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发表于 2007-8-4 13:58:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
<h3 style="MARGIN: auto 0cm;"><span lang="EN" style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; mso-bidi-font-weight: bold; mso-ansi-language: EN;"><a href="http://www.divinentd.com/brautigan/"><span style="COLOR: windowtext; FONT-FAMILY: Georgia;"><font face="MS Sans Serif" size="1">Richard Brautigan</font></span></a></span><span lang="EN" style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-FAMILY: Georgia; mso-bidi-font-weight: bold; mso-ansi-language: EN;"><br/><br/></span><span lang="EN" style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; COLOR: red; mso-bidi-font-weight: bold; mso-ansi-language: EN;"><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1">HAVE YOU EVER HAD <street wst="on"><address wst="on">A WITCH BLOOM LIKE A HIGHWAY</address></street><p></p></font></font></span></h3><pre><span lang="EN" style="mso-ansi-language: EN;"><p><font face="MS Sans Serif" size="1">&nbsp;</font></p></span></pre><span lang="EN" style="FONT-SIZE: 10.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 宋体; mso-font-kerning: 1.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN; mso-fareast-language: ZH-CN; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><font face="MS Sans Serif" size="1">Have you ever had a witch bloom like a highway<br/>on your mouth? and turn your breathing to her<br/>fancy? like a little car with blue headlights<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>passing forever in a dream?<br/><br/><br/></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">THE MEMOIRS OF JESSE JAMES<br/></span><br/>I remember all those thousands of hours<br/>that I spent in grade school watching the clock,<br/>waiting for recess or lunch or to go home.<br/>Waiting: for anything but school.<br/>My teachers could easily have ridden with Jesse James<span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span><br/>for all the time they stole from me.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">FLORA SHAKESPEARE<br/></span><br/>Acting out the place where the flowers die,<br/>circling their graves with themselves,<br/>your costume is perfect, you\'re on stage.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">15%<br/><br/></span>She tries to get things out of men<br/>that she can\'t get because she\'s not <br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>15% prettier.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">ROMEO AND JULIET<br/></span><br/>If you will die for me,<br/>I will die for you<br/><br/>and our graves will<br/>be like two lovers washing <br/>their clothes together<br/>in a laundromat.<br/><br/>If you will bring the soap,<br/>I will bring the bleach<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">LOVE\'S NOT THE WAY TO TREAT A FRIEND<br/><br/></span>Love\'s not the way to treat a friend.<br/>I wouldn\'t wish that on you.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>I don\'t<br/>want to see your eyes forgotten <br/>on a rainy day, lost in the endless purse<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>of those who can remember nothing.<br/><br/>Love\'s not the way to treat a friend.<br/>I don\'t want to see you end up that way<br/>with your body being poured like wounded<br/>marble into the architecture of those who make<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>bridges out of crippled birds.<br/><br/>Love\'s not the way to treat a friend.<br/>There are so many better things for you<br/>than to see your feelings sold<br/>as magic lanterns to somebody whose body<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>casts no light.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">CANNIBAL CARPENTER<br/></span><br/>He wants to build you a house<br/>out of your own bones, but<br/>that\'s where you\'re living<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>any way!<br/>The next time he calls <br/>you answer the telephone with the<br/>sound of your grandmother being<br/>born.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>It was a twenty-three-hour<br/>labor in 1894.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>He hangs<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>up.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">DONNER PARTY<br/></span><br/>Forsaken, fucking in the cold,<br/>eating each other, lost, runny noses,<br/>complaining all the time like so <br/>many people that we know.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">FORMAL PORTRAIT<br/></span><br/>I like to think of Frankenstein as a huge keyhole<br/>and the laboratory as the key that turns the lock<br/>and everything that happens afterward as just the<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>lock turning.<br/><br/>Everybody wants to go to bed<br/>with everybody else, they\'re<br/>lined up for blocks, so I\'ll <br/>go to bed with you.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>They won\'t<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>miss us.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">THE SISTER CITIES OF LOS ALAMOS, <state wst="on">NEW MEXICO</state>,AND HIROSHIMA, JAPAN<br/></span><br/>It was snowing hard when we drove<br/>into <place wst="on">Los Alamos</place>.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>There was a clinical feeling <br/>to the town as if every man, woman and child<br/>were a doctor.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>We shopped at the Safeway<br/>and got a bag of groceries.