>The Ponder Heart默思的心/庞德的心<BR>• Langston Hughes 朗斯顿•休斯<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>The Big Sea 大海<BR>I Wonder as I Wander我漂泊,我疑惑/漫游与畅想<BR>• Edmund Wilson 埃德蒙•威尔逊<BR>The Shores of Light 光明之岸<BR>Patriotic Gore爱国者之血<BR>• Kenneth Burke 肯尼斯•伯克<BR>Counter-statement 反陈述<BR>A Rhetoric of Motives 动机修辞学<BR>• Joseph Mitchell 约瑟夫•米切尔<BR>Up in the Old Hotel 在老旅馆里<BR>• Abraham Cahan 亚伯拉罕•<BR>The Rise of David Levinsky 大卫•列文斯基的崛起<BR>• Kay Boyle 凯•博伊尔<BR>Three Short Novels 短篇小说三篇<BR>• Ellen Glasgow 埃伦•格拉斯哥<BR>Barren Ground 不毛之地<BR>Vein of Iron 钢筋铁骨<BR>• John P. Marquand 约翰•马昆德<BR>H. M. Pulham, Esquire 普尔哈姆先生<BR>• John O\'Hara 约翰•奥哈拉<BR>Collected Stories 小说集<BR>Appointment in Samarra萨马拉会合<BR>• Henry Roth 亨利•罗斯<BR>Call It Sleep 安睡吧<BR>• Thornton Wilder桑顿•怀尔德<BR>Three Plays 戏剧三部<BR>• Robert Penn Warren罗伯特•佩恩•华伦<BR>All the King\'s Men 国王的人马<BR>World Enough and Time 世界与时代<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Delmore Schwartz 德尔莫•施瓦茨<BR>Selected Poems: Summer Knowledge 诗选:夏日<BR>• Weldon Kees 威尔登•基斯<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Elizabeth Bishop 伊丽莎白•毕晓普<BR>The Complete Poems 诗全集<BR>• John Berryman 约翰•贝里曼<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Paul Bowles 保罗•博伊斯<BR>The Sheltering Sky 遮蔽的天空<BR>• Randall Jarrell 兰德尔•贾雷尔<BR>Complete Poems 诗全集<BR>• Charles Olson 查尔斯•奥尔森<BR>The Maximus Poems 马克西姆诗抄<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• Robert Hayden 罗伯特•海登<BR>Collected Poems 诗全集<BR>• Robert Lowell 罗伯特•洛威尔<BR>Collected Poems 诗全集<BR>• Theodore Roethke 西奥多•罗特克<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>Straw for the Fire 柴火<BR>• James Agee 詹姆斯•艾杰<BR>Permit Me Voyage 让我出游<BR>Let Us Now Praise Famous Men让我们来歌颂那些著名的人<BR>• Jean Garrigue 让•加里格<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• May Swenson 梅•史文森<BR>New &amp; Selected Things Taking Place 新事新编<BR>In Other Words 换句话说<BR>• Robert Duncan 罗伯特•邓肯<BR>Bending the Bow 弯弓<BR>• Richard Wilbur 理查德•威尔伯<BR>New and Collected Poems 新诗和诗集<BR>• Richard Eberhart 理查德•埃伯哈特<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• M. B. Tolson M. B.