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已有 311 次阅读2010-8-16 14:00

with onli on of them were girl who wear glass whisper quiet.

eleg woman with a smile to stop her,The arrog of most girl Princess Yaya Naqijiubei must drink. had to leav the Langya in a voic thei can hear just said:  Thi beer is for a few years, open a good idea to put about ten minut after, then tast it out.   

 Thi I do not know? But thi bottl of wine so I do not deserv it.  

full of rich,The girl sneer call Yaya. bitter. She put that cup, tap the glass a moment to observ the color of drinks, sneer even more, befor the entrance, she wa deepli snif a little, beauti brow wrinkled, and final swallow a mouth of wine, swallowed, thi seri movement ar perfect, and she final face Langya, full of disdain,  balmain dresses I start drink wine when I am afraid to drink soda.  

did not refute. Langya can not help but smile.

someth we call you.   You go ahead.

she wa not aggress Langya. Langya turn in,Langya eleg woman signal left. she suddenli asked,  Who elect these glasses.  

tone neither overbear nor servile. Langya bit puzzl Road.

all right.  Elegant woman nodded, Oh. and did not Langya.

eleg woman port glasses,So Langya left. smiled. She call red bean girl wonder around:  The Tsing   balmain onlineYan, do you ask?  

 Wine is not more expens the better.  

 When the bar open and the green glad I happen to come on over,The most gentl and most quiet girl explained. not onli for decor bars, waiter wa veri disappointed, veri disappoint on the wine, and even glass ar veri disappoint that thi should not Yaya you took us to, we do not come back thi up killing. you certainli did not pai attent to the bar decor, I would think that today' itiner Bar SOS than the fair without them better than a lot of foul, at least, I prefer the wall on those esoter designs, Ye Hao, Channel Nine worth mentioning, although lively, can be pleas for me and the young ar rough spots. the years, to sai the least, said the glass, I think that all the bar better than to balmain


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