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>A toddler<br/>looked like a brain surgeon. He carefully<br/>watched us shop at the exact place where he would<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>make his first incision.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">NEGATIVE CLANK<br/></span><br/>He\'d sell a rat\'s asshole <br/>to a blindman for a wedding<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>ring.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">JULES VERNE ZUCCHINI<br/><br/></span>Men are walking on the moon today,<br/>planting their footsteps as if they were<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>zucchini on a dead world<br/>while over 3,000,000 people starve todeath<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>every year on a living one.<br/><br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 5;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>Earth<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 5;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>July 20, 1969<br/><br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">SHE SLEEPS THIS VERY EVENING IN GREENBROOK CASTLE<br/></span><br/>She sleeps this every evening in Greenbrook castle<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>without the comfort of husband,<br/>and what she knows is what she dreams.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>He isn\'t dead<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>and he isn\'t alive,<br/>and the crack of light beneath the door is like the tail<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>of a cat as she paces in her room.<br/><br/>She sleeps this very evening in Greenbrook castle<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>without the comfort of husband,<br/>and what she knows is what she dreams.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>He isn\'t dead<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>and he isn\'t alive,<br/>and the light in her window is like a wedding ring<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>shining to the dark and distant woods.<br/><br/>She sleeps this very evening in Greenbrook castle<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>without the comfort of husband,<br/>and what she knows is what she dreams.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>He isn\'t dead<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>and he isn\'t alive,<br/>and the light that reflects her golden hair is the answer<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>to her marriage and the children of her prayers.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">YOU\'LL HAVE TO BUY SOME MORE CHAIRS<br/></span><br/>If you love a statue start a mirror.<br/>Your friends will admire you.<br/>If you love a mirror start a statue.<br/>Make room for new friends.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">HINGED TO FORGETFULNESS LIKE A DOOR<br/></span><br/>Hinged to forgetfulness like a door,<br/>she slowly closed out of sight,<br/>and she was the woman that I loved,<br/>but too many times she slept like<br/>a mechanical deer in my caresses,<br/>and I ached in the metal silence<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>of her dreams.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">ALL GIRLS SHOULD HAVE A POEM<br/></span><br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 2;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>For Valerie<br/><br/>All girls should have a poem<br/>written for them even if<br/>we have to turn this God-damn world<br/>upside down to do it.<br/><br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 2;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>New Mexico<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 2;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>March 16, 1969<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">CHOSEN BY BEAUTY TO BE A HANDMAIDEN OF THE STARS<br/></span><br/>Chosen by beauty to be a handmaiden of the stars,<br/>she passes like a silver brush<br/>across the lens of a telescope.<br/>She brushes the stars, the galaxies<br/>and the light-years into the order that<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>we know them.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">30 CENTS, TWO TRANSFERS, LOVE<br/></span><br/>Thinking hard about you<br/>I got onto the bus<br/>and paid 30 cents car fare<br/>and asked the driver for <br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>two transfers<br/>before discovering that I <br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>was alone.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">LEASE<br/><br/></span>Do you think of me<br/>as often as I think <br/>of you?<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">THERE IS DARKNESS ON YOUR LANTERN<br/><br/></span>There is darkness on your lantern<br/>and pumpkins in your wind.<br/>and Oh, they clutter up your mind<br/>with their senseless bumping<br/>while your heart is like a sea gull<br/>frozen into a long distance telephone<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>call.<br/><br/>I\'d like to take the darkness<br/>off your lantern and change the pumpkins<br/>into sky fields of ordered comets<br/>and disconnect the refrigerator telephone<br/>that frightens your heart into standing<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>still.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">ROFESSIONAL, NONOFFENSIVE, BLAND<br/></span><br/>The gunman holds the wind<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>in his hand.