托尔森<BR>Harlem Gallery 哈莱姆画廊<BR>• Kenneth Koch 肯尼斯•柯克<BR>Seasons on Earth 大地上的四季<BR>• Frank O\' Hara 弗兰克•奥哈拉<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• James Schuyler 詹姆斯•舒伊勒<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>• James Baldwin 詹姆斯•鲍德温<BR>The Price of a Ticket 票价<BR>• Saul Bellow 索尔•贝娄<BR>Seize the Day 只争朝夕<BR>The Adventures of Augie March奥吉•玛琪历险记<BR>Herzog 赫索格<BR>• John Cheever 约翰•奇弗<BR>The Stories 小说集<BR>Bullet Park 子弹公园<BR>• Ralph Ellison 拉尔夫•艾利森<BR>Invisible Man 无形人<BR>• Truman Capote 杜鲁门•卡波特<BR>In Cold Blood 冷血<BR>• Carson McCullers 卡森•麦卡勒斯<BR>The Ballad of the Sad Cafe 伤心咖啡店之歌<BR>The Heart is a Lonely Hunter 心是孤独的猎手<BR>• Flannery O\'Connor 弗兰纳莉•奥康纳<BR>Complete Stories 小说全集<BR>The Violent Bear It Away暴力夺走了它<BR>Wise Blood 慧血<BR>• Vladimir Nabokov 弗拉基米尔•纳博科夫<BR>Lolita 洛丽塔<BR>Pale Fire 微暗的火<BR>• Gore Vidal戈尔•维达尔<BR>Myra Breckenridge迈拉•布雷肯里奇<BR>Lincoln 林肯<BR>• William Styron威廉•史泰龙<BR>The Long March 长途行军<BR>• J. D. Salinger 塞林格<BR>The Catcher in the Rye 麦田里的守望者<BR>Nine Stories 九故事<BR>• Wright Morris 赖特•莫里斯<BR>Ceremony in Lone Tree 孤树中的典礼<BR>• Bernard Malamud 伯纳德•马拉默德<BR>The Stories 故事集<BR>The Fixer 修配工<BR>• Norman Mailer 诺曼•梅勒<BR>Advertisements for Myself我自己的广告<BR>The Executioner\'s Song 刽子手之歌<BR>Ancient Evenings古代的傍晚<BR>• John Hawkes 约翰•霍克斯<BR>The Cannibal 食人者<BR>Second Skin 第二层皮<BR>• William Gaddis 威廉•加迪斯<BR>The Recognitions 认可<BR>• Tennessee Williams 田纳西•威廉斯<BR>The Glass Menagerie 玻璃动物园<BR>A Streetcar Named Desire 欲望号街车<BR>Summer and Smoke夏日烟云<BR>• Arthur Miller 阿瑟•米勒<BR>Death of a Salesman 推销员之死<BR>• Edwin Justus Mayer 埃德温•贾斯图•梅耶<BR>Children of Darkness 黑暗的孩子<BR>• Harold Brodkey 哈罗德•布罗基<BR>Stories in an Almost Classical Mode 仿古故事集<BR>• Ursula K. LeGuin 厄休拉•勒瑰恩<BR>The Left Hand of Darkness 黑暗的左手<BR>• Raymond Carver 雷蒙•卡弗<BR>Where I\'m Calling From 我打电话的地方<BR>• Robert Coover 罗伯特•库弗<BR>Spanking the Maid 打女佣的屁股<BR>• Don DeLillo 唐•德里罗<BR>White Noise 白噪音<BR>Libra 天秤星座<BR>Running Dog 走狗<BR>Mao II 毛二世<BR>• John Crowley 约翰•克劳利<BR>Little, Big 小与大<BR>Aegypt 埃及<BR>Love and Sleep 爱与睡<BR>• Guy Davenport 居伊•达文波特<BR>Tatlin! 塔特林!<BR>• James Dickey 詹姆斯•迪基<BR>The Early Motion 早期运动<BR>The Central Motion 中期运动<BR>• E. L. Doctorow E. L.多克特罗<BR>The Book of Daniel 但以理之书<BR>World\'s Fair 世界博览会<BR>• Stanley Elkin 斯坦利•埃尔金<BR>The Living End 活的结局<BR>• William H. Gass 威廉•H•加斯<BR>In the Heart of the Heart of the Country乡村中心之中心<BR>Omensetter\'s Luck不祥人的幸运<BR>• Russell Hoban 罗素•霍本<BR>Riddley Walker步行者里德利<BR>• Denis Johnson 丹尼斯•约翰逊<BR>Angels 天使<BR>Fiskadoro 费斯卡多罗<BR>Jesus\' Son 基督之子<BR>• Cormac McCarthy科马克•麦卡锡<BR>Blood Meridian血腥最高点<BR>Suttree沙崔<BR>Child of God 神之子<BR>• William Kennedy 威廉•肯尼迪<BR>Ironweed紫苑草<BR>The Albany Cycle 奥尔巴尼三部曲<BR>• Toni Morrison 托妮•莫里森<BR>Song of Solomon 所罗门之歌<BR>• Gloria Naylor 葛罗利娅•奈勒<BR>The Women of Brewster Place 酿酒场的女人<BR>• Joyce Carol Oates 乔伊斯•卡罗尔•奥茨<BR>Them 他们<BR>• Walker Percy 沃克•珀西<BR>The Moviegoer 热爱电影的人<BR>• Grace Paley 格雷丝•佩莱<BR>The Little Disturbances of Man 男人的小烦恼<BR>• Thomas Pynchon 托马斯•品钦<BR>V. V.<BR>The Crying of Lot 49第49批拍卖品的叫卖<BR>Gravity\'s Rainbow 万有引力之虹<BR>• Cynthia Ozick 辛西娅•奥兹克<BR>Envy, or Yiddish in America 嫉妒,或美国的意迪绪语<BR>The Messiah of Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩的弥撒<BR>• Ishmael Reed以实玛利•李德<BR>Mumbo Jumbo 胡言乱语<BR>• Philip Roth 菲利浦•罗斯<BR>Portnoy\'s Complaint 波特诺的怨诉<BR>My Life as a Man 我作为男人的一生<BR>Zuckerman Bound: A Trilogy and Epilogue 被缚的祖克曼:三部曲和尾声<BR>The Counterlife 反生活<BR>Patrimony 遗产<BR>Operation Shylock夏洛克战役<BR>• James Salter 詹姆斯•索特<BR>Solo Faces 单面脸<BR>Light Years 光年<BR>• Robert Stone 罗伯特•斯通<BR>Dog Soldiers 狗战士<BR>A Flag for Sunrise 日出之旗<BR>• John Barth 约翰•巴斯<BR>The Floating Opera 漂浮的歌剧<BR>The End of the Road 路的尽头<BR>The Sot-Weed Factor 烟草经纪人<BR>• Walter Abish 沃尔特•阿比希<BR>Alphabetical Africa 字母表非洲<BR>How German Is It 多么德国化<BR>Eclipse Fever 退热<BR>I Am the Dust Under Your Feet 我是你脚下的尘土<BR>• Donald Barthelme 唐纳德•巴塞尔姆<BR>Forty Stories 短篇小说四十篇<BR>The Dead Father 亡父<BR>• Thomas M. Disch 托马斯•迪殊<BR>On Wings of Song 乘着歌声的翅膀<BR>• Paul Theroux 保罗•索鲁<BR>The Mosquito Coast 蚊子海岸<BR>• John Updike 约翰•厄普代克<BR>The Witches of Eastwick伊斯威克的女巫<BR>• Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. 库尔特•冯内古特<BR>Cat\'s Cradle 猫的摇篮<BR>• Edmund White 埃德蒙•怀特<BR>Forgetting Elena 忘掉埃莱娜<BR>Nocturnes for the King of Naples 给那不勒斯王的夜曲<BR>• James McCourt 詹姆斯•麦考特<BR>Time Remaining 剩余时间<BR>• James Wilcox 詹姆斯•威尔考克斯<BR>Modern Baptists 现代施洗者<BR>• A. R. Ammons A. R.阿蒙斯<BR>Collected Poems 诗集<BR>Selected Longer Poems 长诗选<BR>Sphere: The Form of a Motion 空间:一种运动的形式<BR>• John Ashbery 约翰•阿什伯里<BR>The Double Dream of Spring 春天的两重梦<BR>Houseboat Days 游艇上的日子<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>Flow Chart流程图<BR>Hotel Lautréamont 洛特雷阿蒙旅馆<BR>And the Stars Were Shining 群星闪耀<BR>• David Mamet 大卫•马麦特<BR>American Buffalo 美国野牛<BR>Speed-the-Plow 快耕<BR>• David Rabe 大卫•莱伯<BR>Streamers 飘带<BR>• Sam Shepard 萨姆•谢泼德<BR>Seven Plays 戏剧七部<BR>• August Wilson 奥古斯特•威尔逊<BR>Fences 栅栏<BR>Joe Turner\'s Come and Gone 乔•特纳的来与往<BR>• Anthony Hecht 安东尼•赫克特<BR>Collected Earlier Poems 早期诗歌集<BR>• Edgar Bowers 埃德加•鲍尔斯<BR>Living Together: New and Selected Poems 住在一起:新作与诗选<BR>• Donald Justice 唐纳德•贾斯提斯<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• James Merrill 詹姆斯•梅里尔<BR>From the First Nine 从最初的九个开始<BR>The Changing Light at Sandover 桑多弗变幻着的光<BR>• W. S. Merwin W. S.