<br/>Autumn and spring pass like robberies<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>across his eyes.<br/>He doesn\'t blink while one stops leaves<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>and the other starts them.<br/>The gunman is a friend to the changing<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>of the seasons.<br/>He holds the wind in his hand.<br/><br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">YEAH, THERE WAS ALWAYS GOING TO BE A JUNE 5, 1968<br/><br/></span>My telephone rang in the middle of the night,<br/>but I didn\'t answer it. It rang and rang<br/>and rang and SHUT UP! And rang as if it were<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>possessed.<br/>I always figure that good news doesn\'t travel<br/>in the middle of the night, so I didn\'t answer <br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>the telephone.<br/>I let it go to hell. I was right, too.<br/>It was somebody calling to tell me that Kennedy <br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>had been hit.<br/><br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">SHELLFISH<br/></span><br/>Always spend a penny<br/>as if you were spending a <br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>dollar<br/>and always spend a dollar<br/>as if you were spending<br/>a wounded eagle and always<br/>spend a wounded eagle as if<br/>you were spending the very<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>sky itself.<br/><br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">MOUTHS THAT KISSED IN THE HOT ASHES OF POMPEII<br/><br/></span>Mouths that kissed<br/>in the hot ashes of Pompeii<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>are returning<br/>and eyes that could adore their beloved only<br/>in the fires of Pompeii<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>are returning<br/>and locked bodies that squirmed in ecstasy<br/>in the lava of Pompeii<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>are returning<br/>and lovers who found their perfect passion<br/>in the death of Pompeii<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>are returning,<br/>and they\'re letting themselves in<br/>again with the names of your sons<br/>and your daughters.<br/><br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">A LYRICAL WANT, AN ENDOCRINE GLAND FANCY<br/></span><br/>A lyrical want, an endocrine gland fancy,<br/>a telescope that I thought had no thorns<br/>have lead me to a pain that I cannot pronounce.<br/>It gathers around me like a convention of translators<br/>for a language that does not exist with all those meetings<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>to attend.<br/><br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">THE MOON VERSES US EVER SLEEPING TOGETHER AGAIN<br/><br/></span>I sit here, an arch-villain of romance,<br/>thinking about you.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>Gee, I\'m sorry<br/>I made you unhappy, but there was nothing<br/>I could do about it because I have to be free.<br/>erhaps everything would have been different<br/>if you had stayed at the table or asked me<br/>to go out with you to look at the moon,<br/>instead of getting up and leaving me alone with<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>her.<br/><br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">TOO MANY LIFETIMES LIKE THIS ONE, RIGHT?<br/><br/></span>Too many lifetimes like this one, right?<br/>Hungover, surrounded by general goofiness,<br/>lonely, can\'t get it up, I feel just like <br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>a pile of bleached cat shit.<br/><br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">COLOR AS BEGINNING<br/></span><br/>Forget love <br/>I want to die<br/>in your yellow<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>hair.<br/><br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">ALL SECRETS OF PAST TENSE HAVE JUST COME MY WAY<br/><br/></span>All secrets of past tense have just come my way,<br/>but I still don\'t know what I\'m going to do<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>next.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span><br/><br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">AS THE BRUISES FADE, THE LIGHTNING ACHES<br/><br/></span>As the bruises fade, the lightning aches.<br/>Last week, making love, you bit me.<br/>Now the blue and dark have gone<br/>and yellow bruises grow toward pale daffodils,<br/>then paler to become until my body<br/>is all my own and what that ever got me.<br/><br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">AT LAST OUR BODIES COINCIDE<br/><br/></span>At last our bodies coincide.<br/>I\'ll bet you thought this<br/>would never happen.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>Neither <br/>did I.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span>It\'s a pleasant<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>surprise.<br/><br/><br/><br/></font></font><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size="1"><span style="COLOR: red;">DEER TRACKS<br/><br/></span>Beautiful, sobbing, high-geared fucking<br/>and then to lie silently like deer tracks<br/>in the freshly-fallen snow beside the one<br/><span style="mso-tab-count: 1;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>you love. that\'s all.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp; </span><br style="mso-special-character: line-break;"/><br style="mso-special-character: line-break;"/></font></font></span>
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