默温<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• James Wright 詹姆斯•赖特<BR>Above the River: The Complete Poems 河之上:诗全集<BR>• Galway Kinnell加尔威•金奈尔<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Philip Levine菲利普•莱文<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Irving Feldman 欧文•费尔德曼<BR>New and Selected Poems 新作与诗选<BR>• Donald Hall 唐纳德•霍尔<BR>The One Day 一日<BR>Old and New Poems 新老诗作<BR>• Alvin Feinman 阿尔文•费因曼<BR>Poems 诗歌<BR>• Richard Howard 理查德•霍华德<BR>Untitled Subjects 无题<BR>Findings 发现<BR>• John Hollander 约翰•霍兰德<BR>Reflections on Espionage 反思间谍<BR>Selected Poetry 诗选<BR>Tesserae 嵌块<BR>• Gary Snyder 加里•斯奈德<BR>No Nature: New and Selected Poems 没有自然:新诗与诗选<BR>• Charles Simic 查尔斯•斯米克<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Mark Strand 马克•斯特兰德<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>The Continuous Life 持续的生命<BR>Dark Harbor 黑暗的港口<BR>• Charles Wright 查尔斯•赖特<BR>The World of the Ten Thousand Things 大千世界<BR>• Jay Wright 杰伊•赖特<BR>Dimensions of History 历史的维度<BR>The Double Invention of Komo 科莫的双重发明<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>Elaine\'s Book 埃兰的书<BR>Boleros 波列罗舞曲<BR>• Amy Clampitt 艾米•克兰皮特<BR>Westward 西行<BR>• Allen Grossman 艾伦•格罗斯曼<BR>The Ether Dome and Other Poems: New and Selected 苍穹及其他诗歌:新作与选集<BR>• Howard Moss 霍华德•莫斯<BR>New Selected Poems 新诗选集<BR>• James Applewhite 詹姆斯•爱泼怀特<BR>River Writing: An Eno Journal 河书:埃诺日记<BR>• J. D. McClatchy J. D.麦克克莱彻<BR>The Rest of the Way 余途<BR>• Alfred Corn 阿尔弗雷德•科恩<BR>A Call in the Midst of the Crowd 人群中的呼喊<BR>• Douglas Crase 道格拉斯•克莱斯<BR>The Revisionist 修正主义者<BR>• Rita Dove 丽塔•达夫<BR>Selected Poems 诗选<BR>• Thylias Moss 西里亚斯•莫斯<BR>Small Congregations: New and Selected Poems 小集合:新作与诗选<BR>• Edward Hirsch 爱德华•赫希<BR>Earthly Measures 尘世尺度<BR>• Tony Kushner 托尼•库什纳<BR>Angels in America 天使在美国</DIV></DIV>

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发表于 2007-8-4 13:37:52 |只看该作者
Hermes Trismegistus

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发表于 2007-8-4 13:37:52 |只看该作者

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-4 13:38:37 |只看该作者
<p>Krapp\'s Last Game </p><p>应该是 Krapp\'s Last Tape </p>
按理说三道四 艳阳天南海北 http://shiker.blogcn.com e caddi come corp morto cade

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